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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Just as long we don't see a criss-cross of assets. The last thing I want my wizard to face is a damn face hugger.
  2. Well the issue with your argument is they (the service providers) have to pay for server fees and staff fees for additional content. if the mmorpg in question wasn't adding or upgrading the game then you would have a possible argument, but since that's not the case the argument holds little water. Unless you can provide a way for them to pay for the server admins, hardware and support staff in a different way. Its simple. Do it the Guild Wars way.
  3. She would have been fun at a Pink Floyd concert.
  4. If I could taste words I would probably avoid the forums.
  5. I just don't believe in paying a monthly fee for a game I already paid for. If I am going to spend $30 to $50 for a PC game, depending on its age, I shouldn't have to pay a monthly fee on top of that. That is why MMOs are crap. Its not the gameplay, its the constant money grabbing.
  6. Great, yet another pathetic MMO that will probably burn and die like Conan, DDO, Vanguard, Age of Camelot, Tabula Rasa, the abortive attempt on Stargate and Fallout, and so forth and so on. That's all we need.
  7. Cheating is good for the soul.
  8. Killian sings! Mass Effecting across the universe! On starship Normandy under the Shepherd! Mass Effecting across the universe! Grabbing collars and shooting everything that moves!
  9. Hey, Nightshape, you are the one making a PS3 game instead of a ultra cool Xbox 360 game with a kickarse co-op mode. So who is the real tard. Who I ask you!?!?! Anyhoot, good to hear you are still around, Rhomal, and hope you are successful with the new site. Also, isn't a 10' pole a staff? So if you have a 10' pole wouldn't you have the staff you are seeking? Or maybe a staff of seeking? Hmmmm... I must ponder.
  10. Hey, that's my line. In any case I am spending the holidays with *gasp* family. OH! THE HUMANITY!
  11. Of course it sounds bad if you put it like that. Yeah because there are so many established facts in science. And I'm saying that as a scientist. Who said anything about science? The one thing I know for certain about science is that there is a lot of uncertainty. There is a lot of credible evidence that support theories, but a discovery a day later could blow that evidence out of the water. In some cases that is even intentional.
  12. Just to interject here, I find that any institution that relies more on faith and belief than credible evidence and facts as barbaric and archaic. Also, on the human rights issue, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan, those people have more rights now after our invasions than they did before we took over and with a little luck they will have even more once we leave.
  13. That's because she wasn't a dwarf. Everybody knows that dwarves are the ones with Scottish accents. If it's not dwarvish, IT'S CRAP!
  14. In my ever so humble opinion, Bishop Desmond Tutu and Mahatma Ghandi are two good examples of those who have moved beyond our instinctual need for violence.
  15. Don't encourage her, Mkreku. She probably still say that Fallout 3 is crap even though she spent money on it and keeps playing it.
  16. I was thinking more along the lines of "Why play a sucky game that will give you motion sickness when you can play a decent game that allows you to blow people's heads off in full bloody gore?"
  17. Well, I do have a degree in Literature and Creative Writing with an adjoining minor in Religious Studies. However, I am considering going back to school to gain a degree in something in one of the hard sciences or computer related.
  18. Of course, it is all part of the self-destructive instinct all humans are born with. Some rise above it, others learn to live with it, while others, such as these terrorists, embrace it.
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