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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. My problem is with MotB OC, not NWN2 OC, and to tell the truth I never played MotB expansion for all this time until recently.
  2. Besides, any new stand alone DnD game is going to be based on 4e rules. Lets not have that, shall we.
  3. I am using the Tony K version for 1.13 and patched up. The only other mods I had installed was Kaedrin's and Reeron's combination back 1.28, which was designed for Tony K's AI mod, and a few appearance mods. In any case I have removed all mods and NPC behaviors have returned to normal.
  4. This mod actually makes NWN2 awesome to play Already in it. Maybe that is the problem. You mean you are using it now? If so, all you have to do is choose the "Follow Me" option and the Companions will NOT attack anything until you tell them too. Yes, I have used that command and they still are attacking.
  5. Why worry about it? If it is released then it is released, if not then there are plenty of other things that are released. Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things as the old saying goes.
  6. This mod actually makes NWN2 awesome to play Already in it. Maybe that is the problem.
  7. I really hate the spirit eater meter. It wouldn't be so bad if my party members actually stayed there ground when ordered. Each time I try to do the whole spirit eating thing they don't stand their ground and kill the spirit. It is getting really annoying.
  8. I am finally playing MotB. That Spirit Eating bar is annoying.
  9. They can also deny you a new code if you do not prove to them that you actually own the game. Also its not a toll free number. Its long distance for everyone except those who live in the call center's local area. They like to put you on hold as well.
  10. After reading some of those reviews I think it might have been better for LucasArts to leave the leash on.
  11. I have decided to do some of my own tweaking to Pathfinder, incorporating bits and pieces from 4e, Arcana Evolved, and d20 Modern that I liked. So far I like the result, but I haven't gotten it in gameplay as of yet. Save mods are like 4e, the Skill listing has been tweaked, I am using the Massive Damage Threshold, with a little tweak, from d20 Modern, and the Disabled, Death, and Dying rules from AE. Also, a 1st level character has the Max hit die for the class and their Constitution score for starting hit points, maximum plus Constitution modifier for second and third, then half hit die plus Constitution mod 4th level and on. I am also using the Bloodied mechanic as well.
  12. Unpopular to some, popular to those who matter.
  13. Kind of like that "unbeatable" boss in the Final Fantasy MMO that took 18 hours for a group to do but failed, but another group did it in a minute.
  14. I got Morrowind and Oblivion, Baldur's Gate 1, Baldur's Gate 2, Neverwinter Nights 1, Mass Effect, Jade Empire, Knights of the Old Republice, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Knights of the Old Republic 2, Neverwinter Nights 2, Bloodlines, Arcanum, Crysis, Icewind Dale 1, Icewind Dale 2, STALKER, Might and Magic VII (WHY?!?!?!?), and I think that is it. So, about 19 games, including any expansions they have.
  15. Nah, they just stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  16. Obsidian, like Bioware, has this irrational fear of the Z Axis.
  17. We have both seen what a Republican Dominated Congress and Republican President got us, and a Democrat Dominated Congress and a Republican President as well. Now it is time for a Democrat Dominated Congress and a Democrat President and see how well that does us. If it doesn't work out, then we vote a different way next time around. As you said... The joy of democracy!
  18. Nonsense. The administrative functions of the govt are affected in no way by a permanent stalemate at Congress. It's the legislative prerogatives (if any) that are blocked. Reforms and other initiatives are stopped. Running the country proper is not. Surely you are familiar with the concept of separation of powers? But yeah, any reason's good to vote Democrat if you apply impossible logic to false premises. If there is a Democrat majority in Congress, even the slightest of margin, then whatever the Democrats seek to put into law is sent over to a Democrat president and he or she would be more incline to sign it. Also, during his reign as president, the Democrat president could appoint liberal minded justices of the Supreme Court which would be backed by the Democrat majority Congress. In this set up, government would be progressing towards a more liberal way of thinking. Good or ill, the government would actually be doing something instead of being stagnate.
  19. still irrelevant. with a democratic congress, a republican president, palin or mccain, is powerless no matter what happens. they are at that point nothing more than mouthpieces wielding a veto pen. at least then nothing would get done. besides, presidents have an unbelievable number of advisers of all sorts (funny how they don't count now, but everybody gripes that they're the ones actually in charge in other instances... double standards abound when ideology is in play). taks That is another reason to vote in a Democrat president, so that something can be done instead of the usual political roadblocks. Nothing is more worthless than a government that doesn't govern.
  20. That argument would have merit if John McCain wasn't over 70 years of age and already had four bouts with cancer. She would be one heart beat away from being president and that is a concern. At least if Obama buys it we got someone on back up who could do the job.
  21. They violate the EULA. The EULA is not legally binding.
  22. Polls are meaningless anyway. Only thing that matters is the election night in November.
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