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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Think he's aiming for Russians have the best sense of dress.
  2. On Torgue's at the moment, pretty funny lines by the characters, in my opinion. The music in Torgue is some of the best BL music so far, as well.
  3. If you've tasted ass, well...you're in no position to judge, man.
  4. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/5livesstudios/satellite-reign One of those spiritual successor deals for Syndicate Wars
  5. Pretty much that. Though I am disappointed at Volition reduced to that Oh right, my games. Well been playing Arma 2, fiddling with the editor mainly.
  6. Running from the cops at the end ?
  7. Boots are a bit suspicious, but otherwise that is decent.
  8. Blessed is the slave that learns to love the lash.
  9. This forum is for the hardcore.
  10. Ecuador seems cool with it - http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/27/ecuador-us-trade-pact-edward-snowden And a nice jab at the US, because machismo or something. Also holy **** is reading the comment section on the Guardian painful.
  11. Upright. What was so hard about that ?
  12. All these labels for people are just confusing me now.
  13. I'd play a game with a cadre of Babushka space marines.
  14. I live in an area that has a lot of them and is known for it, funny too, guy I was interviewing with said "Oh you live in that area, all the **** are moving there". Really awkward silence after that.
  15. I'm sure Bioware fans would throw themselves at Gaider. Get the sense some of them might have explosive vests on at the time, but still, they'd do it.
  16. Hopefully you decked the guy that kissed you, heh, good course of action if anyone does that.
  17. Aside from the headwrap it's like a portrait of an old general or Emperor.
  18. Man, I need to up my style from my usual khakis and polo.
  19. Science yesterday still had a better success rate than religion's 0%. And science is an ongoing process. It doesn't stop. They didn't discover the atom and then quit because they decided that must be the end of the line. Theories rise and fall based on the best evidence available at the time. New evidence arises because people keep searching and theorizing and modeling mathematically. Newtonian physics was the foundation of putting men on the moon, and that guy lived a lot of yesterdays ago. Science yesterday eradicated smallpox, created vaccines for countless diseases, created antibiotics, put electricity and semiconducting materials in your house, removed the parasites and faeces from your water supply, etc. Do you really think if you'd been raised in a world where scientific inquiry didn't exist you'd be drinking clean water and living in enough comfort to complain about science on an electronic video game forum via a worldwide network of computers? The internet you're using was developed by the science of yesterday, after all. Aim on that joke was a bit too high, adjust and fire for effect.
  20. Careful, DE, they'll pounce you. Indeed, every man has his price
  21. Little fluff piece on Sid Meier/MPS http://kotaku.com/the-father-of-civilization-584568276 Did laugh at this anecdote from Stealey
  22. Looks like he scratched him or something, reaction aside.
  23. Well in one case they're forced, hypothetically, to go against their beliefs whereas in the other they are willing but unable to due to the law (although they can still perform the religious aspect of it in their case).
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