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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. As a person who has played Oblivion both on the PC and the XBox 360, the Xbox 360 version is more fun to play but the PC version has all those mods one can experiment with. That being said I am getting the XBox 360 version first and if I like the game and some good mods come out I will probably get the PC version later.
  2. Depends on the anime. Bubblegum Crisis, Tenchi Muyo, Ghost in the Shell, Akira level anime are good. Project A-ko, Pokemon, and Dragonball Z... not so much.
  3. his is what annoys me in many CRPGs. In a RPG I want to play my character, be able to make my character how I want within the rules of the game, and have ownership of that character. I don't want to play the developers' character. That was a major drawback in Torment.
  4. If we want both Iran and Israel go glow, just let Iran develop its nukes and then wait. They will take each other out without us spending any resources.
  5. Well, Fallout 3 will have FDRM, while Bioshock, MEPC, Spore, and most probably Dragon Age will have DDRM.
  6. I never left. I merely changed names so I can have a unified "name" on all the online crap I do.
  7. I think we would all be better of if some alien race shot the Earth and BOOM! Klingon Moon Effect.
  8. because we're ultimately using the taxpayer to pay for a plan that was created by government meddling in the first place. it is not so much "smoothing out the cycles," it is redistributing wealth. let 'em fail. stop the handouts. get the government out of the system. taks There is a flaw there, Taks. It is the taxpayer money that bought the reserves of oil and food. Having a rainy day fund tucked away makes good sense as long as it is put to good use. You are right that this problem was created by government meddling in the first place, but now we have the opportunity to remove that meddling. I agree that Fannie and Freddie, and any corporation poorly run, should die, but that rainy day fund could be used to help people directly instead of being used to bailout companies. Of course, we need to get our spending way under control and work towards of eliminating the national debt first.
  9. Sure, nuke the most democratic countries in the Middle East, why not. Democratic does not equal good.
  10. Okay, then I prefer FDRM over DDRM.
  11. Yes, it is SecuROM, but it is SecuROM without the DRM, the limited installs, and what not. At least that is what Pete Hines said in an interview I read. I think it is an earlier version of SecuROM, not the one being used in Spore or MEPC.
  12. I am sure it would, but I am sure it would be less so than the middle east.
  13. I think we should just butt out. Let Israel stand on its own. The worst thing the US and the UK did after WW2 was made Israel in the middle east. They should have carved chunks out of Germany, Austria, and Italy for the Jewish state.
  14. The more you vilify a region or people the easier to seek to wipe them off the map. The Middle East is a bucket of trouble and always will. I dont have a problem with Iran seking nuclear power, and it would be hypocritical to deny them the ability to have nuclear weapons. We have nuclear weapons. Russia has nuclear weapons. China has nuclear weapons. Hell, even India and Pakistan has nuclear weapons. Israel also has nuclear weapons but that's a secret. If Iran feels threatened by all these nuclear powers why shouldn't they have nuclear weapons too? Of course I would prefer that no country had any nuclear weapons but that isn't going to happen.
  15. On a side note, Bethesda isn't using DRM in Fallout 3. They are using the same copy protection that is in Oblivion. A simple DVD check.
  16. A good idea when we no longer have a deficit AND a national debt.
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