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Everything posted by Verde

  1. One devious thing I like to do with a rogue MC is to oust Castol and then turn on Avni during the Powderhouse "trial". A delicious turn of events, for everyone but the VTC. So there are some opportunistic moments
  2. I dunno, different expectations I guess? For example I was playing Plucked Fruit today. I find it egregious there is no option to simply let the fruit be hidden and grow. You HAVE to hand it in. No option at all to even discuss the benefits of growing it to feed the villagers. That's what I've found in Deadfire - most decisions are shoehorned, missing out on some obvious choices. Example B - I can't give Bezas notes to the ranga if I destroy the pillar, which is one of the main reasons I destroyed it. I don't even have a chance to explain myself. I'm not a nit picker, despite how it may seem, there are just painfully obvious omissions to me that I have trouble looking past. There are some really great quests, like in The Gullet, the DLCs, and the combination of options for the last faction quests. But for the most part, I feel the options are lacking.
  3. I love the build possibilities in Deadfire but hate the lack of quest options/reactivity. So for that reason I may check out Tyranny. Appreciate all the candid feedback and glad to see a healthy discussion.
  4. would have been cheaper to implement as well. sometimes laziness is the best judge. Totally agree with Wormine here.
  5. Even though I'm not a huge fan of the Witcher, I thought 3 had an excellent main story and antagonists, and prob one of the best quests ever in the Bloody Baron.
  6. Drives a completionist mad!
  7. Thanks all. Deadfire is like a hot gf who bothers me sometimes but I can't keep anyway
  8. I've seen some good reviews on Tyranny but the user reviews are usually love or hate.
  9. So they fixed the fast stealth but now my general movement is messed up. Sometimes I run really fast other times I cant run at all. There are some other minor bugs like Xotis quest not updating but the movement bug is crazy, I can't play like this. What didn't you like about Tyranny?
  10. Is it less buggy? That is my primary concern at this point. With the new Deadfire patch I'm experiencing tons of new minor and major bugs and I'm about done with it.
  11. Bump...anyone else experiencing issues with walk and run?
  12. Or am I going crazy? Just started tonight.
  13. I won't judge acting ability I just don't like her voice and think she reads much too slow. If we could disable the narrative below that would help.
  14. I certainly don't appreciate posters drawing the conclusion that TC has issues is his or her life when I've seen you all get upset at really minor stuff in this game. So if that makes me the bad guy, so be it. Really this topic should have been shut down when that was brought out.
  15. I don't understand why you're trying to go on a war path here. Also, actual quote from xzar_monty in that thread: "It makes no sense whatsoever, but I've decided to let it lie." That doesn't sound like taking unreasonable offense, but having issues with something that's messed up but making peace with it. Let's not distort what people are saying to fit your own aggrieved narrative. If you read the entire topic you will see how he does not let it lie, but instead keeps pushing it. And it's not the first time, but pretty frequently actually. I have no narrative except to stop the Deadfire mob. Literally unplayable.
  16. As is your interpretation of some online stranger's life which you know nothing about. Agreed, time to stop.
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