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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. There are extremists in every religion, though I have to wonder about Buddhist Extremists. *shudder* I find these terrorists any more a representation of Islam as I see the likes of Rev. Phelps as a representation of Christianity. People have been using religion as an excuse and justification to engage in cruelty and violence to others for centuries and will do so for centuries to come. How we react to such acts will determine our worth. Do we condemn a whole group of people for the acts of a few, or do we, those who oppose such violence regardless of culture and religious beliefs, work together and overcome our prejudices to ensure those who wish to act such as this are stopped prior to any violence?
  2. I guess it is better than being killed at Wal-Mart by being trampled to death.
  3. Make a shield dwarf and give him a green beard. There's your jungle dwarf.
  4. Its just not a new quest line, but three new quest lines, with one taking place after the game "ends." Also that is just the beginning. Imagine if every mod Bethesda released for Oblivion was the scope and size of Kot9.
  5. Don't you think it is a little early to call them "minimalistic" since we know next to nothing about them as of yet.
  6. There are already some mods out for Fallout 3.
  7. I think there is a lack of atmosphere in space. Even on board a ship it is limited. Of course if one was close to a planet there might be some atmosphere there. Hopefully a nice Nitrogen/Oxygen atmosphere with just the right mixture to support human life.
  8. The Resident Evil remakes are pretty good, but can get a tad repetitive on the gameplay side once you gone through one. Also this is a Nintendo console. It is meant for kids.
  9. He evolved from trunk monkey to shockey monkey.
  10. There is no greater ailment of the human condition that is misunderstood than mental illness.
  11. AAAAAAAHHH! THE IRONY! AAAAAAAAAHHH! Some people just do not learn from history, or simply do not care.
  12. Yes, my face is quite the delicacy in southeast Asia.
  13. Well, people could wait til the compilation edition that has the main game and both expansions in it.
  14. If they didn't eat your face, then who would? I mean, your face isn't the greatest culinary delight that you think it is.
  15. This is the Forgotten Realms, and dealing withthe Jungles of Chult. You don't know the Realms that much do you? The Jungles of Chult, as with many other jungle and tropical regions of Abeir-Toril, have a rather large dinosaur population. Know your Realms Lore before making posts like this. It will make you look less ignorant. Though the Realms do lack barbaric halfings riding dinos, unlike Eberron, which is sad.
  16. It was his life, it was his choice, regardless of the people of egging him on or telling him not to do it.
  17. That opening scene in Postal was absolutely hilarious.
  18. I say that we shove a grenade down his pants to celebrate. He can be his own fireworks display!
  19. Eh? A full game costs $50 to $60. Expansions are usually half that price. Anyhoot, its not on the XBox 360 and that is a shame. It will not take me away from my Fallout 3.
  20. What the?!?!? How did you get a pic of my avatar?
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