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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. You know, I don't particularly like social conservatives. For some odd reason, they just make me want to shove packs of C4 in their eyes, ears, and mouth, then remote detonate. Don't know why, but I just do.
  2. Can I extend this comment by asking what the **** has got into you recently? Lets just say that I am really getting sick and tired of all the jackholes in the world and thinking I need to go on a jackhole hunt with a 12 gauge shotgun and willie pete rounds. In this matter, we need to teach these pirate scum not to mess with Americans. We may kill the hostage, but by attacking we can make sure these pirates will never again prey on others.
  3. I guess its alright for Dagon. Personally, I rather have everyone be treated equally and have the same rights and liberties. Maybe that's just me.
  4. These are criminals and terrorists, you do not negotiate with such scum. You kill them.
  5. So, you are saying that the majority has the right to treat a minority like a bunch of second class citizens and deny them equality. Gee, Dagon, you must enjoy wearing white sheets with a pointy white hat.
  6. As an Iowan I have to say that I feel a little bit better about my state. Iowa has an long history of being the forefront of civil rights and liberties and this is just another stepping stone. Of course the bigots now are going to try for a constitutional amendment like they did in California. Luckily such measures is quite hard to do here in Iowa. The earliest such a measure will pass would be 2012. Another big boon on this is that the state government will be getting revenue from licensing fees and tourism will increase. Economist expect over $160 million increase in Iowa's economy over the next three years. There might be a glimmer of hope for the human race yet.
  7. I don't have any questions but I do wish you the best on any future porjects. I hope you keep in touch around here.
  8. My only suggestion is to let the player have more control in character creation, but it is a little late for that now.
  9. Well, I just finished Day Three without any pop or caffeine. 3 days pop and caffeine free. That is somewhat of an accomplishment since where I work at I get free pop whenever I want it.
  10. Space, the final frontier This is the voyage of one flying rodent clinging for dear life to a space shuttle. Boldly going where no bat has gone before!
  11. Regal Trampoline - The Dark Project Amazon Manlove Brawl Tony Hawk's Mummy in My Pocket
  12. Agreed. Going at high speed down a snowy hill with things that can pop in the way doesn't seem all that healthy to me. Mind that tree. What tree? SPLAT!
  13. Keep dreaming. This is InXile we are talking about, not Obsidian.
  14. If it is anything like that crap "Bard's Tale" game they made it would be one to pass on. Has InXile made any game worth playing yet?
  15. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29733775/?gt1=43001
  16. You are young only once, but you can remain immature til your dying day.
  17. Bugs have icons now? WHEN WILL IT STOP! Better get Casper Van Diem on the case.
  18. You can have some of mine. Plenty to share. Bring your own knife.
  19. The FDA charts say I should be around 165 to 170 in pounds for my height.
  20. I wish it was a typo. What is even sadder is that I am a better sprinter than my roommate who is a lot closer to his optimal weight for his height.
  21. Don't I know it. I studied Islam a bit, and the problem is not the religion, but the cultural attitudes of people that pervade the religious aspects. For example, a moderate Muslim living in the US is going to have differing cultural attitude compared to a moderate Sunni or moderate Shiite from Iraq. The problem are the extremists and there are extremists in every religion, from Christianity (Reverend Phelps) to Islam (Osama Bin Ladin). I haven't heard anything about extremist Buddhists, but I am sure they are out there. Sneaky bastards. In any case, I think the main problem that US media has with Islamic countries is the sheer amount of censorship that goes on. Censorship is the first step in removing freedom.
  22. 1.73 m. I need to get down to around 80 to 85kg.
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