Not even started it.
I remember the times when I wished that Europe would also get Tales games. Today, I have Xillia 2, Symphonia, Symphonia 2, Zestiria and Berseria to play. They are patiently waiting in my backlog.
Just for good measure:
I want to complete Star ocean 5. Not a good game by any means, but I'm so far in that there's no reason not to try and complete it.
Well for some reason I liked SO5 more than SO4. And the Live Events were funny... (mostly) and also, I like the game more than FFXV as well. I know, I am strange person sometimes
Thankfuly I have finished all Tales of Games for PS3 and PS4 (excluding ToV) but so far I’ve platinued only Graces f and both Xillias. After I finish Vesperia, I will sooner or later try to fully complete Zestiria. Symphonia is so far my least favourite and not looking forward to play it again at the moment.