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Everything posted by Huinehtar

  1. My original question was concerning the future boxed copies available at release for non-backers. Not boxed copies for backers. Not GOG digital keys for backers and non-backers. I thank Obsidian for planning to have a digital DRM-free version available and to have a DRM-free boxed copy for us, backers. I was just worried about future boxed copies, since I was planning to buy DRM-free boxed copies for some of my friends who haven't keep an eye on Pillars of Eternity.
  2. They used to be anti-DRM until few years ago. Their games usually have now a no-Steam.exe but Paradox moved recently to Steam-online-activation only. And I don't see them changing their stance on Steam anytime soon, since they say loudly how they love it.
  3. Can we be assured that Steam-free boxed copies will be available for people who hadn't backed the project, at release? Because, with Paradox nowadays, I am not sure.
  4. The new Broken Sword looks fine for me, it reminds me the cell shading used in the Runaway series. I don't know what original bakers have thought, though.
  5. Finished Syndicate and American Revolt. The original Syndicate is an awesome game, still play it once every year or two. And yeah, the expansion American Revolt is ludicrously hard. I mean absurdly hard. Try it after you finish Syndicate, I promise you get one hell of a WTF feeling, it's that insane The last mission of Syndicate was pretty tough, and it was the first mission in which I lost an agent, the first 15 seconds... WTF?! Then I began American Revolt, and you were true, the early missions were nervous and way harder than the early missions of Syndicate, they were with the same difficulty of the last mission... I used to have two main tactics in Syndicate: Persuadertron or Gauss Gun, but there... Too slow for the first one, and too many casualties with the second one. And I used to control the 4 agents as one unit. American Revolt forced me to control agents individually in a more tactical way than the original game, and to respond quickly, I chose Laser guns, and was forced to take cover very often. In fact, I enjoyed more American Revolt than Syndicate, even though sometimes (like you said), I was tempting to throw my mouse to the screen! There were a mission in which I had to add a "secret objective" because I lost many agents: "The Harvest" And near the end mission (even though I have done the research at the beginning), I discovered the true power of , so because of that, I found the end mission (the atlantic accelerator) very easy ! A lot more than the same mission in Syndicate! (In fact, I tried a second time to judge how easy it was, and it is hard, but it resolves very quickly, and some other missions were harder than this one, but it was nice). I think if I has played the game at the time (like the child I was ), I would have found it a nightmare... But, hey, I was playing Dune II back then... Syndicate is a very good game, but a bit too easy (especially for the late missions, except the last one), because of the economic part, I think. American Revolt is great, and except some weapons and medikit (since armours 3 are very powerfull) every item is useful, and really one of the best games I ever played. I will begin Syndicate Wars but not today, I enjoy the victory, mwahaha
  6. GOG has a new portal for indies: http://www.gog.com/news/say_hello_to_gogcomindie This week end, The Witcher 1 & 2 are 75% off: http://www.gog.com/promo/witcher_franchise_promo_220813 And there are many other games on sale (like King of Dragon Pass, Zafehouse Diaries, the Age of Wonder and Expeditions: Conquistador): http://www.gog.com/promo/thinking_gamers_delight_weekend_promo_230813 They have confirmed that AoW 3 will be on GOG (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5GlUzKwico&feature=youtu.be) and posted a gameplay video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL_fhkSgwfs&feature=youtu.be). I have never played any AoW game, but the alpha video is pretty sweet, maybe I should give a try for the previous games. Edit: I have just seen that the original gameplay video was posted in the News topic, sorry...
  7. An old man comes never back alone: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/wasteland-2/posts/564723 Wasteland 1 will be rereleased in the Wasteland 2 copy for backers, and separately, distributed for free for backers in GOG and Steam! If I understand correctly, Wasteland 1 should remain available after Wasteland 2's release, but not for free of course.
  8. The original Syndicate is an awesome game, still play it once every year or two. And yeah, the expansion American Revolt is ludicrously hard. I mean absurdly hard. Try it after you finish Syndicate, I promise you get one hell of a WTF feeling, it's that insane. Thanks! I have just begun to invade America (I own all other territories except this strange territory in the Atlantic). I will play American Revolt after finishing the Syndicate main campaing and I will try to finish it. Errr... I'll try, at least Syndicate is really fun, very dark, in some ways it reminds me the early missions of the "bad guys" of Command & Conquer and Red Alert (concerning civilians), and in some other ways, it reminds me Powermonger. I can imagine why no real Syndicate was planned for years, if the real problem would be censorship.
