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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. What I like to see is an re-engineered versions of the originals using Fallout 3's game engine and design.
  2. My ex came after me with a knife and tried to kill me. That is no exaggeration.
  3. Still waiting for confirmation on the half-naked demon chick... tr00 half-naked demon chicks have penises, just fyi. Add multiple ones to boot. Pleasure for the whole party! Its about time that Bioware made a hentai CRPG.
  4. Maybe if you didn't threw that pencil at her, off course or not, she wouldn't have pushed that desk into you. People can have very bad days and the little things can set them off.
  5. So, you attacked her first and she returned in kind. And you are surprised by this?
  6. I expect New Vegas to be somewhere in between NWN2 and SoZ level of story telling with one or two NPCs with Kreia's level of depth. If that is the case I will be a happy camper.
  7. It is the Romulans. Even their toileties are heavily armed. I saw both Wolverine and Star Trek yesterday. Not bad flicks.
  8. Sorry, beans. I just gotten to the point that I just want to playt a game to have fun. The details just aren't important to me any more. Maybe I am just getting old.
  9. We are being civil. You should see us when we aren't. *tee hee*
  10. Nope. Its Obsidian. Even their crappiest writing is better than Bethesda's best.
  11. Just as long as the leveling isn't too ridiculously fast all is good. One thing I hate most is fast leveling. NWN2 was way too fast in leveling for my tastes.
  12. Just as long as you don't try to listen for the ocean.
  13. When it comes to the rules system of DnD, its the game mechanics that I concetrate on. The fluff is just that. Fluff. I can make my own fluff easy enough. Game mechanics is a bit trickier.
  14. Now now, Twink, there is no need to be rude. Grommie is just being Grommie.
  15. I use to live in Minnesota. Then I left. I never looked back.
  16. Banned for life, Twink? Say it ain't so. (j/k) That is one thing I do hate about the Bethesda boards, no fraking sense of humor. They are just a little more draconian than Bioware when it comes to their rules. At least here when a flame war starts the developers sometimes join in. HAHAHAHA! Personally I think we need to have the primary forums here. If Obsidian is developing the game, the forums should be here and nowhere else.
  17. Writing good dialogue is an art and harder than one would think, and Bethesda is behind the curve by a good 5 to 6 years compared to Obsidian and Bioware, but they are improving since Morrowind. If they don't revert back with TES5, by TES6 or Fallout 5 we may have Bioware level dialogue. By TES8 or Fallout 7 they might reach where Obsidian is currently at.
  18. I suggest we have the groin shot put back in.
  19. Yeah, and I hate the multiclassing system to.
  20. The one thing I do miss in Fallout 3 is the groin shot. I just would love to make a groin shot with the Fatman against onme of those Behemeths.
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