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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I've just answered the door with a kitchen knife between my teeth and an annoyed look, actually made a little girl recoil. The Jehovah's witnesses are undeterred by that though.
  2. In that scenario, I can just see him dying a grisly death. Hm, makes me wonder how suitable the fire extinguisher we have is...and if it's still charged. Hating house life - endless people ringing our doorbell. Environmentalists, kids begging for cash so they can play soccer or some scam, politicians, crooked hot water heater salesmen, gyah.
  3. Yep, that's what they are there for.
  4. Tales from Liberty City, not Lost and Damned as the 16 gig install, whoops. But yes, someone I know mentioned that Ballad of Gay Tony was the better of the two. But eh, might as well slog through everything.
  5. So after setting GTA IV to only use one core, finally got past that bug. Failed a couple more times due to the helicopter controls on PC being a bit weird (and not being able to apply a 'bit' of collective). But all done now, 60 hours or so - not bad for $7.50. Will try Lost and Damned which I must say I'm surprised at the size of according to Steam - 14 gigs ? Sheesh
  6. So where's your Dad's new job, Calax?
  7. I spent $1500 on mine. Next time I build I'm just going to just not bother being frugal and build something I can brag about for 2 months. Should definitely get more RAM in my current one (maybe 16 gigs will be enough)
  8. Book reader vs non-book reader. I still love that .gif.
  9. https://twitter.com/redweddingtears Might be funny for you guys.
  10. Well I'm always buying them on sale so by the time I get it, it's patched up and all.
  11. Rockstar's game sizes are pretty massive, pain for me to download burdened with a cap as I am.
  12. Found it funny that I went through all of GTA 4 with not too many bugs, but a QTE on the last mission is preventing me from beating the game - fall off helicopter, mission fail. Overall the game is ok, main storyline is about as good as I can expect from a game like this and the city is pretty well made. Wish I could collect more cars though, heh.
  13. Not if they pull out guns. I was more thinking along the lines of the pants-twisting going on, not the murder of the British guy.
  14. Hah, well not that bad such that I'm apathetic, but when it comes to dealing with people it's easy enough to get a sense of what they want when they say something - up to you to give it to them. That and conserve your outrage. :D
  15. Should be easy to ignore. But then again, consider the forum. At least it's mildly entertaining to watch.
  16. And that's all it took ? Heh.
  17. Look at the bright side, you'll have more time for gaming.
  18. I don't do it all that often, but I'll replay Grim Fandango or Blade Runner now and then. The Civ games & SMAC I do play more often, although Civ 2 not as much anymore as I guess I've become used to the changes in Civ 4 (also can't find my CD for it..hm). A general list of others Supreme Commander Arma 2 CMI Rebellion Fallout 2 Deus Ex
  19. Man, the way you people are going at him you'd think he said something really nasty and rude.
  20. Shame US and Russia can't band together and annihilate both sides in the civil war.
  21. http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/local//orange_county&id=9122999 Oculus VR co-founder killed in a police chase
  22. I hate summer, it's getting muggy and hot here. Still don't get these idiots that like days where the humidity makes it feel like 38 C. Combined with the pollution, it's awful. But at least we got a thunderstorm last night, even though that made one of our dogs freak out. Now to be productive as I woke up early today...I'll play SMAC.
  23. I'm sure he'll believe that wasn't aimed at him despite all the signs it was, at least take a shot at him and be honest about it. And nothing wrong with joining a 'community' (heh) online to just have people to argue with, really.
  24. Battlefield 4, DICE is the developer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EA_Digital_Illusions_CE
  25. People's fetishes are their own business, man.
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