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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. hardly apples and oranges, powell's just the hypocrite which was all i was pointing out. fools like you really think liberalism works to your advantage. i can't blame you. charismatic folks like obama sell it well. sheep like you drink it up. you'll realize when it's too late. hopefully in time to do something about it. taks I am voting based on the issues, like any informed voter. The issues on abortion, gay/lesbian equal rights, health care, education, and the economy are important to me. On these issues I am a liberal, and I am a liberal with great pride. I agree more with Obama on these issues than McCain/Palin. It has nothing to do with me gaining the advantage because the vast majority of these issues, regardless how they go, will not effect me in the least. You sound like a bitter old man, taks, stuck in the past, trying to desperately hold on antiquated traditions that have no place in a modern world so you lash out, calling people who seek true equality, where gender, social class, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, and nation of origin no longer matters, as sheep. I don't know if I should laugh or feel pity for you.
  2. I am in an apartment. If it was up to me I would paint the kitchen a bright egg-yoke yellow, the living room red, my bedroom a dark blue, and my bathroom lime-green. I always wanted a bright sun shiny kitchen to greet me in the morning for some odd reason.
  3. That is what everyone thinks, so who am I to have them think differently? If I deny it people will be even more convinced that I am. If I don't deny it people will think that I am. In either case people will think I am Hades regardless so why not. I'll be Hades.
  4. Actually I don't have anything pinned on my walls. They are just plain white walls. No pin ups. No padding. Just white paint. Badly done white paint to boot. There are five criteria that I use when I score a game: Story, Gameplay, Audio, Graphics, and Personal Bias. I then average them out and that is what gets me my final score.
  5. I take Powell's liberalism over Palin's conservatism any day of the week.
  6. The highest I have ever rated a game was 9.2 out of 10 and that was Mass Effect. There is no perfect game, for all games have their flaws. Some flaws can be overlooked, while other flaws are glaring, depending on the player/reviewer.
  7. Poor little Colin wasn't pick as a vice presidential candidate, the guy goes where the wind blows. Judging from his monologue it was like: Hey Obama pick me for a spot in your administration. If Obama is smart, he will.
  8. I will be getting it midnight on Monday, and with a new HDTV to boot to go along with it. HA! I will post my initial findings on Wednesday.
  9. Why would anyone want to avoid wandering monsters? Its XP and LEWT!
  10. NWN1 was fun... After it was heavily modified and got two expansions.
  11. It takes a combination of real time combat and give it first person view. After all Deus Ex and Bloodlines were both FPS games and not RPGs. RIght, folks? Right?
  12. If there is a KotOR 3, Dark Raven, it will probably use the SAGA rules system, which was based on Project Orcus works from WotC. In case you don't know the work Project Orcus became what is known as "Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition." We all know about your love with 4e, don't we? I am wondering if the MMO will use a derivative of Saga Edition Star Wars or not.
  13. I watched this one show called "Hell's Kitchen" that depicts poorly maintained and shoddy restaurants and this Simonesque chef comes in and tries to help it out. This makes the worse of what that show had look immaculate.
  14. The question I have is why 42 days? Why 42? It seems like an odd number to set the amount of time. Is it a Douglas Adams reference? It is good that it did not pass.
  15. You know which game they should do next to update with toadys graphics and modern gameplay style but keep to its roots? Dragon Wars. :D
  16. Well, I do know that Governor Vilsack, Iowa's previous governor, took a lot of trips on tax payer money. I don't know if they were religious in nature but some of them most certainly were not for official reasons no matter how much his PR guys said otherwise.
  17. "You must have hot sauce to eat eggs sunny side up!" Saucy Mao Definitely looks pretty... Um... Weird. Unfortunately it is for the PS3 and not the XBox 360. You seem to be in the know of obscure titles, Llyr. Know of any that are similar to Disgaea but on the 360? I am considering to check out the Penny Arcade game.
  18. Yes, but do they use 3/4 isometric view and 2D graphics? I did use commas and an "and" to connect all three qualifiers. Nearly all SRPGs (though not all) are turn-based 2D isometric games. SRPGs? Disgaea? I am unfamiliar with these. Please, enlighten me. I know most JRPGs are turn base, like Lost Odyssey, but SRPG is a term I am not familiar with. I never even heard of Disgaea.
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