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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. I slept all the day. Now I am considering to play Fallout 3 on my XBox 360.
  2. Why fret over the stuff you don't have any control over, eh?
  3. If they make games I want to play then I will buy them. If they don't make games I want to play then I won't. Beyond that, why does it matter to the end consumer?
  4. Human life is cheap. There are over 5 billion people on this miserable little mudball of a planet. People die all the time. people are born all the time. The only thing that separates one person's death from another is what one does that is noteworthy, what he or she has done to contribute to history and to civilization. Even that is fleeting because eventually civilization will fall and nothing of who they were will remain.
  5. After a while, it all feels the same, Volourn. I have as much urge to play PST as I do NWN1's OC.
  6. Fantasy is fantasy, Volourn. Small time hero grows as apersonto take on the big bad. Been there, done that.
  7. in other words, you're being faking stupid... ahem. hypocrisy is not a virtue, killian. taks Hey, I'm an American. Our country was founded by hypocrisy. Just ask those damn Puritans.
  8. If they are going to have a strip club in the game have the dancers actually strip. I mean seriously, what is the point of a strip club if the dancers don't strip. I am not saying put nudity in the game for the sake of nudity but if you are going to go that route by putting a strip club in the game then make it a real fraking strip club.
  9. Isn't there already a DnD MMO? There is also DnD Insider. We don't need another DnD MMO. This is completely and totally stupid on Atari's part.
  10. I am biased and I don't really care to much about legitimacy.
  11. I think Llyranor should get stuck for all eternity in the Space Mountain ride in Disney Land and have "It's a Small World" playing in a constant loop, with his eyes pryed open "Clockwork Orange" style so he is forced to see Nell Carter naked.
  12. Conservatives can be so fraking stupid.
  13. A truly dangerous individual is never completely neutralized until they are six feet under. To think otherwise is pure naivity.
  14. That isn't selling out. That is getting it on sale.
  15. WHAT http://kotaku.com/5281374/l4d-sequel-met-w...ne=true&s=x
  16. I bought a new CPU, E6300. It's a 2.8 ghz Pentium Dual Core for $82 at Newegg. Not the best out there but it is better than my single core and it is my first step to get back to my roots as a PC gamer. Once I have a couple more bills paid off I will work towards my uber-computer.
  17. I had a dream that involved Alvin and the Chipmonks going all Lara Croft meets DnD. Simon and Theodore set off a trap and were getting buried alive by sand while in the next room Alvin was being attacked by multiple skeleton guards. The chipmonks died. (tee hee)
  18. Okay, I misread. I for one am for the death penalty, but even one innocent killed in the course of justice makes a mockery of the whole system. ALso the death penalty is expensive after you include all the costs of lawyers, judges, and the like, both in time and money. I like GUard Dog's sentiment. Those who have life imprisonment without possibility of parole get sent to a super max prison and kept in a 7.5 by 7.5 foot stone cell where they never see the light of day again.
  19. If we streamline the system, sure, but I rather not.
  20. It costs too much money for the death penalty when you figure in all the court costs and such. Walsh is right on this. SOmetimes the best course is the pragmatic one.
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