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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-09-05-ubisoft-ditches-controversial-always-on-drm-for-pc-games Good God, now their games will have 100% piracy rates. Related - http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/09/05/ubisoft-drm-piracy-interview/
  2. Halo really stands out on that list.
  3. Got Sleeping Dogs so far it's pretty fun - I'm not very good at the fist fighting though, got my butt handed to me in the 'Stick Up and Delivery' quest fighting them. Endless countering seemed to sneak my past it. Still the environment is fun to move around in and the combat is fun when I get it working.
  4. Not seeing why the keyboard and mouse not changing that much is a bad thing, it works well enough.
  5. Trying to finish Caesar IV and got stuck again. Damn Prosperity rating is stuck at 87 and no space to plank down villas and the legion of attendant services they need. Guess I'll have to restart but eh, will do that later. Going to replay the first two Broken Sword games as well.
  6. Well meant athiests. If you want a good laugh read the athiesm subreddit.
  7. Well, if they're anything like the ones online, I can see them losing the breeding game - who'd want to mate with jerks
  8. Wanted to play this weekend, but no digital copy out so I went with Amazon. Looks like Thursday of next week or so, bah!
  9. Interview with Cecil about the new BS game - http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/08/29/charles-cecil-on-broken-sword-5-ancient-myths-movies/ Hm, more Knightly conspiracy type stuff.
  10. Guarding a node solo is always a bad idea too, learned that in the old AB days in WoW (still the best BG there, really). Did like the Alderaan BG better than Huttball - latter is a huge pain as a sniper.
  11. Just for that.. sold!
  12. Thanks for the spoiler, ****. Uh, the developers have stated this, said it was a big decision and all, so not a spoiler at all. http://www.vg247.com/2012/07/28/dianas-death-is-a-catalyst-for-agent-47s-actions-in-hitman-absolution/ Rather disappointed that she does die though, she and 47 (and I guess Smith) were one of those nice constants through the series.
  13. X-Wing, TIE series LucasArts adventure games Rebellion (might as well) NOLF
  14. Good news! Was really poor of them to just drop them originally as they did. Since we know Diana buys it, I guess her voice actress not returning isn't as much of a letdown, but still why not get her back as well
  15. Went back to D3 and WoW, of all things, just puttering around the world - might as well charge my alt to 85.
  16. Malcador


    Fitting as Armstrong died this weekend
  17. They spend their time sneering at other languages ? Wonder if the guy fixed his problem though, which was getting this function to work as intended.
  18. Was sad to hear Neil Armstrong died, but 82 and he did at least one thing of note. NBC for some reason told me that "Astronaut Neil Young, first man to walk on moon, dies at age 82"
  19. Always glad to see others with family drama, helps me realize my extended family isn't a frightful rarity. It does provide a nice outlet for anger though - cousin hung herself, uncle told me and I said I was sad it wasn't him. Happy Birthday to Hurlshot as well, funny I thought you were at least 40 and not close to my age, heh. Have to go for a sleep study today, hopefully I don't have apnea or anything worse (such as my heart stopping while I sleep).
  20. Language snobbery is so undergrad. Still though, really should get back practicing my C++ and C#.
  21. Instant purchase. I'll wait for a sale.
  22. Kickstarter for a new Broken Sword game, and 2D-ish too.
  23. Uplink sounds interesting, will have to get that for my PC. For some reason I thought it was far older than 11 years though. Hm.
  24. Hm in some counties where the general rate is estimated that high, probably, does seem that was the theme, so maybe I'm mistaken. Sitll skeptical of any number they pull out though. It is nice to see them suffer that, with their DRM schemes, though.
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