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Everything posted by Verde

  1. It's actually one of the few funny and beneficial bugs. I mean I'd rather have it gone but it's not killing the game for me.
  2. That's a good pt and maybe the tone is somewhat facetious coming from the Watcher.
  3. Ah so another piece to this silly puzzle - Eder did his "let's not talk thing" Xoti...even tho she has a +2 rating with him lol. Obsidian needs to do a better job with the small details.
  4. Well Bereth does bring you back from the In Between, so maybe you forgot how to do everything? I start at level 4 now which helps alleviate the pain.
  5. Only the hardest most frustrating fight in the game ha. Or maybe the crossbow loot.
  6. Well I appreciate the responses. It makes more sense, but not total sense
  7. Isn't Hel referring to the overall afterlife ? Or is it synonymous with our Hell?
  8. Just as the title states. The spell gets to the very end and the spirit-shifted model freezes.
  9. The vanilla game suffers from a lot of shoehorned choices or lack there of. For example, not being able to give Bezas notes to the ranga if you destroy the pillar is an egregious oversight.
  10. She says "Hel" often, which in many Midwestern/Southern religious circles is still considered a no-no if used as an expletive. Hmm I just started a new playthrough and don't remember her saying it much if at all early on. That specific dialogue option seems really out of place.
  11. Lol I know what swearing is, I haven't heard her swear much less as early as you can get the dialogue option which is essentially immediately.
  12. Ah yes, we should just bugs and imbalances persist eh ?
  13. Nope it's def running better! On a side note, can we fix the minor bug with a stealthed party moving really fast?
  14. Yeah this is some seriously good stuff. Will it work on current game saves? Also it would be helpful to add a description of the new passives and holy auras.
  15. The line I don't understand is, "Should you be swearing this much as a priestess?" What swearing?!
  16. This was jarring to me on my latest playthrough. He makes the same comment about 'not trusting anyone who worships Gods to that degree, esp Eothos' (ughhhh what!?!), and then slightly corrects himself. So did he lose faith after Night Market or Obs simply using the same dialogue? - your friendly Universalist
  17. Those giant spores are quite charming I must say. Possible PoE3 alliance?
  18. All i can say after reading that is : I love you Yayyyyyyyy lol
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