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Everything posted by Verde

  1. Its been bothering me all playthrough. And it's an 80 playthrough. I'd rather not start another. Is there a way to change her class via console? Thx in advance.
  2. I had the same issue with Eder but I can confirm it's been fixed.
  3. Where is it implied that we're talking about a trilogy? As far as I know, nowhere. Trilogy, sequel. Semantics.
  4. Tell that to poor Palle who's spending her time standing in the ocean :/
  5. I wonder if the Drake sound has to do with Galawains challenge? Not that it's more challenging just one of the most annoying sounds ever hhah.
  6. I like the tone better but I felt the graphics were mundane and drab.
  7. There are still some weird nasty bugs tho (you can check the support section I dont want to spoil it) so I think waiting another few weeks is prob a good idea unless you don't mind some random wonkiness and characters doing weird ****.
  8. If you totally create a build around this very specific type of behavior, then yes you run the risk of having your build nerfed or becoming useless if said behavior is changed. You knowingly made it when it's clear something is wonky. Don't blame the devs for fixing broke stuff.
  9. Do you enjoy PoE and want an end for the trilogy? Well you better hope it sells well or it might get canned. If you're a backer then you want it to sell well. It's pretty basic really, sequels are canned all the time for low sales and people want a return on investment.
  10. Just started a new game on Veteran today.
  11. This is only speculation but I've already encountered one serious bug in the new patch (super loud Drake wings at digsite) and I'm reading about new and preexisting bugs...so I think at least one or two more will be needed.
  12. The dungeons look great too with the ambient lighting.
  13. As Boeroer said it can be a lifesaver in long battle with lots of corpses. Even ship raids can benefit.
  14. Rem trying to figure out which bonuses were and were not suppressed in PoE 1? Ah those were the days...
  15. It works with each class, but I don't think it has specific synergies with Rogue (except its glasscannonish nature). If Rogues are flanking or attacking from stealth, they don't need to worry bout deflection as much, so the penalty isn't as severe. Tricksters even moreso. And Duskfall has a +2 Pen bonus as well iirc.
  16. What's this crossbow you speak of?
  17. Side note - did you know there is no such thing as a Tea Cup pig? It's only a piglet...that will one day grow to be a huge, cute monstrosity
  18. I booted it up for the first time in a while, and at max settings, the game looks outstanding. I'm on the Floating Hangman it looks beautifully eery and sublime. Predator Helios 300 laptop for anyone interested. Totally worth it.
  19. Cipher is one of the best multi classes imho. It's low level spells are useful for all types of classes.
  20. Waiting for the last major patch to complete my 5th and final playthrough.
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