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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Every news organization has bias in one way or another. That is why one should get the news from multiple sources. I think that the problem with Israel and their forces is that they are targeting legitimate targets, but don't really give a damn about collatoral damage since Hamas tends to use civilians as meat shields. While I do agree with Yuusha that the actions of Israel in this regard is repugnant I don't see any other recourse for Israel can do in order to protect its own people from Hamas attack. They have only two real choices: 1. Let Hamas harass and possibly kill Israelis with their rockets. 2. Retaliate in force to stop Hamas, and place civilian Palestinian lives in jeopardy. Neither choice is good but if I was the Israeli government I would choose 2. If the roles were reverse I would still choose 2. The responsibility of a government is to safeguard the interests and lives of its own people. Hamas' attack on Israel sovereignty, no matter how effective or ineffective it is, needs to be dealt with in force.
  2. I finally got my copy of the expansion. Started off with a party of halflings. Got my butt kicked in the first fight. *sniff*
  3. Place your faith in one hand, crap in the other. See which one gets full first, Volourn. Faith, belief, and hope are pretty useless.
  4. I do think that it is rather silly to go on belief instead of going on what you know. What you believe to be true may end up being false even if you steadfast believe in it. Going by what you know with certainty what is true have a lot less hang ups. Don't go by what other people say, don't go by what you read in a book, only go by what you know, what you have experience yourself, and try to personally experience everything you can.
  5. So far no one has provided a clear cut and conclusive evidence that a God or Gods exist. Of course there is no clear cut evidence that a God or Gods do not exist. Until there is clear evidence one way or another I say let people believe what they will as long as it doesn't harm or inconvenience others.
  6. If the Hamas doesn't follow Geneva Conventions of warfare and treatment of POWs why should Israel, Yuusha? If you want to destroy the government of a nation you do not attack that government, nor the military of that government. You attack and kill the civilian populations that is the support structure of that government and military. That is the mindset of a terrorist, the mindset of Hamas and Hezbollah. That is the tactics they have used in their rocket attacks and suicide bombings. They do not follow the Geneva Convention, and Israel should return such kindness back at them. Use their rules of engagement against them.
  7. I would take the hard drives out of my computer, a suitcase of clothes, hard copies of my writing, and my copies of the complete works of Edgar Allen Poe and Robert Frost.
  8. I liked RE3. *sniff* The Resident Evil series is the only video game to movie crossover I can stomach. Besides, it had the actor who played Johnny Cage from the MK movies in it.
  9. I don't thikn the civilian casualties would be all that high if Hamas would stop using civilians as human shields. Of course they are cowards and won't engage an enemy in open battle. It does seem that a cease fire is on the way but I bet Hamas will be the first to break it.
  10. Hamas and Hezbollah, and organizations like them, want only one thing. The annihiliation of Israel. Every action hey do is to be toward that goal. Any peace deal with them will only give them time to rebuild and rearm.
  11. I said this before and I will say it again, if the Hamas didn't want Israelis to attack them why did they provoke them? If you are going to shoot someone expect to be shot back. If you are going to shoot all your military might at another nation, expect that nation to respond in kind. Hamas wanted this war, and since they are the duly elected representatives of Gazans that means the Gazans wanted this war. Well, Israel gave it to them. So why should I, or any reasonably intelligent person, have any sort of compassion for the level of idiocy that Hamas and their followers have shown in this war they chose to start?
  12. Well, if Hamas, the rulng goverment of Gaza, didn't attacked Israel in the first place. If the Palestinians took out Hamas themselves instead of having Israel do it maybe there wouldn't be as many Palestinian deaths. Just maybe if the Palestinians in Gaza didn't support Hamas in the first place and refuse to give them any sort of power over them maybe Israel wouldn't have to come in and do it for them. A nation has the right to protect itself from all harm, and if a nation is incapable of doing so then it has no right to be a nation.
  13. RPGs would not be doomed if Bioware closed. The remnants can be split among Obsidian and Bethesda. Of course I would pay good money to see Chris Avellone and J.E. Sawyer versus David Gaider and Stanley Woo in a tag team no holds barred wrestling match.
  14. First it was the Fatman prototype, now nuclear car concepts! http://i.gizmodo.com/5131414/the-cadillac-...r-the-year-8000 We are heading towards a Fallout world! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!
  15. Indeed, all though it does seem strange that you've been indulging in the argument as much as anyone else. Hey, it's 2009, remember? I haven't made silly comparisons a'la "NWN graphics > IE". I merely stated that NWN's graphics were good/great when it was released. Hey! Don't you know?!?!?! It's 2009.
  16. He is just a beardless whelp jealous of your dwarfy stature.
  17. Its apples to apples, Morgoth. After all they are both PC games. I say it is more like comparing Granny Smith Apples to Red Delicious. If it was apples to oranges it would be comparing NWN1 to a Ford Pinto.
  18. Now now, we mustn't be selfish. As much as I wish Obsidian talent stay with Obsidian it is also good to see some of that Obsidian talent spread across the industry, bringing higher quality games to us as a whole.
  19. In my ever so humble opinion NWN1's graphics was not its worst feature.
  20. 1.1 seems to work fine, but if you have a Nvidia card avoid driver version 181.20 like the plague. It will crash Fallout 3 within minutes of loading up the game. So far I haven't had any crashes with 180.48, but 181.20 just does not work with the game. Also when it comes to mouse acceleration, remove all mods, or use FOMM and place the Fallout module ahead of all others. That seems to work for some people.
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