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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Maybe one day, there will be no division between consoles and PCs. In the future there will be no division between the power of the PC and the install base and casual gameplaying of the console. NO DIVISIONS! YES WE CAN!
  2. Well, I have downloaded it and got it installed. Very painless and took only 5 minutes. Now I am installing Fallout 3. Installing a Console game... It is the PCification of consoles! Next will be Mass Effect. Hopefully it will fix that annoying pop in texture problem.
  3. When education gets privatized only the rich will get a decent education, if anyone else will get one at all.
  4. Can you please tell me whats so bad about unions? I've never seen anything wrong with it. Well, counting hourly wage and benefits the average auto-worker makes $89 USD a hour. After a full work week, that is $3560 USD, $14240 a month before taxes. There are some people who don't make that in a year. Now, that is just one employee. Now add in thousands of employees. Unions have done their share to drive up costs and made profitability for US made cars almost nonexistent.
  5. Well, I for one am willing to give a little socialism a try after the bungling of capitalism with this meltdown we had. Capitalism is just as failure prone as socialism.
  6. Shooting Dogmeat because he s in the way? Sounds like a real Fallout game to me. HA!
  7. I think it i a fine Fallout game. Definitely Fallout 3.
  8. Of course when they do ask the right questions the politician they are asking dodge them so in truth they don't get a story worth printing/telling anyway.
  9. That is funny, because I keep getting the feeling that Iraqis want the coalition forces to leave and leave immediately. Or maybe just the US forces.
  10. If the Iraqis cannot set aside their differences and work together as a nation that would have been their fault.
  11. Of course it is odd. Its like it is odd for Fallout 3 to be banned in India. Two headed cows and a nuclear bomb? Damn, cultural sensitivity.
  12. We bipeds are an inefficient design. Intelligent Design my arse. Any hoot, another thing I hate is changes due to censorship. THe Japanesse version of Fallout 3 will not have the bomb explode in Megaton for some odd reason.
  13. Oh come off it. I remember when their anchors constantly "goofed" by calling Obama Osama.
  14. There is no creature on this world that can show the greatest exaltation of compassion or the darkest depravity of cruelty beyond measure than the beast called man.
  15. Every newsite has their biases. Some are easy to spot, such as Fox News, while others are not, like the BBC. When it comes to American politics I usually go to BBC News. When I go for news around the world, particularly those of British interests I go to CNN. The worse two places to go for unbiased news is Fox News and MSNBC, one being conservative bias with the other being liberal.
  16. But Dogmeat getting killed by a mutie is tradition.
  17. Unkillable NPCs. Everyone should be killable. KILL KILL KILL!
  18. I see it affecting larger companies like EA, but not smaller entities like Obsidian unless it goes the long haul. Hopefully it won't last more than a year or three.
  19. Well, I have beaten Fallout 3. Next time through I am going to play an evil Black Widow character who will make pants explode.
  20. Wha?!?!? I didn't even know he was sick. Man, he did some really great stuff.
  21. Nah, he is just getting ready for the next election. PALIN 2012!
  22. Volourn, Fallout 3 is pretty much the antithesis of a usual Bethesda game when it comes to dialogue and questing.
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