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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Agreed. Seriously, I just like to know why Twink and the others are getting so worked up about a game. Don't like it, don't play it. Obsidian will do what Obsidian will do, as long as it stays within the confines of the contract they signed with Bethesda. As J.E. Sawyer, I think it was him and I am paraphrasing, Obsidian isn't making this game for twelve angry pygmies and you, Twink. There is a lot of silliness in the Fallout series, from the first to the most recent. A lot of people are just taking the game way too seriously.
  2. I wasn't aware that was the case; I don't remember seeing Thievery on the list of skills a Warlock could take - but again I've not tried to play the game. And whether sneak attack is "great" or not is irrelevant in terms of setting a class apart from another class. Any skill is available to any class if you take a feat.
  3. I do disagree. I think the game keeps the whole "nukes are bad" theme in many respects. The Megaton incident for example.
  4. How do you solve socialisation issues in dogs? You teach the dog the values of capitalism. Sorry, bad joke.
  5. Very good, Ziggy. You deserve a cookie. Now add in a century of refinement that the Fallout universe would have before the war in 2070 and you would, logically, have the Fatman.
  6. Mass Effect is a very good game, just get the XBox 360 version. Its less buggy and doesn't have SecuROM.
  7. Actually you can have a Warlock with just as good as a Rogue when it comes to the Thievery skills. Also the sneak attack isn't all that great.
  8. When was this competition?
  9. Good to hear. I am on the same road, almost. Just replace medical bills with college loans.
  10. HELLO! We do live in a capitalistic society. They bought it so they can do whatever they want with it. If you don't like it, why don't you cough up the money to buy it from them, buddy. Again, I have to say GROW UP. That's great. Go play Fallout 1 and 2 then, while the rest of us get back to 21st century gaming. Lets see here... Dragon Age is going on the console. SHOCK THERE! Its design does have the console audience in mind. OH NOES! Dragon Age will be real time, just like Fallout 3, and have cheap "death" tricks for companions just like KotOR and ME. No. They wanted to make their own Fallout game which is why they bought the Fallout properties. It was for sell, they bought it. They own it. They can do whatever they want with it. No one is forcing you to buy the game or play it.
  11. da fug? It's just a bigger rocket launcher. Also the weapon was based on an actual real world weapon that was developed back in the 1950s. I just like how people make idiotic criticisms without actually doing any research on the subject matter first.
  12. it's generic, forced and uninspired. it has no personality, it's corny and they give the appearance of having more to say than will actually affect any outcome in the dialogue. Like generic, forced, and uninspired dialogue hasn't been found in other CRPGs from other companies such as Obsidian, Troika, and Bioware.
  13. Twink, the only thing I concern myself nowadays is if the game is fun or not. Fallout 3 was fun to play. Fallout 3 is more fun to play than Fallout 1 and 2 for me now. Sad, but true.
  14. That is pretty funny. Never had that happen to me though. Whenever I get that close to a super mutant they switch out to go melee against me.
  15. I have played Fallout 1 and 2 many times, though I do prefer Fallout 1 over 2. I never found the two games all that difficult. Never did I die, nor did I feel like running away all that much. Fallout 3 I died plenty of times, and stealth was far more useful in Fallout 3 than it was in Fallout 1 and 2. So was the sniper rifle. Sneaking around areas, using the sniper rifle takes good strategy, especially if you are facing a deathclaw. First thing you want to do is take out the legs.
  16. Fallout 1 and 2's gameplay was slow and ponderous. It was no real challenge. Fallout 3's real time gameplay, even with VATS, is far more challenging than what Fallout 1 and 2 offered.
  17. Its all Use Funky Power, based on stat, roll d20. Damage is the same regardless of class. Only real difference is which stat is used and nothing else. Just tell me, just on game mechanics, what is the real difference between a warlock and a rogue? No fluff, just game mechanic wise. No real difference at all.
  18. Gizmo, I think you are remembering Fallout 1 and 2 with some rose tinted lenses. They weren't all that deep.
  19. 10 years from now i see you and your worldview sitting together at a diner, puffing smoke in the waitress' face. your coffee isn't great, but it's not bad either. at least the caffeine gave you a wee jolt. the sandwich? bland, but edible. at least you're not hungry. ho hum. off to see a movie. what was the name of it again? bah, i don't remember. at least my time will be occupied for a few hours. ****'s just sad, man. I doubt that for several reasons. One, smoking in a restaurant is illegal where I live. Two, I don't smoke. Three, I trust only one person to make my food and that is me. Four, I don't drink coffee. Five, I go to the movies once every two to three years. Six, I don't need outside stimulus to have fun. *tee hee*
  20. I disagree. If every class is basically the same then what is the point in having different classes? The fun in gaming to s figure out the strengths and weaknesses of the character based on what he can and cannot do. ALso how to use those strengths and weaknesses in a team environment. 4e takes away that level of fun.
  21. I'm sorry to hear that, man. Still, sometimes it has to be done. I know, but still. The main problem is that she isn't really taking good careof herself. Her blood sugar level this morning was at a count of 27. Not good at all. The upside is that where she will be staying I will be able to visit a whole lot more often since we will be in the same town.
  22. The worse thing a game designer can do is listen to the fan base. They should just make the game that will appease the majority of players and give the few hardcases out there tool sets to make mods for the niche gamers.
  23. I am ending up placing my mom in nursing home care.
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