  9. Playing Syndicate (the Bullfrog's game). If at first I disliked the old save system (one can save only between missions), I really like it now, because it makes missions more intense, trying to avoid failure. I have heard that American Revolt was harder than the original Game.
  10. I remember the last time I played Icewind Dale and I had only two characters: a warrior-thief and a ranger-cleric, half-elves both. It was quite fun, of course with turn dead, convocation spells, removing traps, and hide in shadows. And lots of XPs It wasn't very tactical, but fun, so I don't recommend to play this kind of templates on the first run. On the second run, it could be very enjoyable, especially considering the fact having only two characters limit inventory, stuff, and reach easily and early xp levels maxes. Playing these characters was challenging in Very Hard with Heart of Fury in some places (like Trials of Luremaster).
  11. Outcast devs form Daoka, will build new games in series
  12. It's now the "Longest Day of #NoDRM Gaming Sale" now. Lots of bundles from -33%/-50% for the very recent games (Don't Starve, Fez) to -75%/-85% for most of these bundles...
  13. Games with serious plots/settings/characters could be great too. They can be entertainning too. Concerning movies, I can watch Army of Darkness and Dark City. I enjoy both. Concerning games, "fun games" and "serious games" could co-exist as well. But I agree, it would be a shame if one of these kinds of games could disappear. What I dislike about Dragon's Crown is the size of the head. It is too smal compared with the body (and breasts of course).
  14. It says DRM-free and on Steam: I assume that will mean they'll give you a Steam key along with your download. Yes, I read that. I didn't really want to debate about Steam and DRM, but since it isn't clear, I assume that Double Fine won't add third party DRM. And I do not want to install Steam to play games. They should have written "DRM-free or on Steam", or at least mention one other platform (Desura, GoG, Gamersgate, Gameolith...). It isn't clear, especially for the Linux version.
  15. Concept interesting, but ideas a bit oscure, sure will they clarify some in the next few days. But if I don't misunderstand, it's steam-only and without any physical version, so sadly I won't pledge for this one.
  16. Beware! the Y2K problem 2014.66783141592654 bug is coming! (do not forget "54", or your really undead soul will be cursed during 963 pico-centuries) Computers will stop all entertainment other than MMO F2P DLC LOL BIP-BIP WTF ZzZ social episoded monetized games. No one will be interested in developping or playing games designed to be played on his/her work machine at home. In fact, no one will work on computer, and no one will ever try to do something else, and nobody will be interested in something he/she could have tried if he/she wanted to. Humanity will never try to do something new with tools we already have. You have been warned. P.S.: some prophets said Rock n' Roll music died on September 19 1970.
  17. I really doubt PC gaming is dead, or will be dead in the next few years. Concerning IPs, new console games' IP are not so many: reboots, remakes, HD ports, cross-overs... In fact it is always the same. Yes, I am talking about quality and not quantity, but I do not personally judge a market only on sales, but with new creative design, because people can be tired of the same thing, they bought once, why buying the same thing again? Look at the Wii and the Wii-U. So considering exclusive IPs, many of them are console games (like GTA, RDR), but they are few. People do not buy multiplatform games on PC at first, because consoles are cheaper. But PC prices are not the same they were in the 80's. PC sales may have decreased this year, but I do not think it is because of a global decrease of the PC market. I think PC are now efficient for their price. Unless you are a wealthy hard core gamer, there is no interest having a new PC each year or every 2 or 3 years. And now have we new IPs (yes indie games), PC/tablets/smartphone exclusive. AAA games are so expensive to produce, and also so few, that if they don't sell enough, it could be dramatic, do not forget the indie scene, crowdfunding and low cost engines. PC won't be dead, because 1) people will always need a computer to work, and in some cases, tablets and smartphones are useless, (even though there are some hybrid things, laptops with tablet screen for example) 2) Since there are some opensource softwares useful or needed for working, there will be opensource communauties and inside of them, there will always be people wanting to create some games on their computers/devices... This could be niche, but this will remain. Gaming-only machines/devices will die, if they cannot provide more than multitasks devices.
  18. Ewwpsss, I didn't notice that, my bad. Now it's obvious They were probably too busy shooting each other in Unreal Torment to notice the mistake... Mindshot! Mon-mon-monster sentence! Ultra theme!
  19. I think that Numenéra is related to some Latin words: Numen and maybe aera. Numen seems to be related to a supernatural revelation, a power linked to some gods. Aera, somehow written éra, might be related to Air, something misty or from imagination. Latin experts will correct me for sure. Each time I have to pronounce Numenera, I say Numen-era, it's easier not to misspell.
  20. I am sure that the three characters' names would have been Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins. The first one could have said: "That's one small step for PE, one giant leap for RPG"
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