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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Oh well, nothing is going to change anyway. The US will continue to poke its nose where it doesn't belong. The UN will still be largely ineffective. Most of the nations will stomp their feet in disgust at the US while at the same time asking the US for a hand out. Nothing ever changes.
  2. That does not change the fact that Hamas fired rockets and tried to kill Israelis, which the Israelis have the right to respond in whatever means they deem appropriate.
  3. They might as well be. The only other nation that did any significant work was Britain and they have pretty bugged out now. Everyone else that contributed only gave token support.
  4. The point is that we stay focus on one war at a time instead of trying to split our forces to fight two wars at the same time. Also the UN is the best the world has to deal with joint projects. The US cannot afford to do things alone no matter what the Neo-Cons thinks.
  5. You must have skipped a lot of the side material.
  6. I live by the virtue of "Do unto others as they do unto you." I keep to myself, mind my own business and never start a fight, but if someone gets in my face I do my best to finish it. As I said, there are no good guys in this conflict but Israel has the right to defend itself by whatever means it deems fit. If Hamas didn't want hundreds dead within their borders maybe they shouldn't have fired those rockets.
  7. There are no good guys in this mess, but that does not change the fact that the Hamas started this and knowing they lack the ability to finish it.
  8. What I wanted was the total and elimination of Al Qaeda and the Taliban, have the bulk of US forces leave and then have a joint UN effort to rebuild Afghanistan.
  9. What about the Israelis who are in the path of Hamas rockets? Should they just let Hamas attack them without being punished? Hamas attacked Israel. Israel is simply defending itself from future attacks with minimal loss of personal on their side. Why should they sacrifice the lives of their soldiers when they can kill with a push of a button, and destroy their enemies. Certainly this will lead to more bloodshed, but there is no other recourse. Don't start a fight you can't finish and Hamas started this fight, not Israel. If the other nations of the world are smart they will let Israel finish this conflict once and for all.
  10. Sorry, Volourn, but there is no such thing as innocence nowadays. Also it is the civilians who elected the Hamas in the first place. You want to get rid of a government you start at its foundation, the ones who placed that government into power. Besides, if the civilians didn't want a war with Israel then they shouldn't have voted for Hamas. The Hamas needs to be wiped out completely and totally, with no survivors. Each time Israel abides by a truce the duly democratically elected Hamas government continues its attacks. They will continue to play this game till Hamas is wiped clean from the earth. Any truce with them will be a lie, as it has been in the past. It is time for the people to pay for the consequences for their actions for supporting Hamas. They chose this.
  11. Exactly. Hamas was democratically elected into governing Gaza. The Palestinians wanted Hamas in power. Well, they got what they deserved.
  12. Last week was a overview of his work in the last year. A bit of a recap. Of course it would have make more sense to have that today and had the PoP review last week.
  13. I do consider myself a liberal, at least in most things, and I firmly believe that a nation has the right to defend itself from aggression from another power by any means it has in its arsenal. Hamas was attacking Israel. It does not matter if they were lobbing one rocket a week or 100 rockets an hour, they were attacking Israel. By rights, Israel has every right to fight back by any means necessary to eliminate Hamas as a threat. If that means pulverizing Hamas held territory till nothing larger than a pebble stands then so be it. If the people of Hamas didn't want Israel to attack them maybe they shouldn't have lobbed those rockets in the first place.
  14. Tony Jay also played Michael Dorn's Worf's brother in Star Trek, was the lead villain in the Candyman movies, had a role in the Charmed series, and overall a decent actor.
  15. After playing both versions of the game I prefer the XBox 360 version, but it is definitely worth getting. 27 hours isn't too bad, Alan. My first time was in the 30s, and yes I did the same thing.
  16. I never said I had a problem with invading Afghanistan, just Iraq. The invasion of Afghanistan was justifiable, Iraq wasn't.
  17. True enough. Screwed if we do. Screwed if we don't. And it isn't that fun screwing that the kids like to do nowadays either.
  18. Now, now, Walsh. No need to to make derogatory remarks even though I am wrong. It weakens your argument.
  19. I agree. That would be a judgment call the United Nations to make. I don't think it would be as bad as it is now. Isn't Israel continuing its attacks on the Hamas, killing hundreds of people. Not saying it isn't justified due to the rocket attacks from Hamas which shows how stupid the Hamas are.
  20. True, but you can make sure those who are getting harm deserves it. For example after WW2 it would have been a better punishment for Germany, Italy, and their allies to lose land and form the Jewish state there instead of the Middle East, taking land from the Arabs who have long since claimed that territory for centuries and did nothing in WW2 to deserve the land stolen from them.
  21. Nothing that stops us from being trillions upon trillions in debt. Nothing that stops our economy going in the crapper. Nothing that stops corporations from outsourcing US jobs to other countries.
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