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mr insomniac

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Everything posted by mr insomniac

  1. I remember Rollcage! That was quite fun
  2. Just finished watching Pan's Labyrinth as well. I thought it was an excellent movie.
  3. While the name above the duergar, when clicked upon or highlighted, may not have been "thrall", in one encounter, , the bladeling they are with refers to them as "stupid thralls" (I believe), or at least thralls. Just pointing this out.
  4. Now I've got the tune "Sy Borg" going through my head, from Frank Zappa's Joe's Garage
  5. Just watched a trailer for the game. woot! good stuff guys.
  6. That was kinda my point.
  7. I believe there are 5 other pics from the game, if you scroll down on the page a bit, or at least there used to be.
  8. Please God no more racing, or shooting ships with the Ebon Hawk's guns. Pazaak is fun... but the other minigames?
  9. If a player wants to go out and get a mod to make the game more challenging for themselves, so be it. More power to them. If you restart the game numerous times trying out different character builds or whatever, I can see where it gets tedious, but not everyone does that.... so who cares if the duergar don't use all their abilities. As a player I know there will be tougher challenges ahead, since I haven't even left my own village yet. Let those enemies use all their abilities. Let those fights be challenging. I'd be disappointed if they weren't. The duergar battles were fine as they are cuz they got me used to moved the camera around and controlling my party, during a combat situation, in ways that the tutorial just doesn't accomplish (cuz there is no risk at all in the tutorial).
  10. I've got no problems with being able to save anywhere. It's kept me from being late for work at least a few times, because I dislike even more having to backtrack to an earlier save for reasons that aren't caused by playing the game, like work.
  11. mr insomniac


    Yep, it's one game between two teams who haven't played against eachother in I dunno how long. Scouting and watching tapes can only do so much. Ottawa knows now they have to step it up a notch or two.
  12. Planescape: Torment I'm kinda curious to see whether Fallout 3 will save the franchise.
  13. Agreed. Haven't really enjoyed an RTS since Myth: The Fallen Lords. The enemies could overwhelm you and really kick your butt, but there was no AI cheating.
  14. The ability to fly a starship is insignificant next to the power of the force.
  15. C&C: Red Alert (with Counterstrike and Aftermath) C&C: Red Alert 2 C&C: Tiberian Sun C&C: Generals LOTR: Battle For Middle Earth Myth: The Fallen Lords Myth II: Soulblighter Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition Quake II Half Life Anthology (Half-Life, Blue Shift, Opposing Force, Team Fortress Classic) Half Life 2 Soldier Of Fortune Return To Castle Wolfenstein System Shock 2 Fallout Fallout 2 Baldur's Gate (with Tales of the Sword Coast) Planescape: Torment Baldur's Gate II (with Throne Of Bhaal) Icewind Dale (with Hearts of Winter and Trial of the Luremaster) Icewind Dale II Lionheart Morrowind Kotor Kotor II Neverwinter Nights: Platinum Edition Neverwinter Nights 2 Links 1999 Links 2000 NHL 2006
  16. Episode IV. Started the whole thing off and still induces that same feeling of magic and scope that it did when I saw it in the theatre in 1977.
  17. mr insomniac


    ^ Same here, and i lost two bucks on the wings.
  18. Store bought, and upgraded some since then. Added RAM, better graphics and sound cards, and second hard drive. Been over seven years since I built my own PC, and after some quick research I decided I was too lazy to build another. [famous last words] Next PC, which is hopefully a long way off, will be a custom build though. [/famous last words]
  19. Just got home from the local pc shop with my copy of NWN2. Am currently patching it up to 1.05912, then i'll start the OC.
  20. Interesting. I finally got around to buying a copy of NWN2... well, it's on backorder at the local PC shop. Hopefully will be here soon. This sounds like something I'd like to try out. While waiting for NWN2 to arrive, I've been considering re-installing Torment for old times sake.
  21. mr insomniac


    Fisher just kinda clipped Brodeur as he skated by, knocked him off balance a little bit. He didn't fall, he just stumbled. A very short time later Priessing scored the goal. Brodeur gave the refs a dirty look, but no one really argued all that much. Analysts on TSN after the game said it should have been called 'incidental contact'. No goal, face-off at centre ice. Oh well, it's in the books now as a win for the Sens. I don't care if they ever lose the choker label, but like I said, better them than the Devils.
  22. mr insomniac


    I'm no Sens fan, by any stretch, but they're a Canadian team in the playoffs, and much better them than the Devils. Was the goal as contoversial as they're making it out to be? Should it have been allowed? I thought it was okay. It looked to me like Brodeur had time to recover, he just took his time about it.
  23. mr insomniac


    Looks like Roberts is going to the Penguins. I'd be surprised if the Leafs did anything really, come trade deadline.
  24. System Shock 2 ... reformat + loss of disk + too many other games to play at the time Lionheart ... zzzzzzzz Morrowind ... zzzzzzzz NWN OC ... PC crash + haven't got around to re-installing yet. Diablo II (it's a RPG in some people's viewpoint. Not mine though, but still...) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Dungeon Siege + Legends of Aranna (sp?) ... currently playing through, trying to retrace my steps and find chapter 3! Haven't played at all yet, but intrigued: Oblivion, NWN 2, Temple of Elemental Evil, or that vampire game with that unkillable werewolf.
  25. I just read about this on yahoo news. Said she wore diapers for the 950 mile drive so she wouldn't have to stop for bathroom breaks... well prepared indeed.
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