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Everything posted by Huinehtar

  1. It reminds me some options from AD&D 2 Revised. An interesting rule that could be illustrated by some side quests like Arcanum's weapon mastery quests. Or something like Dakkon's Blade in Torment.
  2. I could be interesting, but that would give a lot of work... And "typing only" would be disturbing for lots of people. But why not an option like this in Fallout? to ask something you type to a NPC? I think it's a good idea to implement some Easter eggs.
  3. I begin to read the third part of the Merlin Codex series ("The Broken Kings") by Robert Holdstock. I have read "Celtika" and "The Iron Grail", and other books from the Ryhope Wood series, years ago, but I was waiting for The Broken Kings' small paperback release in my country. I was shocked when I have heard Robert Holdstock passed away in 2009. R.I.P. So I never tried to continue, because themes (mystical forest spawning ancestral heroes and mythological creatures for Ryhope Wood, and antique vision of Merlin centuries before Arthur's story) were very particular, and I couldn't resolve my self to read last chapters from this great novelist. But, now it's time.
  4. Thanks Sensuki for sharing this interview! Concerning "great women/men" of History, leading revolts (with success or not), I recommend the "Book of Ash" (or "Ash: A Secret History") written by Mary Gentle, it's a great SciFi/Fantasy story (even if Mary Gentle herself consider these novels more as SciFi than Fantasy, that I agree), concerning some kind of utopia/"alternative past" in the late middle ages.
  5. I really liked how NPCs could react in Arcanum, and I will add, I'd appreciate if wearing faction armours could influence NPCs. (Not an easy way like: -PC: "Uh there are some paladins over here, I will open my inventory and will wear a robe from the priest I killed some minutes ago" *zip* "Hi! Fellows! The sun is shinning, isn't it?" robe => automatic reaction: -NPCs: "Oh you're priest, you can pass.") In fact, I was thinking about loots from bandits, a leather armour for instance. Wearing this armour could change townfolks' mind (if they were robbed by these bandits some days ago).
  6. When I said that it would be nice to have different sequences for a single area depending of some circumstances, I was talking about major areas like cities, or districts since we'll have two big cities And about voice acting, we have to think about translations, it could take some more time and need more money... But I definitely would be happy to have some kind of things! So, concept art, music and audio SFX, with text, would be enough to enjoy these moments. Voice acting would be a nice gift if OE implement it
  7. It's not about telling that IE games were bad, but they are perfectible. And especially the game system (AD&D, D&D3.0 for IWD2) which is the PnP most played in the world, but it's not really the best (and I am telling about each editions it had). Personally, I have seen much better systems in fantasy settings (but not necessarily).And the fact is OE doesn't plan to make an IE game with PE, because it won't use D&D rules (like Identify spell).
  8. I wasn't necessarily referring to a mage to master lore, take the example of a legendary bow mentionned by an ancient tale: a lone knight dismissed by his master because he was desobeing an order to take over a noble family's possessions; only the daughter could be saved by the knight from comploting man's spies who kills parents; the knight and the girl flew into the woods far from cities; years after, during a hunt, he discover a priest of some "nature" god -some kind of druid-; the priest kidnapped the girl to force her to worship his deity; so the knight wandered days and days, searching, and he found an old treefolk which gave him a little branch with which he build a bow; weeks after, the knight's soul was plenty of various feeling, like fear, hate, will, despair, etc... but the knight fought againts negative feelings inside himself, and always hold the bow, so intense feelings from his soul were communicated to the bow's soul (the treefolk forgot to tell that his branch had a part of his soul). After months, the knight found the priest deep inside the forest. When the knight tried to bend his bow, this bow was ready to shoot, as one being, the girl shout not to kill, she didn't want more blood to be spelt. And both knight and bow after ten long seconds accept to release the mad priest. Years after this tale, a mysterious being is wandering in deep woods, not searching some revenge, shadows can be seen, and some folks from little towns anear are telling that his being can spare only just's life, and may forgive some people, but doesn't have any mercy for others, and the bow acts at his own will, so noone tried to steal it. With this example, I am pretty sure, that rangers, and town folks would be aware of this kind of story, and a mage wouldn't find this tale inside one of his books.
  9. At first, I wanted to vote "I don't care" for this poll, but this poll is about PE (the main game, developped by OE). Since it will be possible to mod the game using Unity Engine (OE told it), and I know that there were some "mature"/nudity/adult/extreme mods for NWN and NWN2... If some players want nudity or other things, if they can wait (all of us, we already are waiting for official release) for several year and months, I am pretty sure that some modders will create mods they will enjoy. But concernant the main game, I absolutely don't want OE making some kind of things (at least, they can do some things like in Torment and Fallout 2 concerning prostitution, or some jokes - not necessarily South Park's jokes though) because I would like them to focus their time and work to more essential things, I believe (and like some other people, I think 2014 is pretty near).
  10. I dislike Identify spell from D&D, in rp matters, it's hard to bargain an artefact (what isn't one in fact) if the customer has just to buy a Identify scroll to reveal real value. I think, that only merchants (and experts, introducing a "knowledge level" - easy or difficult skill check depending of the item's rarity) could identify or at least have an idea. Of course, if the item is a broadsword, even a INT 1 character can say: "it's a broadsword, not a dagger" (But a giant could maybe think it's a dagger ). And I agree: a Mage can wear a full plate armor. Walking with it, is another thing . About "legendary items" (or very rare items): a character can search some information about it, getting some lore from books or experts (like Arcanum's martial experts), why not some "mini quests" or goals?
