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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. From what I have heard the PS3 version of Fallout 3 has gotten the shaft. No trophies, no DLCs, and somewhat suboptimal performance for the hardware the PS3 sports.
  2. I am not surprised one bit. Bush won't be happy until we have all the world wanting to attack us. I am betting the day he leaves office he will order an attack on Iran, if not sooner.
  3. Why name a skull dath? I mean he has no flowing robes or a scythe. He is just a skull. Kind of presumptuous to call oneelf death when you don't have the right implements to be death.
  4. My main changes to the education system I like to see is that we go from the base agrarian standard and have school year round. Have the same number of school days and break days but spaced out evenly throughout the year, and have 4 day school week. On the Friday, extracurricular activities would reign such as sport events, chorus/ochrestra concerts, school plays, dances, and the like would occur for the studeents, while the teachers could use that day for planning the week ahead.
  5. Watching Volourn and Dark Raven bicker is watching a rabid chihuahua growling and yapping at a mirror.
  6. Why does the guy have the name of a certain annoying skull from Sigil tattooed on his arm?
  7. VOUCHER SCHOOLS? That is still government paying with public funds to education. Also, don't you think that a group of professionals coming together through a joint interest has the right to seek what is the best for themselves? Without unions the little guy worker has no voice and can get screwed over on a regular basis.
  8. Competition? Let me tell you something, the closest private school to where I live is 60 miles away. 60 BLOODY MILES. I am not just talking about school costs, idiot, but also transportation costs. Yes, gas is going down but not that much that I would be able to pay 120 mile round trip 5 days a freaking week. That isn't counting extracurricular activities. Again, you fail to realize the real cost of living for those who don't make $100,000 plus a year.
  9. So private schools are the answer then? Where only the rich are allowed to get a decent education? Nice thought there, Taks.
  10. What is wrong with education having a national standard? Education, as a whole, is failing in the US and it needs a major restructuring and the individual states just aren't doing the job necessary to do it. Bush's little policy is not the right way but something needs to be done and I don't see a single state government taking charge and doing something about it so it is up to the federal government to do it.
  11. They are still in business aren't they, Dark Raven? If they weren't making games that most of their fanbase wants to play they wouldn't be making money making games. You need to stop waving that walking cane of yours and use a bit of logic.
  12. Finished both the Mage Guild and Dark Brotherhood quests in Oblivion. Still chugging away...
  13. It is the only real good game they had. It probably would have done better if there was a console port of it and ToEE didn't stunk to high heaven.
  14. I really cannot vote for McCain because of Palin. I do not want some religious nutjob like Palin being a heartbeat away from the presidency. I don't like her policies, I don't like how she mixes her religion with her politics. A fiscal conservative I can vote for, but a religious social conservative like Palin I just cannot support.
  15. No, just how heavy is it. 2 ounces? A half pound? You said you picked it up. Some people just don't get my jokes. *sniff*
  16. How can it be in name only when they don't have the same name? I 'm a bit confused here. In any case it looks decent enough. If they port to the XBox 360, I might just have to get it.
  17. Well, on various issues, to be honest here, I don't like Obama or McCain all that well. First bit on Immigration. Both want to give amnesty to illegal immigration. That just seems wrong to me. These people broke our laws, they are criminals, yet we are going to give them amnesty? Didn't we do this before and it has shown not to work? I do agree we need immigration reform, but giving amnesty to criminals is just wrong. Another bone of contention with both sides is indeed the economy. Both sides supported the bailout, a bailout that will cost the taxpayers billions and billions of dollars. Also both sides share the blame for the mortgage meltdown. The Democrats for setting it up with the CRA and the Republicans and its leadership doing nothing about it when they held the majority and the presidency. Also the tax plan both sides are proposing, while I like Obama's better for selfish reasons, being honest here, I much prefer ditching income tax altogether, ending the existence of the IRS, and place a federal sales tax on taxable items. Higher the cost of the item, a higher the percentage. We are a consumer based society and it is the most fair way possible. It treats everyone equal when it comes to spending money, and promotes saving. I am for socialized health care, but for only legal residence and citizens. Use a blanket insurance policy which the government employees use and apply it to everyone with legal status. I am Pro-Choice, but I am against having federal money being spent on abortions unless it is a medical emergency or in cases of rape/incest. I am also for having parents and guardians being told if a minor under their care is going to have an abortion. An abortion is a surgical procedure, and a parent/guardian should be told whenever their child is going through a surgical procedure. While weighing both sides, Obama is closer to my views but hardly a perfect fit. One thing I am positively against him on is the issue of gun control. I think that guns, but not automatics and military hardware of course, and armor should be unrestricted. Also, nothing can be more skewed one way or another than statistics. Useless, in my ever so humble opinion.
  18. Of course, and it is all in good fun just as long as no one takes the rambling on either side too seriously. After all, we each have a part to play in the Obsidian Forums Melodrama.
  19. Conservatism doesn't work either, Taks. So, either way we're screwed. Take a look at trickle down economics. That has never worked. Since Reagon, each and every "fiscal conservative" Republican we have had in office not once balanced the budget. Who was in office when the budget was balanced? Hmmm, a tax and spend liberal Democrat.
  20. I am 70 hours into Oblivion for the XBox 360 and having a blast. Currently doing the Dark Brotherhood quests with my Mage.
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