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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Personally I think we should have nothing to do with China. No diplomatic relations, no trading, no military near them, no joint ventures, nothing. Keep a watch of course, but completely and totally remove ourselves from their influence and remove our influence on them.
  2. Werewolves bad. Vampires pretty. Werewolves bad. Vampires pretty. Werewolves bad. Vampires pretty. Werewolves bad. Vampires pretty. Werewolves bad. Vampires pretty. Werewolves bad. Vampires pretty. Werewolves bad. Vampires pretty.
  3. Well, we already have one Georgia. We do need to learn to share. We can't keep all the Georgias for ourselves. Hmmm... I wonder if Putin wouldn't mind swapping Georgias.
  4. That is why I provided links to them. The Karma Mod makes the shifts in Karma a little more realistic. Instead of a few short good or evil deeds that pushes you to Saint or Devil, it takes more constant behavior to shift to the extremes. The Slow Leveling mod is pretty what you have, Crash, but it only effects the amount of experience to level. It doesn't lower combat or quest XP, it just expands how much experience needed to gain each level by a huge chunk. FOOK adds in a lot of material. New guns, new sounds, new armor, new textures, a crap tone of stuff. MMM does the same but it focuses more on critters and NPCs that you meet and fight. Adds a new super mutant type, and diversifies the critters so there are less repeated looks. The Ultimate Perk Pack brings in about 100 new perks. SOme are granted based on what you do in game, others are granted by completing specific quests, with the rest being chosen as normal.
  5. I think it's a pretty common feeling that 1st and 2nd level in 3E are garbage, balance-wise. I don't think so but perhaps that's just me.
  6. I think that is the problem with many games today, not just Fallout 3. I mean take a look at NWN1 and 2. You were level 3 before the game even started. Level 5 before facing your first big enemy. Oblivion you level so fast, depending on your skills, its not even funny. Both KotORs, Mass Effect, and nearly every modern CRPG has way too fast of leveling. I really miss the days when a CRPG max level was 8 and if you did everything you might reach it, and it was a 60 hour long game. Well, that lamentation is a little off topic for this thread. Oh well, back to Fallout 3.
  7. Way too fast in my opinion. I want to earn my levels.
  8. Hmmm... I also tried using the FOSE beta but I keep crashing with it. I am only using the Beta due to I am using the latest patch. Link: http://fose.silverlock.org/ Another helpful mod utility is Fallout Mod Manager. It is pretty useful: http://timeslip.chorrol.com/fomm.html I got two more mods in place that seems to be meshing well. Karma Revamp Mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=839 Slower Leveling: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=97 This way I don't go on wild Karma swings based on my actions, and I don't reach level 20 before the end. The slower Leveling mod also makes the XP bonus perks actually worth getting.
  9. Greetings one and all. Since my XBox 360 has passed away I have been gearing up to play Fallout 3 on my PC. One of the main strengths of the PC games, particularly those of Bethesda since their games usually need them, I have gotten a few mods for it. The Mods I am using are: Martigen's Mutant Mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3211 Ultimate Perk Pack: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1409 FOOK: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4448 Lets see how well these three work together.
  10. Or this could be some harmless fun on the part of the Chinese crews independent of their government. In any case, get an Aegis cruiser in the area to lock weapons, not necessarily fire weapons, at these Chinese bouts and set the course of the other ship to ramming speed toward them may get them to back off.
  11. Its a MMO, a game built for the masses. By their very nature MMOs are dumbed down representatives of the gaming genre. Besides, at least onthe XBox 360, you do have a keyboard available. Hooks right onto the controller itself.
  12. To be on topic, if Fallout online, also known as FOOL, is going to see the light of day to be anywhere near successful should also be carted to the console. There aren't many console MMos and that can be a huge base for Interplay to tap into.
  13. I like to see an open ended Shadowrun CRPG set in Los Angeles.
  14. It all depends on what you are doing. One time my gaming group and I was playing a session of Cyberpunk 2020 and it ended up being 34 hours later before we noticed.
  15. I would be more worried about a near miss than a near hit. If the asteroid nearly missed it means it almost missed up but not quite. A "near miss" is actually a hit. I think the late great George Carlin brought this up in one of his routines.
  16. I visit Kotaku a lot and I saw Obsidian so I thought I share the pain. I am a very sharing individual. Calax, its now tagged, though it doesn't have any thing pornographic about it. Just a guy in a Pikachoo outfit.
  17. There is a simple solution for that. Go outside and run for twenty miles, then imediate drink some warm milk.
  18. Eh? It had all the important bits covered. Boots included. Besides, shouldn't you be working at work? Do they need to invest in a shocky monkey?
  19. http://kotaku.com/5164065/call-him-pikachoo-man
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