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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Why not have it that only a person who has served a minimum of 2 years in military service can vote, and only those who have served a minimum of 6 years in military service can hold public office? Those found guilty of a felony lose their right to vote and hold public office until their debt to society is paid and spend 2 or 4 more years of military service again. Democratic and meritocratic. Best of both worlds.
  2. I free hate girls. No, um, Girls hate I free. That's not it. Free girls hate !. Closer...
  3. To bad they don't know how to get good games on it and good support for those games. Hows the Fallout 3 DLC? HA! Also, after 2 years of abuse I expect things to break.
  4. One just cannot refute that logic. GO GO PIXIESTICK!
  5. Maybve you should see a therapist for your self-image problem.
  6. I got the Red Ring of Death today on my XBOx 360 so I called up Microsoft and they are going to repair it for free. Yay for free!
  7. My XBox 360 died this morning. After 2 years of glorious use, and the fact I just bought a HDTV for it, I get the Red Ring of Death. Damnable bastards. Good news is that it is being repaired/replaced for free.
  8. Bye, Gabs. Hope everything works out.
  9. The only game that Bioware did romance anywhere near being right and even that was a bit off kilter was in Mass Effect. Jade Empire wasn't bad but still far from being up to par. All others stunk to high heaven. If I want to rip open the rib cage of the romance option and play with the gooey bits then you are doing romance wrong, Bioware. Bastilla, Carth, Aerie, Viconia, Jaheira, what's her face in NWN1, and yes, even Carth's reincarnation in ME I all wanted to rip open their rib cage and replace the lungs, heart, spleen, stomach, and whatnot with cute kittens, then sow it shut.
  10. Human dominance in a fantasy CRPG is pretty much the mainstream. Now if Bioware wanted to do something a little risque they would have had elves or dwarves be the dominant race and humans living in the ghettoes and such.
  11. I have decided not to watch it. After the whole Firefly incident I don't trust Fox to keep this show around. Why get interested in a series that is most likely to die before its first season ends?
  12. But Rhomal wants Bioware pron! Go for the boobies, Boo! AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGHHH! See, Boo, squirrels! Throw your nuts at them!
  13. The only game I can think of that has official "nudey stuff" was Mass Effect and they didn't even show any of the naughty bits, so it wasn't full nudity. Partial, yes, but full? Nope.
  14. Well, we all know that Obsidian is obsessed with boobies. They are the same people that gave us the Icewind Dale nipples in the Icewind Dale 2 logo and the naked old chick. I have yet seen a Bioware game that has breasts in its name logo. THEY LACKS BALLZ!
  15. I would love jury duty. It would be nice to be on the other end of the court room. Each time I was to go to court I was a damn witness.
  16. You no elf. You got boobs! *to paraphrase an half orc in an FR old campaign..."
  17. I should be getting my tax refund soon. WHen I get it I'll get a Gold nMembership and L4D. I'll probably die very quickly.
  18. Oblivion for the Xbox 360. It seems very odd. I have Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Mass Effect for both the PCX and XBox 360, yet I play the XBox version more than I do the PC. The only game I play on the PC of late is NWN2 and if that showed up on the XBox 360 I would probably be playing it on that as well.
  19. Heya, guys. I am going to get a gold membership in a day or two. Just wondering what game I should get that has good online playing, co-op, teams, or otherwise. The only games I got that has any online gameplay I have is Call of Duty 4 and Uno. Yeah, Uno. I heard L4D is decent and as well as Gears2. Of those two which one should I get?
  20. HEY! Where is the damn Hades clone! I want to challenge him in one on one combat. Damnable bastard!
  21. Better than under Bush. At least Obama admits he makes mistakes unlike Bushie.
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