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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. I usually try not be like everyone else, keeping to myself and being as solitary as possible. I leave people alone and I do my best to make sure I am alone.
  2. I believe 1% of humanity is good, 10% wll be good if watched closely, and 89% are total bastards. Give a person a chance he or she will more than likely screw you over. I think your world view is jaded by the fact that you yourself are a bastard, though. My mother's marital status at my birth is none of your business.
  3. I believe 1% of humanity is good, 10% wll be good if watched closely, and 89% are total bastards. Give a person a chance he or she will more than likely screw you over.
  4. Its the whole 1950s alien invasion plot. I don't see anything wrong with it. No one is forcing you to buy it so don't. Me, I don't really care as long as it is fun to play. Life is too short to get hung up on such trivial matters.
  5. It is the second best game I have played so far on the XBox 360. I am for the DLC system if the DLCs add in substantial material while OA was lacking the others are decent. The pop culture references were too frequent and broke the mood of the game. Way too many for my tastes. They pretty much ruined Fallout 2 for me.
  6. No, its not. Its a freaking good game getting better and better DLCs. I don't see how Mothership Zeta isn't any worse than the constant pop culture references in Fallout 2. So far Fallout 2 is the worse of the bunch in the series, not counting FOPOS and FOT. It was either J.E. or Chris Avellone that once said that game companies don't make games just for you and twelve angry pygmies. They make games and expansions to make money. Don't like it. Don't buy it. Problem solved. All the bi**hing in the world won't change a thing.
  7. *sound of bashing head into wall* And every country is only as good as its worst elements, every person only as good as their worst organ... pure liquid genius. You condemn billions as extremists for the actions of a few. YOU preach intolerance as bad as some extremists do. Not someone at random. You're doing it right now. And i believe like most intolerance it is borne of ignorance. You need to get out of your damn basement and go see some of the good being done in simple every day ways by christians, go see the common humanity, and stop looking for a whipping boy to vent your spleen on. Oh yes, lets go out and see some good. Did you know that that Rev. Phelps guy is visiting Ames again. Yeah, like I really want to go out and see that. Any good that comes from a religion is a fluke and nothing more. Then again, that can by said about the human race in general.
  8. No, you don't. I have played Fallout 3 on the PC without activating live. You also don't need to buy the DLCs on live either. They have put the first two DLCs on disc and the others will be following soon enough.
  9. Numberman and Walsh, Go look up the old news footage of interviews with a Christian organization called the "Moral Majority." I have seen and experienced more intolerance from Christians than from any other religious institutions. From the so-called "Pro-Life" movement advocating killing doctors to those who supported the gay marriage ban amendment in California. And its just not Christianity, but also the other two Abrahamic religions, Judaism and Islam. The actions of all their followers is a measurement of what their religion is about. From the most benign, to the the most bitter extremist. The Abrahamic religions uses violence and hate as a means to propagate themselves and marginalize what they deem as inferior, even within themselves. Sunnis versus Shiites in the Middle East, Protestants versus Catholics in Northern Ireland, and so on. When was the last time you seen a Buddhist extremist blowing themselves up in a suicide run, or blowing up a medical clinic, or trying to spread hate through its own government? A religion is only as good as its worse elements.
  10. Actually, the best set of classes for NWN2 is Aasimar Paladin/Cleric of Kelemvor. Go for 6 levels of Paladin, and the rest cleric. Also the expansions make all the classes a little more better withthe inclusion of some of the better feats in the game, especially some of the Divine feats.
  11. And blanket statements are only as good as the figures that support them. Oh, right. You don't care whether what you post is true or not. Oh, come off it. With people like Reverend Phelps and his ilk, Pat Robertson, Jerry Farwell, and where I live there are people like Keith Ratliff, Rep. Steve King, not to mention the position of the Catholic Church on these issues it is quite evident that the Christian agenda does not really support what it supposedly teaches.
  12. Love thy neighbour? Turn the other cheek? Alms to the poor? Oh yes, makes no bloody sense at all. That is just one bit of Christianity, Walsh. Take it as a whole, not piecemeal. At the same time as Christians advocate love thy neighbor most are also spouting off bigotry when it comes to those who they think are living in sin such as gays and lesbians. While they are advocating to turn the other cheek, there are those among them that seek to start wars and hoping that Israel starts Armageddon. A religion is only as good as its followers.
  13. I wish there was a way to take screenshots on the XBox 360, and save them on an external hard drive.
  14. If a government of a nation fails to protect its people and fails to remain in power it deserves to fall. Maybe you aren't quite familiar with this but might does make right. Always has and always will. Its very much a part of being human.
  15. Sounds like a plan. We could do that with Alpha Protocol if you wish. One thing I am wondering is if both these games will have a different GUI for their respective platforms, kind of like Mass Effect GUI differs between the PC and 360 platforms, or are try to pull what Bethesda did with Fallout 3.
  16. I will be getting the XBox 360 version. I only game on the XBox now. It beats trying to upgrade my computer every year or three.
  17. Its a Bioware game. Generic settings, cliches, and formula writing comes standard with their games. At least people know what they are getting when they play it.
  18. It was never proven in a court of law that he molested a child, Harley. Innocent till proven guilty and all that. In any case, each of these celebrities had an impact, if ever so minor, on our society. They are a part and product of US culture.
  19. Thankfully I don't subscribe to your christian dribble. I have better things to do then read a fictional book that is mistranslated, contradicts itself and read out of context. Wow. You sound like me.
  20. You want to know who is responsible for the African children, Flyboy? African parents. Who is responsible for the African parents? Their respective governments. I am so sick of people thinking that the US should be responsible for the whole damn planet. Why can't these other nations grow a pair and show some accountability? Even if the US decides to use its muscle no one is forcing these other nations, may they be African, Indian, Pakistani, or whatever to comply. No one has a gun to their heads, figuratively speaking. Each person is accountable to him or herself, and each government can only blame itself if it makes the wrong policies.
  21. Why would anyone be pissed off about a couple of old games not working? Especially on a site that had nothing to do with the first game and were denied by the publisher to fix the errors in the second? KotOR 1 and 2 are old news. Also they were made to work on XP. I hope he isn't trying to play the games in Vista. Even in XP compatibility they acted a bit wonky.
  22. Guilty until proven innocent, then still guilty right? He was tried in a criminal court of law and found Not Guilty on all charges. You can say "odds are" that he was a child molester, but you're wrong. Just because you are found innocent doesn't mean you aren't guilty. For example, O.J. Simpson.
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