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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Yep, that is pretty much it, though I don't know why they bother making a PS3 version. Its pretty much a dead system. It is Sony's Dreamcast.
  2. The only main thing I have to criticize Bioware for is the formulaic writing and plotline they have in their games. That is my main beef. In many of their games its the same basic storyline just in different skin. They do make it fun to play, but it would be nice if they take more risks in their story telling.
  3. If you get attached to a character that makes the death even more dramatic and good role playing. WHen Imoen was killed in BG2 when I shifted into beast form that had a lot of impact on me. I wasn't able to raise her either so it even had a deeper impact which made the story of the Bhaalspawn even more dramatic and tragic. I loved it. You just do not see that in today's games. It seems to me that the developers don't have the balls to allow for such consequences any more. No offense, but it seems to be all mainstreamy and spoonfed.
  4. Some people, like myself, would like to see dead means dead. That is why IE games are pretty much still tops my list. I can play BG1, and whoops Khalid dies, and I can't raise him. Well, strip him of his gear, ditch the body, and move on. That was my choice to play like that. If I wanted to keep him alive I would reload. The system in current games like NWN2, the KotORs, and the like are just lame. It removes the choice from the player.
  5. I prefer the way Bethesda did with Fallout 3.
  6. No. Linux > Ubantu. Umm... No. Ubantu > Llyranor. Umm... Maybe. Windows ME > Atari 2600.
  7. On those really large multi-disc games I install them on my hard drive to play. No disc swapping necessary.
  8. Especially when the only major thing you can do is play games on a console.
  9. Go ahead and boycott it, Llyr. We'll see how well that works out for you.
  10. A game console is only as good as the games on it. That is why I am not too impressed by the PS3. Sure it has nice tech behind it, but the games I want to play are on either the PC or XBox 360, which is a less costier option to game on than the PS3. The only reason why the PS3 is going to last 10 years is because it will take that long for SOny to make any money off of it.
  11. Its a marketing ploy for a much grander world wide release. A multiplatform release can garner a lot of publicity. Bethesda has done it for Fallout 3 and Oblivion quite successfully, and now EA wants to share in that success. Of course that also brings it close to Mass Effect 2's multiplatform release.
  12. Only if I need to. Four cores running at 3 ghz, I should have to overclock it for a good long time.
  13. SOunds to me the two aren't communicating with each other. Maybe they need marriage counseling. You should suggest it, if it comes up in conversation again. However, this does not make you a jerk. There are other things that make you a jerk, but this isn't one of them.
  14. The AMD Phenom II X4 940 is going at $240 while its Intel equivelent, the Core i7 940, is going at $610. Both have the same base processing power with AMD being a third the price.
  15. Well, the Sound card is low on the list of priorities, but where I plan on buying it is currently selling it at $150. A non-Fatal1ty card of the same type is going at $100.
  16. For a country founded by criminals they seem to have a lot of politicians with sticks up their ass.
  17. I am using Vista and a baseline X-Fi card. No real problems here.
  18. Actually, my current CPU is an Intel Single Core.
  19. The delay is allowing me to get some much needed upgrades before its release. These are the upgrades I am getting: AMD Phenom II X4 940 (3.0 ghz Quad Core) AMD 790GX motherboard Two Saphire Raedeon HD 4780s in Crossfire 1000 Watt Ultra X3 modular power system 6 1.5 TB Hard Drives Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Pro 16 Gig of RAM I will be ordering the CPU, Motherboard, and the 1st video card next week. After that I will be setting aside $300 a month to upgrade the computer til I have everything.
  20. The only main difference is going to be the control scheme of the two versions. A game engine can handle more than one type of GUI.
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