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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. So, Mary played Yoshi's Island and that is how we got...? Ew.
  2. Well, a ton is 2000 pounds and the average adult human should be at most 180 pounds, so a tone of people should be around 10 to 11 people, at most 12, unless they are the typical American then that can be as low as 6 to 7 people.
  3. When the Block Hound is released that is when I will get SoZ. I am not much of a PC gamer these days but Black Hound sounds worth it enough to get SoZ.
  4. Nice rose colored glasses you have there, Volourn. The economy is in shambles, both foreign and domestic policies are in the crapper. We are 10 trillion in debt, with a 1 trillion deficit. I don't really care if the US is better off than some other countries. I don't live in those countries. I live here in the US and the US is worse off now than it was 8 years ago. That is the bottom line and that is the only thing that matters to me.
  5. Not long for Bush to be kicked out of the White House and Obama to come in to pick up the pieces. What he will do with the pieces is still up in the air. Hopefully the US will be in better shape 4 years down the line. If not, well, it will be time for another timmy.
  6. I am still contemplating moving to Kanada, Taks, with all the crap going on here. With the bailouts bankrupting this country even more it might just be a prudent thing. The number one thing that pisses me off about the US, and this isn't just limited to federal and state government, is that the vast majority of people do not take personal responsibility and accountability for their actions. They aren't fiscally responsible whatsoever and don't live within their means, and those with money just lend it out willy-nilly to these people then scream for the government to pay it back when those who shouldn't have gotten the money aren't able to pay it back. Our government and we as a people need to live within our means. One thing I like to see placed as a law is that we force Congress and the White House, year after year, to right up a budget that cannot have a deficit whatsoever. If there is a deficit, the difference is taken out of the paychecks of Congress, the White House, and their various staff. We need to stop taking loans from other countries, and we need to stop loaning and giving money to other countries.
  7. Actually I do think that would be a good idea. The religious nutjobs can have their corner of the US while more progressive minded people can have their own nation. So, it is okay to try citizens from other countries in our kangaroo courts but not okay to have other countries try our citizens in theirs. Hypocrisy much, Guard Dog? If the Republicans were more fiscal conservative in affairs foreign and domestic, and we went back to minding our own store then I would be more favorable towards the Republicans. We aren't the world police and it is high time we stop acting like it.
  8. Oh, what about Pakistan or are you conveniently forgetting that we are killing people across their borders without their permission of late?
  9. Taks, our sovereignty ends at our border. Why should the world respect our sovereignty when we don't respect the sovereignty of others? The Constitution was written in a world 200 years ago. Things are different now. Perhaps it is time for a new Constitution, one that is more with the times.
  10. Yeah, why should the self appointed world police be subject to international law? Doesn't the world know that is "do as we say, not as we do" here in the U.S.?
  11. Porting usually takes 6 months to a year. If there is a port coming I don't see it being out no later than Fall/Winter of 2009. Of course it will require DirectX 10 of course.
  12. The only Buffy/Angel character I like was Spike because with or without a soul he was such a pain in the ass.
  13. 1. The Doctor (all of them) (Doctor Who) 2. Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly) 3. Dr. Rodney McKay (Stargate) 4. Cameron (Terminator- Sarah Conner Chronicles) 5. Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS) 6. Abigail Sciuto (NCIS) 7. River Tam (Firefly) 8. Spike (Buffy/Angel) 9. Motoko (Ghost in The Shell- Stand Alone Complex) 10. Captain Jack Harkness (Torchwood)
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