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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. The basic need for justice often turns to vengence.
  2. Just another human being inhuman. What else is new?
  3. Human life is cheap, Yuusha. That is how the world is today. There are over 6 billion of us all clamoring for space and resources. A few thousand dead here, a few thousand dead there isn't going to hurt the human population one bit. We are endanger of going extinct because of overpopulation, you know. The point is that Israel has left and no longer attacking. They made a deal, regardless of their motives for doing so, and what does Hamas do? Attack again. I have no sympathy for stupidity, Yuusha, and what Hamas is doing is the utmost example of pure assining stupidity.
  4. You reap what you sow, and Hamas' continued attacks need to be addressed. The only right way to do it is to put a bullet in their brain. If Israel backs down that will only make Hamas and organizations like them even more bolder and give them time to rearm and reorganize. My mother taught me to never start a fight, but if someone attacks you you make damn sure they can never do so again. A peace was made, Hamas broke the peace, time to make sure Hamas never does so again.
  5. What is ludricous is to have patience with people who want to kill you, who then right after a peace deal is signed attacks you again. Israel should keep fighting as they were til all of the Hamas, and those who support them, are dead.
  6. And its obviously not working, is it Krezy? They had a peace deal, Israelis left the area, and what does Hamas do? They attack. SO, tell me Yuusha, how do you justify that? Obviously diplomacy has failed. Israel should go back in and finish the job once and for all.
  7. That would be cool. WHat would be really cool is you guys actually made it, for the XBox 360 and the PC, and the PC version came with a tools system similar to the NWN2 tools set or the GECK for Fallout 3. Oh, one of the key NPCs was voiced by Samual L. Jackson.
  8. Back to Obama! The Obama Action Figure: http://i.gizmodo.com/photogallery/bestobamaactionfigure/
  9. I think you two need to get a room... ...and a thesaurus.
  10. Let the religious call it marriage, but when it comes to legal matters let all marriages be treated as civil unions. Everyone equal under the law.
  11. The two state solution would not be in the best interest of Israel therefore Israel will never go for it. Hell, in the long run I don't think the Palestinians would want it either because it would require sharing power, and power, once had, can never be shared due to human greed.
  12. I would use the first edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Player's Handbook.
  13. I know. Imagine the horror our Islamic enemies getting their butts kicked by women. Women can be just as buttkicking for goodness as any man and it is far past time our military show this to the world.
  14. If Obsidian should go back to making CRPGs based on PnP rules they need to make a Shadowrun game.
  15. I wouldn't mind the draft if they do three things with the military: 1) Remove the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" malarky for gays and lesbians serving in the military. 2) If women have an equal chance of being drafted and are allowed to participate in combat roles. 3) If the individual is unfit for military service allow him or her perform a civil service job that supports the military.
  16. Cheney was stuck in a wheelchair and could get access to his hunting rifle.
  17. In my humble opinion, there is no greater issue than equality.
  18. Don't be so fraking paranoid, Aram.
  19. Not the bits I heard. I doubt they will repeal the second amendment, Aram.
  20. Fiscal conservatism, not social conservatism. Notice the "AND" between "responsibility" and "conservatism," which means that both are tied to the word "fiscal."
  21. What I am hoping for is some fiscal responsibility and conservatism with some major social changes and liberalism. No to corporate welfare, yes to gay marriage! That sort of thing.
  22. Maybe shifting the tax burden was the wrong words. Using a completely different tax paradigm is more what I meant. I do think that we need a fairer tax system than the old income tax system. One that will hit the rich and the poor, and everyone in between, equally and fairly. We eliminate the federal income tax and the IRS (as it is now) and introduce a federal sales tax system. After all we are a consumer based society, might as well make use of it. This way will also allow the US goverment to get taxes from those who get paid "under the RADAR" whenever they purchase a taxable item. What I mean that once we get spending under control, devise a budget that gets us a surplus of funds, instead of a deficit, while working on getting the national debt paid off, that is when we see if the country can afford programs that would socialize healthcare.
  23. There was a huge flamewar about politics and I missed it?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! On a more serious note, I do think that Obama is probably the best guy for the job in putting the country back in order, but we do need some good fiscal responsibility on part of the government if we are going to get out of this economic cesspool we are in. I am all for socialized medicine, shifts in tax burden, and programs to help the poor which most Democrats are for, but first things first. We can have all that after we develop a plan to cut spending to only the priorities, find a way to maintain a balanced budget, and lower the national debt. Fiscal Conservatism first, then apply the liberal socialism where it can be afforded. It was a nice speech as speeches go, but actions shall always speak louder than words.
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