  11. I think it would be very nice to have a narrated sequence for each major area (and why not for each one a sequence according to the part of the day: morning, afternoon, night... and why not if you're returning to a area that you have already discovered, but where something really important has happened during the time you were wandering) But I am afraid that voice acting would be very present, and it could be "too much" for the game. At least, narrated sequences without voice acting would be a good compromise, I think.
  12. Here's my computer bought a year ago: CPU: Intel Core i5 2500K (Sandybridge) Motherboard: MSI Z68A-GD65 RAM: 8 GB (2x4) Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600 MHz GPU: MSI Geforce GTX 560 Ti HDD: Seagate Barracuda Green 2 To PSU: OCZ ModXStream 500W Case: Zalman Z9+ CPU Fan: Scythe Ninja 3 O/S: Linux 64bit Distro: Mageia 2 DE: KDE 4.8.5 And yes, it's Linux only, no MS Win ... !
  13. My first computer was a CPC Amstrad 6128... Other computers weren't cheap at late 80's At least, the monitor was very useful with the Megadrive/Genesis Adaptator to play Megadrive games on it. My first PC was a Pentium 100 MHz years after, when I stopped being a "console only" gamer.
  14. No. Why would "good" be more challenging? Just make sure it's not like in BG 2, where you get one tenth of the xp and half the loot for taking the evil choice. I was refering to the Peter Molineux's quote (about "sacrifice" from "good" characters), and of course, I agree that it depends on the way that game's designers wanted. All in all, different rewards between "good" and "evil" will give a challenge for a side or another.
  15. It could be reasonably the best option. It would be nice to have a menu to replay every scene however. As far I can remember, I enjoyed IWD much more than BG, but since I plan to play again all IE games (plus early Fallouts and other OE's and Troika's games) before PE's release, I will have to compare!
  16. I think that rewarding "evil" actions more than "good" actions, is just about two kind of gaming (and enjoying): players playing "good" characters will enjoy to have a difficult path as some challenge, and players playing "evil" characters will enjoy easy paths and thinking that "good" paths are useless. About "Sacrifice" for "good" characters, I think empathy (which couldn't be evaluated in a game) was in the balance to get some equality with material rewards obtained by "evil" characters. Even if I enjoyed playing "good" characters (Lawful to Neutral Good), now I really much enjoy "Neutral" ones (as I did in F:NV, in TW 1&2, and in Torment in Curst), because it is really difficult to "follow the line" and really amusing to get some freedom from Good and Evil archetypes, especially if your character proves to good and evil npc that they're wrong.
  17. I like very much narrated scenes (static scenes or animated scenes), because the player can take some rest between two parts (or Acts), and I think it's an opportunity to get some more immersive option of a game: to focus on the ambiant music, and on the narrator, to force to imagine all the scene. I loved IWD series intros, (in fact much better than BG's scenes, but I liked them too) but I can notice even action games didn't necessarily use cinematics... I remember Exhumed/Powerslave : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TLY2m3Ec9Y Thus, it's also a question: what is the more interesting? A silence with narrator only speaking? Or with a music which theme is changing according to the action? Personally, I think it must depend of the situation. About skipping narrated scenes, in fact, personally, at this point (the two opinions: not to skip to prevent some mistake like a wrong key shortcut, and to skip especially for a second run becaus of the knowledge of the plot, are balanced for me), I don't really know what I would prefer, but I think it could be better not to skip them to keep immersion.
  18. 1. "What can change the nature of a man?" 2. The Conspiracy in Arcanum (involving half-ogres breeding) 3. The KotOR2 tutorial (with the droid on the Ebon Hawk)!
  19. And thanks for posting some tunes in your Youtube channel, I have just discovered them! Even if some parts of them were in the PE Kickstarter video, when I listen to them they give me chills!
  20. Yes, and a wizard who tricks everyone (maybe in a small town without any mighty priest), telling everyone that he is an "avatar", could be a "false prophet". It would be interesting too, I think. I hope too there will be no objective evidence, I think that the major part is in the universe background. In some DnD cRPGs (it reminds me NWN, but there could be other games too, I'll have to play again), during the character creation, you can specify the deity you worship. (I thought it could be fun to write "Nothing", and to say after many hours of playing: "Beware the holy mighy priest of Nothing!" !!!). Seriously, background could be a bit evasive about deities, mention them as a cultural influence for many people.
  21. The thing is that deities are powerfull and exist in a fantasy world. But do they deserve to be worshiped ? In a fantasy world, does a peasant have to worship a DnD lvl 40 wizard or a golden dragon? The matter is not to deny every deity or every powerfull entity (in physical/metaphysical matters), but how everyone can consider these entities: as gods, as ennemies, as allies, as some parts of the universe, or as everything else.
  22. Thanks for this nice update! Well, it is a huge amount of work indeed... Regarding Blu-rays, I think DVDs will be a better choice, since everyone has not a BR Disc player (yes everyone will have at least a downloadable copy, but I think there are lots of people, like me, waiting to insert Disc to try manual installation like the good old times ) )
  23. I agree with idea that powers/deities aren't gods, and I liked the Athar in the Planescape Setting. Thus, as far as all priests aren't gods fanatics, all non-believers aren't anticlerical. It would be interesting that all of these ideologic schemes (Fanatic, believer, deist, agnostic, atheist, anticlerical) could exist in a fantasy setting (and of course with tensions).
  24. Hum... If we had to keep only one RPG... If there would be another RPGs after it, I'd say Wasteland. Because if humanity can keep on dreaming and imagining, there would be some other good RPGs with various environments, another Fallout, another BG, another IWD, another Torment, another Arcanum, etc... Seriously, it's hard to choice between Panzer Dragoon Saga, Fallout, Torment and Arcanum. And if we can wait 2 years for that, I will add PE and WL2 in the list!
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