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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. It is currently in the #4 in my top ten list, but maybe it is just me but it is so hard to play evil.
  2. The problem with the death penalty, at least in the United States, that it is a conoluted thing that includes more lawyers, courts, appeallate courts, and a cycle of appeals that costs upto millions upon milions of tax dollars per case. It would be more economical to just let the bugger rot for life in prison. Not as satisfying, sure, but it makes more fiscal sense.
  3. They should drop him in a pit, place bars over it. and drop rotted meat for him to eat for the rest of his miserable existence. Either that or put a bullet in his brain.
  4. It was only a matter of time that the PS3 was going to get the DLCs. As for the new DLCs, I just have to say... LET'S DANCE!
  5. Unless, of course, it is a jedi engineer.
  6. I knew there was a reason I was relieved when he decided to grow his hair long.
  7. I read an article about President Obama and his speech at Notre Dame. It talked about a anti-choice activist, a man shouting "Stop killing our babies!" It made me wonder. Just how many babies did this man given birth to and exactly how many did President Obama personally kill?
  8. Gromnir, your new avatar looks like my roommate when he had his hair shaved off.
  9. I think someone forget to take their medication.
  10. But teh codex hates everything! Its like those old "Life" cereal commericals with Mikey.
  11. They did, but not for space, but for traveling in the Astral Sea.
  12. Of course the games that used the 6 second round were DnD/d20 games in which a round was 6 seconds in the rules mechanic.
  13. That would up the difficulty on the difficulty bar that is for sure.
  14. Are you sure they meant rhino or wino?
  15. Then lets stay on topic then. Any queries like this could be done using the private messaging function on the forums here. Anyhoot, game mechanic wise I am quite pleased with Fallout 3. For the most part Bethesda did a great job bringing Fallout to the 21st century in form and function. There are a number of tweaks I would do to it that make it even more fun, mostly with VATS. I would add in a Groin target area and animations and cries of pain to reflect harsh hits. Also I would let melee be able to target specific areas. A tweaking of the number values may be in order to make such nastiness more rewarding since they should be rare, and I would like to also see better dismemberment as well. A 10mm bullet shouldn't rip the head off of a baddie. Another game mechanic thing I would like to see is have the body form be more malleable for the player and reflect the physical attributes of the character. A character with a 8 Agility should be able to move faster than someone with a 4 Agility. A character with an 8 Strength and Endurance should look more brawny than a person with a 4 Strength and Endurance. I think that this function, along being able to govern height of the character could bring forth a more varied and more interesting player characters. At least on the physical aesthetics are concerned.
  16. Well, I got Gold Membership for XBox Live. Haven't gotten the nerve yet to put in CoD4 yet. I think I would get owned worse than the werewolf incident.
  17. Sometimes you need a vacation to recover from a vacation.
  18. The people in Fallout 1 and 2 had bigger settlements in less time after the bomb. Yes, but the game engine was simpler and didn't take up as much resources.
  19. Yes, but people die as well. There is such a thing as a negative population growth.
  20. Well, there is only so much resources that a computer and the XBox 360 has.
  21. I think we are all friends here with a common interest in gaming. We may differ in opinions on what makes a good game, but I am sure we all can agree on that we all want Obsidian to make the best Fallout game they can. Especially to make it without any werewolves in it. I just think that Twink needs to lighten up on Grommie, beyond that I think everyone here is pretty good natured about the barbs being tossed and no one is taking them personally. I know I'm not.
  22. Well, it is the Wasteland. There shouldn't be any really large settlements left.
  23. Without spoilers, how big did Fallout 3 feel, compared with Morowind and Oblivion? I've only explored Megaton so far, and that's teeny. I enjoy Fallout 3 more than Oblivion. WHile in Oblivion there are more quests and more structured things to do they are superficial compared to the quests involved in Fallout 3 and many Fallout 3 quests have one possible solution. One of the first quests in Megaton has many ways to resolve it, with different consequences, depending how you handle it.
  24. I think the inmates are bouncing off the ribcage now. Hmmm... What to do... If this is to take place in one city I hope that it will be a very large city, from multiple sewer lines to the top post apocalyptic penthouses.We need more detailed environments than what we got in Fallout 3 with DC.
  25. The original theatrical presentation of Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail.
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