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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Maybe this is why publishers and Schafer have a bad relationship. Ah well, I doubt he'll suffer for it in terms of reputation the next time he uses a kickstarter.
  2. Another FNG at the office, still don't know who he is - though I suspect I should have gone across and say hello like most others, but eh. I guess the office will go out to the usual overpriced bar for drinks and work related conversation sometime this week as well, hm
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iRGHgHlUas Hm, wish I knew what was up with the tank firing line at 4:34 there. Cool, though
  4. Hooray for PM failure. Think the update was backers only
  5. Always nice to somehow miss things like that, well if it was with their client, anyway. Edgy though! Also a delight when Ubisoft gets egg on its face.
  6. Only on a designated day every couple of years.
  7. SR3 is pretty easy overall I found
  8. Watched this over the weekend while making sure the dachshunds stayed out of trouble. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWkIhPJeVQk Interesting pop-science at least.
  9. More of Rift, the story of the zones is pretty good and am having fun fiddling with the souls of my Cleric - liking a Shaman heavy build. Any spec that uses a skill where one bashes their staff against the ground and a bolt of lightning strikes their foe, is worth it. Also finished off TLAD in GTA IV, wasn't too bad, I enjoyed the cross over with the diamond subplot with Niko - also didn't realize that was Jim I killed in the subway until they mentioned him on the radio. On to BOGT, next.
  10. So apparently they've beheaded some priests and a Bishop as well. Charming folks these 'rebels'.
  11. Not really. He was elected. Democracy isn't the same as mob rule. technicalities aside, even if they depose him the next bugger will have exactly the same problems, and pretty much the same toolbox to tackle them. He won't do any better. Well if they topple him and replace him with someone else voted in, I fail to see the problem in that. Winning an election shouldn't be a shield, really. Done differently in that country as opposed to here.
  12. Well if people are expressing outrage with their leaders and seek to topple them, looks like a win for democracy by definition, in a way.
  13. Well good to know she didn't murder you, GD. Canada Day, here, so a day off work which I've already wasted half of in bed, meh, regrettable.
  14. Well he is supposed to be a hunter for hire, so isn't that unexpected that there'd be lulls between killing Big Bad of Region A and B. Witcher 1 combat was just timing combos with the flaming sword icon, not that great, but still was key to keep hitting mooks so they can't hit you. Fighting the Koschkey or whatever that demon crab thing was, on my first try to was nothing but that
  15. 35 gigs ? Jeez, will be buying that in a box, for sure.
  16. Best tool, maybe, But I suppose after TW2, it is to be expected.
  17. Didn't you say attractive women in bikinis ?
  18. True, a shame as well
  19. Shame Hillary didn't win the nomination.
  20. Interview with the executive producer
  21. Drunken Dark Heresy did not go well I can tell you. Well, when you break the GM's Wolf Priest model I guess things get nasty.
  22. Muting the game often ?
  23. Think he's aiming for Russians have the best sense of dress.
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