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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. It isn't retributive justice, Flyboy. It is simply just punishment for the crime. As for her reason to act as she did, I would think that would be obvious. She didn't want to take care of the kids any more so she concocted a way to get rid of them. And no, the other guy did not have a gun. He was defenseless. You seem to try to make it the victim's fault in these crimes. That it is the poor criminal that has been wronged. It is just sick.
  2. I measure a game to be good or not if I had fun playing it. I had fun playing Oblivion and Fallout 3. I didn't have fun playing Arcanum and ToEE. For me, Oblivion and Fallout 3 are good games. Arcanum and ToEE... Not so much.
  3. Never had to, and never will. At least not as a patient.
  4. My comment was mostly for Flyboy, Alan. I simply consider "rehab" as a slap on the wrist. An insult to the victims of these criminals.
  5. The mother methodically bought duct tape and a knife. She used the duct tape to bound, tape gag, and blindfold her sons. She also wrote a note that details an abduction saying that a man took them to a secluded area and killed her sons. She did inflict injury on herself but not life threatening in order keep up the appearances of her story. She planned it all out. She was quite rational. She made the choice to kill children. As for the 18 year old, he was just looking for someone to rob and the man had the bad luck of being home. Gee, it is so nice that you show so much compassion for these criminals that you show none for their victims and their families, Flyboy.
  6. In recent news here in Iowa there was this 18 year old man who chose to murder a another man in Coralville. He was found guilty and now faces Life in prison without parole. ALso on trial there is this woman who purposely slit the throat of her two year old son and 7 year old son throats in order to kill them. The 7 year old survived and told the police what happen. Is these the sort of people deserving a slap on the wrist and go to rehab? I don't think so.
  7. I had to. My friends threatened to take my copy of Dragon Age if I didn't do it before the game was released.
  8. I finally beaten the main bloody quest in Oblivion.
  9. I do not completely agree with it, but an interesting read nonetheless.
  10. Flyboy, your arguments are as transparent as glass as is your flame baiting. In terms you may understand, we have two opposing irreconcilable opinions in which neither side can be proven without the use of biased information and studies, therefore the end result is irrelevant bickering in which will only degrade into name calling.
  11. I only answer questions those pose to me when the person asking does not already adamantly believes he is right on all things. Answering questions from such a person would be pointless and a waste of time.
  12. Why ask questions you already know, Flyboy. Nice fishing expedition, but you will need better bait.
  13. Revenge fantasies? Hardly, Flyboy. I don't give a rat's ass about revenge. I understand that there is right and wrong. There is the Law and there are those who choose to disregard the Law. Those who break the law should be punished, not rewarded. Rehabilitation is a waste of time and money, because all the rehab in the world will not change the fact the criminal can still choose to break the law. As for recidivism rates, if the criminal chooses to break the law again then it is unfortunate he or she didn't learn that breaking the Law has consequences. So he or she should receive harsher penalties the second time around. I am all for the three strikes rule. On the third felony, life in prison without parole. Those who choose not to live by society's laws should not be free in society.
  14. You know I came across a fox while I was on campus a few years back. It looked at me. I looked at it. Then we walked our separate ways. However, lately, there have been more and more deer sightings inside the city. Kind of weird seeing a 8 point buck trotting down the street with a cop car following it.
  15. Whelp, best pack it in. Killian is resorting to making the "free will" argument, wherein he pretends like human behavior has nothing to do with outside stimulus. No point in discussing how to make a better society with people who make this dumb ass argument. However, I'd like to make a quick last-minute snipe: "I ****ing get a boner every time somebody goes to jail!" - Killian Kalthorne Human behavior is influenced by outside stimulus, I agree, but it does not CONTROL human behavior. No matter how much outside stimulus effects a human being, that human still has free will to choose. That is the difference between us and animals. Thanks for playing, Flyboy, but you lose once again.
  16. They still have free will, Flyboy. If they make the same bad choice that is their fault and no one else's. You know, have them take some personal responsibility for their lives.
  17. This is precisely the kind of psychology which I discussed in my post. Its only purpose is to allow the atrocious system to continue; it has no positive societal effect, since prisoners are released from their years-long stay at the rape camp and expected to somehow conform to societal standards while being ostracized by every non-criminal community. Well, gee, if they didn't choose to be a criminal in the first place they wouldn't be ostracized. Wow, who would of thunk that! They made their choice. They pay the consequences for that choice. Free fraking will, Flyboy. It's a b***h.
  18. To be honest, I don't care. If you choose to break the law you deserve punishment.
  19. Whatever you do, don't try to go it on veteran unless you have something to prove. I thought "yeah, I'm good at FPS," and then veteran difficulty crushed me. There were a few parts that I had to retry dozens of times. On any difficulty, the sheer number of enemies is pretty hard to keep up with attention-wise. The game recommended "Regular" to me but I took "Recruit."
  20. Even when I was at my poorest I choose not to steal. Even when I was at my hungriest I choose to do the right thing and obey the law. Don't give me this socio-economic bullcrap, Flyboy. It has nothing to do with who is superior or inferior or any of that s**t. It has everything to do with doing the right thing and making the choice of obeying the law. Being poor is no excuse to break the law. Let me tell you something about the guy who pulled the gun on me. He wasn't poor. He was a football player from the local university who had a fully paid tuition for his entire time there. FULL RIDE SCHOLARSHIP and all the benefits that goes along with it. Free food. F4ree housing. Free books. Free everything and money to spare for some luxuries. He choose to break the law.
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