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Everything posted by Verde

  1. They are right tho. It's weird when they narrate what a char is doing...when the char is standing right in front of us, not doing it lol. Obs has shown great writing talent in places like the DLCs, but so much of vanilla is the rookie mistake of telling not showing. It's too much "this is how things are!" instead of showing the player how they are and letting the player come to their own conclusions.
  2. What's just as bad are effects sticking around when they shouldn't. For example I slotted A Whale of a Wand on my MC for a bit now he has Just a Dream and Fantastic Friends abilities for good lol. These bugs have been around fooooreverrrrr.
  3. I'm a big fan of Manegras chain too. So what type of afflictions are considered Might?
  4. Confirm. Because we all know it looks weird af. I'm currently rocking it on my Moon GL Universalist even tho it goes completely against his char. In mean, +3 slash AR on a robe...AND immunity to Per or Might afflictions? Yes please. Not to mention a few other goodies.
  5. You can slightly get around it by stealth toggling. I'm hoping this next bug patch is a dousy that doesn't mess too much more up.
  6. Hi All - Apologies for always reporting bugs and never attaching saves. So I have a save ready to send from Bekarna's Observatory (sp.) where the Shroud of Phantasm should be. Unfortunately it's not showing up Can you please add it to my inventory? It's paramount to my Priest of Wael/Lifegiver build . Let me know where I should send the save. Thanks! Also another bug to check out is Galawain calling me "his God" even though I didn't choose him. Let me know if I should send a different save. Thanks again.
  7. I'm def on board with Cipher. They have amazing crowd control and buffs/debuffs. Mental Binding should be a PL7 spell. Plus they are fit in perfectly with the story. What elevates them imho is strength in both single and multi class builds.
  8. Yeah Eder is great. A true bro.
  9. Did a great job. I find her to be one of the most engaging companions. Now Xoti on the other hand...*we need to break up*
  10. Yeah that's true. And I will agree that Deadfire has a lot of replayability esp with build variety.
  11. Try Pathfinder Kingmaker. I've heard scary things. I may wait for a year or more to let it settle.
  12. Mechanics like that are pretty nice. Kind of a puzzle. Or like "find the key".But they can also frustrate the hell out of impatient players (who don't like to read). So I guess designers often shy away... Not so much don't like to read, it's more bout not having the coin or knowing about the shield.
  13. Sure. So Palleginas breastplate, which I sold many hrs ago, is still providing its bonus. When I remove Xotis gear she is still getting the spell resist bonus. My Lunar Heart bonus (only at night) persists during the day. Certain abilities like spell reflection I can't tell are being applied by any stat sheet unless I test thru friendly fire. I don't want to get into previous patches, but paladin auras were sticking indefinitely. Then there's issues with keywords. Is Toxic Strike a poison ability? Nope. Neither poison nor decay based kn the lack of keywords.
  14. The sheer number of bugs also doesn't help. You can't trust everything you read - effects stick when they shouldn't, certain effects aren't even applied, and others aren't calculated correctly.
  15. Mona Lisa is a classic work of art that can't be just changed or updated. Deadfire is a video game that can be updated iterively. There is no comparison.
  16. The definition of intuitive is - using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive This is the opposite of your reasoning for keywords ala paying attention to like a lawyer. That is not intuitive. What I'm arguing is that for an RPG gamer, Deadfire's stat system, both abilities and skills, is not intuitive. It needs to be overly explained. Whether it's Might dictating spell damage and healing, Resolve mostly being a dump stat, or the keywords that you mention. Or even the checks - as mentioned, why are there no spell based Might checks? Why is every Might check physical, yet we have Athletics? Also I want to focus on a poison build...so which keywords is it? Poison, Decay, Desease? How do Power Levels affect them? If it needs to be explained and combed over like a lawyer, it's not intuitive. For Dark Souls, which again I don't know how well this come off since you haven't played it, is a very intuitive game, because it is so vague from the beginning. While you are figuring out the systems, you have no choice but to lean on your tuition as a gamer. And in the case of Intelligence, the game tells you is that Intelligence increases sorcery/magic damage. So when you fight a bright blue dragon or butterfly that shoots bright blue missiles, along with a basic understanding of the lore, it is easy to infer that the enemy is magic-imbued and doing magic damage. Therefore when you make a boss weapon from them, and the weapon is bright blue and only has a letter in the icon for magic, it's very easy to infer that the weapons do magic damage. That is intuitive, without a need to explicitly state all of this, which Dark Souls doesn't usually do. The entire premise of Dark Souls is figuring out the basic systems, and one does that through gamer/RPG intuition. In Deadfire, everything needs to be explicitly stated to a degree that renders the game unique, but not intuitive. To give you the flipside of Dark Souls, in Demon Souls, the Moonlight Greatsword scaled with Faith, which confused the heck out of gamers, because it appeared to be a solely magic-based weapon. A great example of being unintuitive that Dark Souls resolved.
  17. Yeah it's a bug. I fight it now but previously it was in the state you described.
  18. I always release a part of his soul to satisfy the watershapers and then let him go. It's money for later playthroughs when you don't want that crazy final fight.
  19. BG2's combat was mostly dependent upon casters, but it was multilayered and fun so it worked. I also liked how having a Thief was almost mandatory for dungeon diving and you could cast spells OUTside of combat.
  20. I loved how impossible Beholders were if you stumbled upon them. And then discovering all you need is little coin and a shiny shield.
  21. It's intuitive because Int affects any sorcery-related damage and some weapons say, or imply, or even look like they do magic damage. Therefore it's easy to games to infer that a weapon is going to scale with Int, because it does magic damage. Doing it differently is not a good argument, so we can move on from that. But I still stick my intuitive argument.
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