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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. That's great, but they can't change the whole combat and movement system around for the different platforms, right? At least one of them is going to suffer, I hope that both won't. Who says they can't?
  2. ON TOPIC EH? Otherwise I'll close this. Just to note, it is only disrespectful and slanderous if it is false.
  3. The GUI for the PC will be totally different than the GUI for the console. Bioware has stated this.
  4. Well, I wonder if the PC version will have achievements through GfWL.
  5. Except by those who are working on the patching process.
  6. Wouldn't this be better off posted at the official forums?
  7. I don't see it as a barbie doll dress kit to add in character customization. When I play a CRPG I like to play my character. I want to feel like I have ownership of my character. I want not only determine the character's skills and abilities, but also look and style. I want to play my character, not some pre-gen material spoon fed to me from the designers. The story is important, but without me feeling like I own my character I feel more like a spectator than actually playing the role.
  8. SOmeone needs to remake Jagged Alliance using the Fallout 3 engine. :D
  9. I am using the new beta driver 161.22 GeForce driver for a while and it hadn't crash. I am going to try out the final released version to see if there is any significant difference.
  10. That may be true with the last generation, but not this generation of consoles. There have ben four different XBox 360, various versions of the PS3, and soon the Wii is joining the fray with a Dard Drive enabled version.
  11. Hey! Some places charge by the hour for that sort of thing. Make sure you just use a towel afterwards.
  12. I like multiple consoles because each console, while competing for the gamer audience, each one has its own little niche. PS3 for the technophile lites, XBox 360 for the mainstreamers, and the Wii for the family oriented crowd. I think that is how we should keep it at. Well, that and a PC/Xbox 360 hybrid. I want my hybrid dammit!
  13. I could comment, but these are PG13 forums...
  14. That will be the one in March. "Broken Steel" is its name I believe.
  15. If one is to be put to death because of some heinous and grievous action then it should be done as quickly, as directly, and as painlessly as possible. Certainly there are some acts that are irredeemable, and such unfortunate punishment would need to be used.
  16. So, what do you think of Hamas terrorists using bombs and rockets on Israeli civilians who have children around them. After all, by your assessment then Hamas should be fried.
  17. If I had the skills I would, but I can't program worth a crap nor can I do so well making art assets. I can spin a god yarn with story telling but beyond that I just don't have the ability. I wish I did.
  18. It probably works better if it is done before.
  19. Rage one to many times at the sky and the next one to snap may be any one of us. The first step in treating these people and prevent other tragedies we need to find the root cause of the psychosis. Is it environmental, screwed up brain chemistry, or a combination of both?
  20. Movies... 1. Willy Wonka and the Chocalate Factory (Gene Wilder version) 2. Bedtime for Bonzo 3. Quill 4. The Princess Bride 5. Monsters and Mazes Songs... 1. Walking Contradiction (Green Day) 2. Tonight Tonight (Smashing Pumpkins) 3. Rise (Origa) 4. Deception (Cruxshadows) 5. You, Me, and the Devil (Marilyn Manson) Happy?
  21. Yeah, that Hades guy is such a jerk.
  22. PIXIE STICK! *pounces on thepixiesrock and shoves a cheese danish down his throat* I have been catching up on Battlestar Galactica and going through the Storm of Zehir expansion.
  23. No, the negative sense of the Golden Rule is: Do unto others before they do unto you.
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