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Malcador last won the day on January 20

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About Malcador

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    Someplace in Canada
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    Pft, consoles.
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  1. Play the Old Skies demo, was fun enough. Coming out in Spring. Finished the Lunar event in D4 like a good trained lemming, got to T2 as well.
  2. Finished Kotor 2, got to see Atton die because I can't build good characters I guess.
  3. Snow is irritating, running out of space to clear it to. 20 cm this week and maybe 25 cm this weekend. Guess will have to shovel it while it's still falling, chip away at the boulder.
  4. Apparently DOGE has fantastic security. https://www.theverge.com/news/612865/doge-government-website-database-security-open
  5. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-says-reciprocal-tariffs-coming-thursday-2025-02-13/ Also, Trump doesn't know what VAT is, as he wrote on Truth Social. "For purposes of this United States Policy, we will consider Countries that use the VAT System, which is far more punitive than a Tariff, to be similar to that of a Tariff. Sending merchandise, product, or anything by any other name through another Country, for purposes of unfairly harming America, will not be accepted"
  6. https://buddycarter.house.gov/uploadedfiles/redwhitebluelandact.pdf "To authorize the President to enter into negotiations to acquire Greenland and to rename Greenland as ‘‘Red,White, and Blueland’’. Sherman didn't burn enough.
  7. "After reports circulated Wednesday night of the State Department's intent to purchase Tesla vehicles, the document was edited, at 9:12 p.m., and now says the federal contract is for $400 million worth of "armored electric vehicles," but the word "Tesla" was removed. Responding to a segment by MSNBC's Rachel Maddow about the $400 million contract, Musk wrote on X on Wednesday night: "Hey @Maddow, why the lie?" Hopefully more people report on the edit. But not like people will care about details.
  8. Well, I guess it can be a quantum of success. Not exactly raising hopes of any kind of reasonable deal, Trump's in it for his glory after all, that doesn't mesh with Ukraine, Europe, well or even the US' strategic goals.
  9. The ceasefire that is hanging by a thread, and threatening friendly nations for things they already had in motion?
  10. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/5141716-trump-ukraine-war-negotiations/ Not the best diplomacy at work here.
  11. Droid factory in KOTOR 2 should have been left out of that restoration mod, good grief what a tedious experience
  12. https://defence-blog.com/algeria-confirms-purchase-of-russian-su-57-fighter/ Algeria buying Su-57s, means we'll get a better look at it perhaps (and flaws will be waved away due to 'export model')
  13. https://newrepublic.com/post/191426/donald-trump-threatens-judges-blocked-orders “Hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth, much more than that, in just a short period of time. We want to weed out the corruption. It seems hard to believe that a judge could say, ‘We don’t want you to do that,’ so, maybe we have to look at the judges,” Trump said. “I think it’s a very serious violation.”
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