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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. Hopefully those who are suing EA wins.
  2. Holy crap, Obama wants to go on! http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/...ould.debate.cnn
  3. You want to see a show that didn't age well, go watch the first 20 years of the original Doctor Who.
  4. Well, we should get an official response soon enough but I have a feeling that Obama will agree with a suspension of the campaigns. I just hope that the election isn't suspended. That would mean a longer time with Bush and I most certainly do not want that. I may have to do the unthinkable... Hide in Volourn's basement. Also I love my mantras. Ultima 4 all the way! "Beh... Beh... Beh..."
  5. You are going to get an answer anyway and a resounding YES! It doesn't matter if you are a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Communist, Green, or even a Whig. It doesn't matter who is ahead in the polls. The democratic process must go on no matter what!
  6. I do like British comedy over American comedy. Red Dwarf is the best British comedy EVAR!
  7. For better or worse, McCain has just suspended his campaign. I hope Obama doesn't. The democratic process must continue forward! http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/24/cam...wrap/index.html
  8. It would probably be $20 a month per game.
  9. Police and Fire departments are paid by the taxpayers. Health care should be paid by the taxpayers. Proper health care is a vital public service, just as police and fire departments. Following your logic there, since I never needed the fire department for my entire life I should not have to pay for the fire department. I mean I have never been in a burning building or needed a cat out of a tree so why should my tax money pay for services I never used. Why should I pay for someone else's incompetence when it comes to controlling his or her backyard grill?
  10. You also gave us "Are You Being Served?" and "Doctor Who" so all can be forgiven.
  11. Whatever, taks, live in your little neocon dream world. No sweat off my back.
  12. I think that some socialism is a good thing. Take police and fire departments. It would be hell if these two socialized services were privatized. Services that caters to the well being of our society as a whole, such as police and fire departments should be socialized. That also means expanding it to include healthcare and municipal utilities. I draw the line at non-essential services such as banking and real estate, but taking the full privatization route that you seem to propose would only make the US weaker.
  13. Why have the 3 in it in the first place? Just call it Baldur's Gate, give it a subtitle, and call it a day.
  14. EA will blame it on a weak PC gaming market, and it is getting weak because of DRM.
  15. That remains to be seen. We won't see how bad the impact, if any, will be for at least a year or three down the line. Of course, it may be sooner. If Dragon Age tanks, it would probably be the fault of DRM.
  16. Actually, they aren't doing what all their fans want, Volourn. A good chunk of their PC fanbase do not want DRM. We will have to see how successful their PC sales will be in the future. I don't see this effecting Console sales in the slightest. What platform is that hockey game on, Volourn?
  17. What gets me that they will ban you from playing a game you bought and paid for, and its not even a MMO.
  18. I agree with you, Ramza, and the best way to deal with EA is just not spend money on their games. I gave their DRM a try on MEPC and to be honest I didn't like it, nor the problems that I had with Vista while trying to get the damn game to work. So, its back to my EA boycott. One consumer isn't going to make a lot of impact, but I do hope that I am not the only one who is doing this and I doubt that I am.
  19. Funny, people said that 3e = Pokemon when it first was released. 4e is just badly designed, especially the magic system. Some aspects of its design is pretty good, but the lack of a real multiclass system, the spell system, crafting being nonexistent, and they way butchered the saving throw system just makes the game unplayable. It has some nice ideas but overall just unplayable for me.
  20. Well, I wouldn't say completely irrelevant. EA is changing their DRM thingie on Spore due to the "selfish, scummy, egotisitical, arrogant, and pieces of crap" fanbase who are screaming at them. Maybe they will ditch it completely when DA comes out.
  21. I have to agree with Volourn on this. The books were simple exposition and added nothing significant tot he story. Its the writing in the story, as well as the voice acting if any, that matters. The story of Morrowind was terrible. The exposition was decent.
  22. I rather they not make a new DnD computer game. Not at all. A new DnD computer game would mean using 4e game mechanics and well, it is my humble opinion that 4e game mechanics largely sucks. Story aspects are great, game mechanics blow. Now if they want to make NWN2 expansions up the ying yang then I will be all for it. Let them make a BG game as a NWN2 expansion.
  23. Lets take a good look at John McCain's view on the our horrid economy right now... At least Obama recognizes we do have a problem.
  24. As long as it is entertaining then its good. If it fails to entertain then it is bad. Its just a matter of opinion. If you don't like a game, then don't play it. If you like it, then play it. If you are unsure, rent it.
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