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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. And you weren't raped or murdered? Hm, my sources on RSA are inaccurate!
  2. Previews - http://gamebanshee.com/news/111652-the-witcher-3-wild-hunt-previews-interviews-and-tidbits.html
  3. Well, see if the pressure leads to anything other than lip service, first. Guess that is a problem innate to the work the agency does, have to trust your politicians.
  4. Shame, was kind of hoping they'd do something that laughable. Oh well, give it a year.
  5. http://pastebin.com/uCmdh9jB
  6. I can't wait to play Ryse on the Youtube platform This was fun to read as well - http://www.pcgamer.com/previews/call-of-duty-ghosts-preview/
  7. Well they're whining for that http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/syrian-rebels-say-they-need-heavy-weaponry-not-small-arms-from-us/2013/06/14/775615fe-d4e2-11e2-8cbe-1bcbee06f8f8_story.html Maybe gold plated ones as well?
  8. Wow that is pretty cool, I had thought they'd allow it to be free as long as you're not failing horribly - sort of like a scholarship or something.
  9. I don't really, was my point about it being foreign to me. And there are cases where it's unreasonable, depending on the setting of the game, at least in that you want the character's demographic-specific appeal to fit in well.
  10. Wanting that doesn't always make sense though and you don't want to create some sort of checklist a designer has to go through because that sort of handcuffs them, no ? Guess it's just foreign to me to want a protagonist that is like me in order to enjoy a game.
  11. No tuition based on any conditions or just free university for all ? Sounds pretty good, though
  12. Pretty much, why is this fight worth the US' time and if they get any more directly involved, the life of any US service personnel ?
  13. I'm doubtful of those people being like that when they can earn a good sum from it. But also believing it and taking a pandering approach to it are separate - which is the kind of situation DE was alluding to. As for 'those people' well, those would be the ones who need to feel included in games these days somehow (why the hell are there no myopic protagonists, game designers are so short sighted).
  14. They have to be inclusive because..I guess those people can't step out of themselves or something. And it's great PR to do stuff like that - SJWs will flock to you. But anyway, not like he'll listen to your opinion - you're just some hate-filled, fascist Slav
  15. So, we're bouncing off extremes then.
  16. Well, assuming people actually take that stand you are talking about... But really, relations aren't damaged really as I assume most states are aware they are being spied on, jihadis aren't really hard up for deadheads to become suicide bombers.
  17. Nothing, just that I didn't realize it wasn't in English for a time.
  18. Took me a couple of minutes to realize I was listening to Romanian rock music today. Sure sign it's time for coffee
  19. Got bigger, got more corporate. Do miss the days of lots of publishers.
  20. Went back to Rift, am a bit clueless as to how it plays now. But F2P and I have a character at 27 already so might as well waste some time on that.
  21. The typos just add to the fear factor.
  22. What the... where did this come from? Game companies sure were a lot looser back in the 90s.
  23. Nice sword, though
  24. So the staff of RPS ? *ba-dum-tssh* But that clears things up I suppose.
  25. http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/injured-soldier-who-testified-about-struggles-given-discharge-notice-1.1319952 http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2013/06/10/pol-military-kirkland-pension.html Might be coincidental, and naturally this was a military decision not a government one.
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