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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. What are the specifications of your laptop? If it uses a Intel graphics chipset/card then you are SOL.
  2. Just because a game has character creation options does not make it a RPG.
  3. Yeah, but you once said: And now you are a 360 fanboy. WHo is this Hades person? I am Killian Kalthorne. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
  4. Hopefully you will be back, Dark Raven. I hope so. In any case, if I was going through a budget crunch Internet would be the last to go. Way too much of a Internet junkie. This place wouldn't be the same without you. I just so enjoyed your arguments with Volourn.
  5. We are talking sports, not a RPG. There is no story in football.
  6. WHAT?!?! Don't you be dissing Deekin! Deekin was the best character in the whole goddamn series. Its not a matter of being impressed, Volourn, it is a matter of truth. NWN1 and its expansions, in the stories told in their OCs, SUCKED!
  7. A football game is a football game. All you are is just a little guy with skin of a pig running about on a grassy field trying to score points against an opposing team. Played one and you have played them all.
  8. Then act like it. The stories from the NWN1 and its expansions are inferior to those told in the Infinity Engine games. Even David Gaider had admitted that the NWN1 OC was a rush job.
  9. Originality may be overrated, Volourn, but it would be nice to see once in a while in a Bioware game.
  10. The SPorts games are just yearly updates of the previous year and have hardly anything of real value to them. Why bother getting Madden 2009 when Madden 2008 is just as good?
  11. The OCs of NWN1 and its expansions were crap compared to the Infinity ENgine games. I know that, you know that, everyone knows that. Hell, even Bioware knows that. Role play wise doesn't make up the fact the story stunk up to high heaven and when it comes to RPGs if the story is crap then the game is crap.
  12. Yeah, that's my job. *shoots 'The Architect with his .44 Magnum* Okay, its more like a hobby. *shoots him again* Obsession, maybe? *shoots repeatedly, then reloads and shoots again*
  13. Nekkid pole dancin'!?!?!?! Get that damn pole some clothes!
  14. Obviously you missed the smiley in the original post, Awesomeness. It was a jab at Robert Heinlien's Starship Troopers. You guys are way too serious.
  15. As long as Obsidian makes great CRPGs that are not MMOs I wil;l be buying them, even though I may disagree with certain design decisions. All MMOs suck.
  16. I thought the fascist were against the global warming theory and it was the commie environmentalists trying to alarm everyone.
  17. Are you saying that a person who volunteers to serve their country and ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for the good of his or her country has no more value than a welfare mom with 8 kids, bleeding her country's resources dry?
  18. Not all, but a good majority of it. The opnly difference is that these people have no problem showing their bigotry while most are still in the closet, so to speak. In my view, if you hate the sin then you hate the sinner. We are who we are, flaws and all, and if you hate an aspect of a person's life he or she has no real control over then you hate the person. Hating homosexuality is like hating left handedness, or hating all blue eyes, or all curly hair.
  19. Darth Bean is the true power behind the Empire! BWAAAHAAAHAAAAAA!
  20. I can honestly say that NWN1 is Bioware's worse game I have played. Of course their worse game is still better than most other developers' best games. KotOR was their second worse. In order... 1. Mass Effect 2. BG1 3. BG2 4. Jade Empire 5. KotOR 6. NWN1
  21. Its a rip off of the "Faerie Queene!" A RIP OFF, MAN! OH NOES!
  22. I played my games off the hard drive. It ran pretty quiet.
  23. That's DARTH BEAN to you, Taks.
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