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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. If you say so, but I disagree. Too each there own I guess.
  2. Blue is a rather unhealthy color, you know. Suffocation is just a bad way to go.
  3. Um... Maybe if we bring in more oxygenated blood in it would change.
  4. Hmmm... My uni had a centralized databank that all major and minor offices used. If there was a change in address or phone all one had to do is change the file at the databank and all those which accessed it, which was everyone, would get the changed info.
  5. The took away key elements of Dungeons and Dragons. They made multiclassing completely useless. They took away the Vancian spell system that has been in DnD since its beginnings. They totally dismantled the save system. They practically made alignment meaningless. I could go on but I don't see the point. DnD 4e is DnD in name only in my opinion. Your opinion may differ, but there is no way anyone is going to convince me that 4e is DnD. I have played and ran 4e adventures and it doesn't even feel like the same game any more. That is why I am abandoning my current DnD campaign and going Pathfinder.
  6. More for a couple of semesters I had to walk from one end of campus where they held the computer science classes all the way across the other side of campus where they held the humanities. A 3 mile run practically since I had 9 minutes to get their or be late for class. Maybe you need to invest in a segway.
  7. That looks like one pissed off rabbit.
  8. And they will need to wear bells that jingle each time they cutesy a victim.
  9. These people are trying help this guy and this Health "Official" is offended by this? That is just sick and twisted. Oh yes, lets get offended by helping others. Some people's children.
  10. I would. I think it would be great to have a game like GTA4, Mass Effect, or even NWN2 on that level of realism.
  11. Isn't there already too many MMOs as it is?
  12. Hmmm... Being ashamed of doing "things" with a lady friend when your brother walked in? Well, if it was just "normal" sex then I don't see why you would be ashamed. Typical males tend to cheer one on when they score, just without the pom-poms. Now if you were tied down and she was whipping you, then I could see you being some what shamed. Of course there are even more shameful and humiliating acts that you could have gone through but I think it would be inappropriate to describe them here.
  13. Um... Communism and Oppression bad?
  14. I rather have a Pathfinder CRPG than 4e. 4e is too far removed from what I consider Dungeons and Dragons. Way too removed from previous editions to be even considered Dungeons and Dragons.
  15. As long as we don't cry out for a baby Ruth candy bar or Rocky Road ice cream I think its all good.
  16. At least they aren't invading Alabama, right?
  17. That is very nice. Imagine NWN2 with that level of graphic detail. *drool*
  18. They could always have David Tennent to run the last bit of the Torch run in his Doctor Who garb.
  19. The point of the show was to be entertained, right? If you were entertained does it matter if it is fake or not?
  20. Well, it could be because of heavy use. I had a problem downloading the new patch yesterday but I waited about an hour or two and was able to do so without incident. No matter how large you can make the bandwidth there will be times that it just will not be enough.
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