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mr insomniac

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Everything posted by mr insomniac

  1. Some will maintain that this is a fairly accurate description of PS:T's actual sales figures. There was a book that was based on the game as it existed well before its actual release, iirc. The in-game story wasn't complete and the author took a lot of liberties with the material, apparently. That's not to say it wasn't bad, heh. But anyway, yeah, I think Krezack nailed it. Philosophical or not, I felt a little more enlightened after thinking about the themes of the game, when I finished it.
  2. Qui-gon.
  3. my pc setup is almost identical to yours, except i have the geforce 7600 gs. Same thing happened to me, where the game would crash before even getting to the loading screen, but a re-install of the game fixed the problem. Played through the entire game without a single crash after that.
  4. ^ One of the persistent rumours I've read is that the Leafs were shopping Stajan around to make cap room in order to sign Peca. I'm glad they didn't do that. EDIT: Strike the "good luck in NY" comment. Oops. EDIT #2: D'OH! that's it, I'm going to work.
  5. Trying to play Kotor II at the moment. Encountered a nasty crash when I tried to shutdown the game after creating my character and saving. It seems to have corrupted the startup .exe, so I'm re-installing.
  6. Bell Pleads No Contest To Felony DUI Interesting in that it affects my Leafs, sort of... "A sentencing date has not been set, Robinson said, adding that Bell will serve his sentence during the summer months so it doesn't conflict with the hockey season." So I guess it means he'll return to California at the end of each hockey season and serve 2 or 3 months of his sentence, and then go back to T.O. and play hockey? