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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. I doubt think Visceris even knows the difference between civil and criminal law. You expect too much from him. I know the difference. I just don't care.
  2. No, I can't prove that you have been punished for every crime you have committed. Maybe it's for the better, You seem very grounded in your belief in your own righteousness and I don't have enough time or interest to get into lengthy online debates anymore. I wouldn't mind picking it up in person, over a beer or two, though. So if you're ever in Chicago, reach out and I'll be glad to continue this over a pint. It has nothing to do about being righteous. It has to do with respecting the Law. I doubt that I will ever be in Chicago. Been there once. Didn't like it. However, if you find yourself in Ames, Iowa I know this lovely pub called London Underground. It has a good selection of imported beers and from micro-brews.
  3. At that rate you will always be snarky. Snarkity snark snark. Snarkity snark snark. Look how snarky he is!
  4. Well, not all crappy. Sure, the story sucked, but it had the best implementation of tabletop system in any game, ever. And the gameplay was very polished. I was bored with it to, but it if you sit down with it, shut your ears to the story, and just think of it as a dungeon crawl, it can be quite entertaining. Icewind Dale 2 was a better dungeon crawl than ToEE.
  5. It would put an end to all that useless religious bickering and urge the nations of the world to seek alternative fuels than from oil since the major source of it would be unavailable for use. Besides, you know full well that the only way for there to be any peace in the Middle East one side will need to wipe out the other side in the form of genocide. The religious divide is too steep for there to be any reconciliation.
  6. Your belief is irrelevant. If you have evidence otherwise, show it.
  7. If they are using someone else's SSNs then they are paying taxes, but the tax collected is being to the SSN that was stolen. There was a lot of identity thefts discovered at a meat packing raid in my state a year or so ago.
  8. In my youth, yes, and I was held accountable for my actions.
  9. If I did break the Law I would expect to be held criminally accountable for my actions, however I do my best to obey the Laws of the nation, state, and city I live in.
  10. I do not believe in giving amnesty to criminals.
  11. If they overstayed their visa they have broken the law, thus not in this country legally. By being in this country illegally they cannot "abide the law" because they had to break the law to be in this country. They should be held criminally accountable and deported.
  12. They really should have made an XBox version. That could have helped sales.
  13. Exactly. Create a fairer immigration system that can cater to all types of immigrants legally, regardless of nation of origin. If a person that is coming to our nation is just to do seasonal work, then the language and education requirements would be less stringent than if the person was seeking permanent residency. If we can also set up a secure online renewal system that would cut down on the time on approval and office visits.
  14. Hell, I am all for Seasonal Work Visas for those who just want to came into our country for agricultural work legally. That would make sure that those who do their work pay their share of taxes and their employers pay a fair wage based on our wage/labor laws.
  15. The reason why I didn't buy Bloodlines when it first came out is because how crappy ToEE was.
  16. As long as they came across the border legally, more power to them. I wish them all the success they get.
  17. However the publisher that gets the game out on time is best of them all. Alpha Protocol, given the time it was announced and advertisements put in place, and the hype of its previews an October, even November release, would be "on time."
  18. Watch the pilot twice now. I will give it a few more episodes before making final judgment.
  19. I do how they learn their lesson. Never do business with Sega again.
  20. Immigrants are always the first ones to be blamed during recessions. It's a sad fact of life. I don't blame LEGAL immigrants.
  21. I don't care what country where the illegals are coming from. We just need to stop them from entering our country and using our resources.
  22. I am all for LEGAL immigration and believe that we should have our laws amended to make LEGAL immigration fairer for all. I am also for making penalties for ILLEGAL immigration harsher. My ancestors came into this country LEGALLY. The Law is the Law and no one is above the Law.
  23. I am all for making the borders more secure. This is what I would like to see done: First, close down all foreign military bases across the world and bring every soldier home. We then line, both north and south, a series of military bases which we will place the military to make sure the borders are secure. Second, create a set of laws that will hold employers and landlords criminally liable for hiring and renting to illegal aliens. Also have those who are in this country, regardless of age, illegal criminal responsible which they can face prison time prior to deportation. Third, go over our immigration policies and make them fairer for all those who seek to enter this country legally. Make country of origin be considered moot. It wouldn't matter if the person comes from Mexico or Canada, Sweden or Japan, they would be treated the same. No playing favorites.
  24. That is basically what I am doing but the target is Dragon Age, not Brutal Legend. Played the games demo, however, and I am considering getting it.
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