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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. btw for anyone wondering, the story is 18+ so I'm not going to post a link to it here. if you want to read, just send me a PM. It is a premise that has been done before, many times before, almost to the point of being cliche. In the final piece try to have a few twists that goes against the cliche, or make it more of a character driven story. The one thing I would change for certain is the officer's name. You're trying to hard with that. In stead of Brian Reaper, call him Alan Price. It is more subtle. Al-- Alfred, as in Hitchco-ck, and Price as in Vincent Price.
  2. Its being published by EA and EA uses SecuROM. Do the math.
  3. What about shooting knowing without a shadow of a doubt that you will kill both the guy you are aiming at, and the guy standing next to him. Collateral damage.
  4. Yuusha, if Hamas didn't want to wipe Israel off the map they wouldn't have broken the recent cease fire agreement by launching rockets and mortars at Israeli settlements. Hamas can say all the things it wants, but it is the actions it does that matters. It is its actions that makes it a terrorist organization, and its actions is how I will judge them. Not by their words.
  5. Can we just blow up the planet and be done with it already. Sheesh.
  6. No, not at all. I figured no one would be that silly to make such a weapon in real life.
  7. You don't negotiate with terrorists, Gorgon. You put a bullet in their brain.
  8. I like to see some decapitations and lower intestines, please. Hmmmm... Finger licking good... *goes back to Fallout 3*
  9. Early version of the Fatman, the M65 Recoiless Nuclear Rifle.
  10. Hamas is a terrorist organization. If an organization uses terrorist tactics, like Hamas does, it is a terrorist organization. Suicide bombings is a tactic Hamas uses and it is a terrorist tactic. I can't believe you can say Hamas is not a terrorist organization with a straight face. They are terrorists. I don't care about Hamas' history, its politics, or its psychology. THEY USE TERROR AS A WEAPON! THEY USE SUICIDE BOMBERS! THEY ARE TERRORISTS! The Palestinians in Gaza had a chance for peace back in 2000 and they blew it, and now it is time to pay for the consequences. I do know the conflict started back in 1967 with the Six Day War, a war many Arab nations were a part of. They threatened Israel by amping they forces along the borders, making threats and demands on Israel. Getting in Israel's face, wanting to fight. Well, Israel gave them that fight and won. If the Arabs back then just minded their own business and not threaten Israel to the point that made them feel they needed to do attack to protect themselves we wouldn't be in this mess. As the old saying goes, don't start a fight you can't finish.
  11. There are many that are better than some inner city neighborhoods.
  12. Those ambulances that they are firing on are more than likely run by the Hamas military, working to pick up wounded Hamas fighters and its leadership.
  13. It would cost me several hundreds of dollars I just do not have. Hey, if you want to give me $400 then I would have no problem upgrading my machine for DA.
  14. Yuusha, you live in a fantasy world. If Israel left Gaza alone, Hamas would use that time to arm and supply itself and continue its attacks. It is a terrorist organization that has stated that its whole purpose is to destroy Israel. How the hell do you expect Israel to respond to that? Just let Hamas keep on attacking them with rockets and suicide bombers? You say poor Palestinians but it was these poor Palestinians who chose Hamas to represent them, they chose a terrorist organization who swore to destroy Israel. Again, how should Israel respond to that? If someone swore to wipe you out of existence do would you just let them, Yuusha? WOULD YOU!?!?!? Nearly every single Arab nation has leaders who want to wipe out Israel. Iran, Syria, Lebenon, and so forth and so on. Under this constant threat against them how do you expect them to react?
  15. It does me. I can't have fun with a game that crashes every 10 minutes.
  16. I don't really see why there would be much of a difference between a keyboard and mouse and gamepad. The analogs would control character movement and camera, the 8 way direction would handing the quickslots, and the rest of the buttons would control the action and character switching. Add in my attached chatpad when I need to type things in and I don't see how my gamepad would be any less functional than a keyboard and mouse.
  17. Eh...why that? Unless you like waiting longer. Or PC - > console conversions. My PC is a piece of crap and I am sick and tired of trying to constantly upgrade it and dealing with drivers and so forth and so on. When I want to play a game I just want to turn on the machine and go, not wrestle with it trying to get the damn thing to work without crashing.
  18. Yuusha, that would only apply if Israel was purposely targeting civilians which they aren't. They are purposely targeting Hamas leadership who have hidden themselves in the midle of civilians like cowards. Hamas rockets are targeted purposely at civilians and not at Israeli leadership or military.
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