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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Eh? Wasn't he a Biowarian for a bit? The Developer Shuffle makes me dizzy.
  2. I just don't get why people are so anti-Vista. I had Vista since it was released and I haven't had any major problems with it. I had more problems with XP and ME than I have ever had with Vista.
  3. That is right. Remember, PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals. A 140 year old lobster doesn't sound too tasty.
  4. As I said before, there are no good guys in this fight.
  5. Both NWN games reminded me of the old DnD cartoon in graphic representation. While Bethesda's TES games tried a "realistic" approach the Bioware and Obsidian tossed that idea out the window and went for a more cartoony look, which works in my opinion.
  6. On the ship I was on we had white phosphorus shells that was used as armor piecing rounds on enemy naval ships.
  7. That is his not-so hidden super power. I would say that NWN1 looked good in its day when 3D graphics became standard in PC CRPGs. It is debatable if NWN1 looked better than the IE games, for beauty, as always, is in the eye of the beholder... Not the Illithid. I will say that I enjoyed the IE series of games more than NWN1 and its expansions. After all I only bought NWN1 twice, and BG1 about 5 to 6 times for I kept wearing out the discs.
  8. What? Each one tries to kill you. The only difference is the uniform, or lack thereof.
  9. Terrorist, enemy combatant, enemy soldier... They are all the same to me and should be all the same to the Geneva Convention along with any civilized nation.
  10. It is always sad to see one go. Best of luck to you, Mr. Brandon!
  11. I so much wanted to kill that git. Kill him with a bunch of arrows just for kicks!
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCRE9qOgbug
  13. Well, some of us find rabid egomaniacal loathing hilarious. Or am I the only one? On a more serious note, it is too bad a child died and I hope the guy gets what he deserves but since this is the UK I doubt it. The UK doesn't have the death penalty, does it, Walsh?
  14. I really doubt WotC will allow any more 3.5e material, regardless of format, to have any official support.
  15. Atari might think it still might be profitable, but does Obsidian? I think Obsidian is better off either making their own IPs or non-DnD products, much like Bioware has done.
  16. It isn't a matter of size, Volourn, but desire. Why would they want to make a third expansion for a game that is showing its age, using a rules set no longer supported by its parent company, and a game engine that is a b**ch to shoe horn new things into when they could make a new game, with a more efficient engine, without being constrained by a third party rules system?
  17. Or they could do what Bioware did with the first expansion for NWN1 and had a third party do it. Mind you that didn't work out all that well with SoU.
  18. Since one side, Hamas, is only really interested in wiping out Israel I doubt there will be any lasting peace until one side does wipe out the other.
  19. I bet you haven't even played it. It is vastly superior to nearly every single game with a notable exception of four.
  20. I don't know about that, Volourn. Fallout 3 is definitely a fun game to play.
  21. A friend gave me a copy of Fallout 3 on the PC. I am pretty surprised by the performance on my crappy computer.
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