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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Speaking of which, I have a Gold membership now.
  2. Utopian? Fah. I am talking about being realistic here. The purpose of a company is to make money. The way a company to make money is to make products people want to buy and use. A company that doesn't make products that people want to buy and use is a company that doesn't stay in business. It fails. Basic business management 101 here, Twink. People like you tend to forget that companies like Bethesda and Obsidian aren't charities govern by our whims. They are businesses. Businesses that have obligations to creditors, employees, and the like. If they don't make games that sell, they are dead. Just like Troika. Is that what you reaslly want? If so, then you are the one trying to live in an Utopia that will never be.
  3. The stuff I like about 4e is the story aspects. The game mechanics suck.
  4. I rather have a pile of money. Money pays the bills, pays for rent/mortgage, and buys food. You can be a legend all you want, Twink. I think I rather have a roof over my head.
  5. Then when Pong retrurns we will have gone full circle and the process can start again! Thus it is the Great Circle of Gaming.
  6. Fine with me. I rather Obsidian make games that sell than have Obsidian make one or two more games then die as a company.
  7. That is why they gavem Fallout 3 the Construction set.
  8. What I am saying is that I don't want to see Bethesda and Obsidian commit financial suicide. Making niche games will not pay the bills nor their employees. Want proof? Troika.
  9. If you played "The Pitt" DLC the slavers and slaves have a very fine grey area once you learn the entire story. My very good Last, Best Hope For Humanity sided with the slavers.
  10. Sheesh, people, they maide this game for mainstream casual gamers, not hardcore fanatics. All the stimpack mods, and turn base crap is gerat for mods, but lets keep them out of the main game. As much they may add to the difficulty for hard core gamers lets not forget that it is the mainstream gamers that keeps companies like Bethesda and Obsidian in business so they can make more games.
  11. I hated 4e DnD. I have both ran the game and played it as a player. All the classes play basically the same. Minitures is absolutely necessary unlike previous editions. 4e DnD is a money pit just like WotC's CCGs and just as pathetic.
  12. Why? Arcanum's combat was terrible, the graphics was subpar, and the over all game play wasn't all that gripping. The story was interesting, but the faults of the game hampered the story telling. The game just wasn't fun to play and if the game isn't fun to play then you can have the best story in the world and it wouldn't matter because no one would want to play it. Fallout 3, despite its faults, is fun to play. Well, at least for me. I rather have Obsidian make their Fallout be both fun to play and have a greate story.
  13. Well, to be honest, Arcanum was average at best. ToEE was damn too painful and too buggy to play that I didn't even bother getting Bloodlines till it was in the $10 bargain bin, and by that time Troika was on death's door.
  14. Funnily enough, a great deal of 'uber hardcore Fallout fans lolz' actually advocated a wait-and-see approach when the game was announced in 2004. Of course there were some going IT HAS TO BE TURN BASED/ISOMETRIC/ETC (and the funniest bit was how this specific kernel would differ between individuals) OR WE WILL BURN YOUR BABIES, but there was a lot of reasonable expectation and desire for communication. Obviously it didn't pan out so well. Yeah, and I was a part of that pointless mess, then I had a Doctor Strangelove moment and grew up.
  15. Yeah, I have asked some wacky stuff in games in the past but you know what. I have given up on that. Developers will put in games what they think will make a more sellable product and anything else be damned. To make requests of devs and designers is a waste of time. They will make the game they want to make and we have the choice to buy and play it or not. If Obsidian makes a game that looks like I won't like I won't buy and play it. If they do, then I will buy and play it.
  16. when did i EVER say anything remotely close to this. when have any of the countless threads since the 20th of April been focused on such a concept? It is the tone in which you are writing. Very much like the whole ranting and raving and gnashing of teeth that went on when Bethesda announced Fallout 3. As the consumer, sales are meaningless to us. How much a product sells is the concern of the company.
  17. Not enough blood for you, eh? Nah, just too many chemicals involved.
  18. I expect the new Fallout from Obsidian be like Fallout 3 but with a bit more refinement on game play elements and a much more interesting story and quest line. Expecting Obsidian to revert to Fallout 1/2 style game play is just being silly. I rather have Obsidian's Fallout be closer to Fallout 3 than that. I expect Obsidian to make a game that will sell, unlike Troika's outings.
  19. Fallout 3's game play is one of its strengths. I found the game quite enjoyable to play.
  20. Its Bethesda. Story telling has never been one of their strengths, though they are improving compared to their previous outings.
  21. The only reason why I am here now is that I go to work in an hour's time and there is nothing good on the television, as there ever is. You don't have to accept what is given to you. You can not spend the money and not play the game. WOAH! Shocker there.
  22. So far there has been 20 or so deaths around the world because of Swine Flu. Now, just how many deaths per year can be attributed to regular flu?
  23. Oh, please, grow up or something. Sheesh. Its a game. The purpose of a company is to make a product that makes them money and Bethesda had the rights to do anything they want with Fallout if that makes them money. Crying about it on the Internet isn't going to change a damn thing. Also, hoping is a waste of time. Crap in one hand, hope in the other, and see which one gets full first.
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