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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. But at least they've got the word out, rather than just ending up silenced, if that's their worry. If you have absolutely no faith in the system actually functioning to correct itself rather than a giant CYA scheme, seems sensible to go outside it. Lighter example here in Canada, soldier went before Parliament to bring to light issues with getting health care. And now he was dismissed from the military for completely unrelated reasons
  2. Pretty idealistic though and if the people are this disgusted with what they're seeing going on as a matter of course they might be worried that trying to go up the chain will lead to nasty things happening to them, being in an intelligence industry.
  3. http://ca.ign.com/articles/2013/06/11/michael-bay-developing-ghost-recon-movie-for-ubisoft Oh nice. A GR movie..by Michael Bay.
  4. I'm sure that sounded better in his head before he said it.
  5. What exactly is a gaming hipster ?
  6. Wooo C&C Meh.
  7. They already know man. Government telepaths.
  8. No QTEs in Witcher 3, as far as I'm aware, minigames are optional so you don't need to worry your head about that, heh. Hard to really get bent up about trailers for cRPGs at least at E3, both games will have the inevitable trailers for element X (story, characters, combat) later on. DA used Marilyn Manson and epic action and that turned out decently well enough.
  9. Chelsea crest, Luiz maybe.
  10. Good advice would be to get out of London while you're in the UK, too crowded.
  11. http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/06/11/e3-2013-behaviour-announces-warhammer-40k-eternal-crusade/ 40K MMO from the dudes that made Doritos Crash Course 2.
  12. Saints Row 4 looks exciting. yeah.
  13. But what will we talk about until then
  14. Well,they do have a role in playing defense as well as keeping eyes on everyone (although ostensibly watching external threats) so that does open the US to some kinds of hurt (although I'm guessing you Euros would probably clap at that). But eh, Paul's plans always have a couple of head shaker elements.
  15. Of all the others, I think Ron Paul would've not only done it, i think that he would've gone so far as dismantle the NSA complelely (blocked by congress ofcourse). //EDIT: But these "would've, should've"-statements are pretty much pointless. What is more interesting is what is being done right now, which seems to be nothing. Eh can't see that as productive. Eliminate your country's best SIGINT agency and hope nothing ill comes of it in the end ? Not disagreeing that Intelligence agencies be kept on a tight leash though
  16. Because any of the other jokers would have prevented this
  17. Could be he's just decided to hide out someplace, as well.
  18. So if you have a strong belief that the system will just bury your report, what do you do then ?
  19. http://ca.ign.com/articles/2013/06/11/killer-instinct-is-a-fun-free-to-play-xbox-one-launch-game Hah.
  20. Monks bare chested is just fighting with meta armour. Don't get hit, no problem.
  21. Been a while since I saw a corpse at work. Last one was on a rooftop patio nearby, was kind of sad how the cops left his corpse to cook in the heat for about 18 hours.
  22. Lots of ways to make a Gorth sounding nickname. Or just report the guy for having an inappropriate nickname and hope they buy a tale it's a profanity or something.
  23. Will be funny if PE falls short, heh. Should probably get around to playing DA2, or at least read spoilers so I've some idea what's going in 3.
  24. Rather than the program's existence, it being renewed every 3 months is the real iffy thing to me. Also, the NSA created the Internet ? NSA sure is a capable branch, well or so they'd seem historically, e.g. their involvement with DES/Lucifer where they 'helped' with the design so people believed that they could have broken it back then.
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