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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Flags don't offend me. People who put too much faith and symbolism in a flag offend me.
  2. I don't have faith in any politician. While I agree with Obama on many issues, placing "faith" in anything or anyone can be detrimental to one's sanity.
  3. So you fly around in a space ship that is represented as a bunch of lines and trade commodities at various planets and space stations?
  4. Very good observation, Hell Kitty. Swearing for the sake of swearing, regardless in a game, movie, novel, or whatever the media shows poor writing. Swearing to bring out cultural flavor and character depth, swearing that serves a purpose, is much better.
  5. That is what I did before I got my HDTV. It requires a VGA/AV adapter plug in. This: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hardware/x/xbox360vgahdcable/
  6. Alpha Protocol (to the tune of Olivia Newton John's Let's Get Physical) I'm killing all the things that I know you'll like, Makin' good assassinations I gotta handle you just right, You know what I mean I took you to a terrorist hideout, Then to my personal safehouse There's nothin' left to talk about, Unless it is spy versus spy Alpha Protocoll, Protocol, I wanna get Protocol, let's get into Protocol Let me see your handgun shoot, Your handgun shoot, let me see your handgun shoot I've been patient, I've been good, Tried to keep my posts clean of flames It's gettin' hard this holdin' back, You know, its a real pain I'm sure you'll understand my point of view, We know each other mentally You gotta know that you're bringin' out The gamer in me Alpha Protocol, Protocol, I want Alpha Protocol, let's get into Protocol TEE HEE!
  7. This is the sort of thing why I tend to loathe the human race.
  8. If you deliberately murder a person then the only just recourse is to have your own life forfeited. This man help kill hundreds. Why show him mercy when he showed none to his victims? That's not explaining how that is specifically justice. You still didn't actually answer the question anyway. You gave an example of what you feels is justice with a justification for why you feel the punishment in this case is appropriate. I was hoping for something more macro level, then a specific verdict for a specific case. Having said that, I have more than beat this horse in the past with you, and quite frankly I wasn't asking you when I inquired. I'm well aware of your position. Well, excuse me for staying on topic. Sheesh! If you want a more abstract definition of justice here you go: To seek justice is to seek the truth no matter where it takes you, but is also tempered by compassion for those who have been wronged.
  9. If you deliberately murder a person then the only just recourse is to have your own life forfeited. This man help kill hundreds. Why show him mercy when he showed none to his victims?
  10. What does it mean to serve justice? Give an explanation of justice, and specifically, since you're making the statement that "other, less civilized, nations may punish people for the reasons that [Rostere] cites," am I correct in assuming that you do not feel that these nations punish people to serve justice? Justice, in my view, is when a criminal is duly punished based on the severity of the crime. For the crime this man did Life In Prison without Parole should have been the minimum punishment allowed. He should have been executed for that terrorist act of cowardice.
  11. The guy should have died in prison. I just like to know how much mercy and compassion this guy has shown to the victims and the families of the victims to deserve being released.
  12. YEAH! Multiple nukes for multiple groin shots! GROIN SHOTS FOR EVERYONE!
  13. I want the groin shot in VATS. I want to groin shot a super mutant with a fatboy nuke!
  14. I stand corrected, but I still don't see it happening.
  15. Well, I have been running a 4e campaign for about 3 weeks now. The party just finished the prologue adventure and it went pretty well. We have a Genasi Wizard, Human Bard, and a Goliath Warden, and each of the players played their characters very differently when using their powers. The warden charged in bashing things, the bard healed and supported the warden, and the wizard either killed multiple enemies with his area effect spells or used his summoned creatures to keep flanking the enemy with the warden. Of course, there was a few close calls for the party. If I have to say one good thing about 4e, they definitely made goblins a lot more deadlier.
  16. Oh yes. Socialism is so wrong. Why have any socialistic aspects what so ever. Lets go and have privatized police forces, pay up front fire departments, and ditch all public education while we are at it. lets rid ourselves of social security, medicaid and medicare, and wipe clean a government controlled military. Oh yes, socialism is the greatest evil of all time. REALLY!
  17. It would have been better than practically having a constant state of war that they have now.
  18. So, you give NWN 1 OC a grade of C. Same here. However, I do think that SoU was better than the NWN1's OC.
  19. To be honest I don't particularly like Israel. The majority of the problems in the middle east has Israel smack dab in the middle of it. I am not against a Jewish state mind you, but placing it in the middle of very contested land which the Hebrew people have no claim to in the recent century or two was just wrong. Great Britain and the US basically stole the land of the people living there at the time and punished them for the wrongs that Germany, Austria, and Italy did to them during World War 2. Israel should have been carved out of those three countries and not in the Middle East.
  20. Bioware does formula writing. If you look at the basic plot lines of Bioware's games they tend to be very similar in design with minor variations here and there. With that criticism aside, they done quite well with that formula and have perfected it. Obsidian's writing tends to be more risky, and while they do adhere to some aspect of the base formulaic plot lines that have been long established since the 16th century, they try to bring in more complexity in their twists and turns in their games. There is some risk in that because sometimes it just doesn't pay off as well and the quality is more varied. However, the fact that Obsidian is more risky in their writing make me like them better than Bioware, but Bioware's quality is more than often very stable and fun, if not a tad predictable. For Bethesda... Bethesda is way behind both Bioware and Obsidian when it comes to their writing, but they have made substantial improvements from Morrowind to Oblivion and Oblivion to Fallout 3. I would say, in development side, they are back when Bioware and Black Isle released the first Baldur's Gate and Fallout. Bethesda's writers still need summer school.
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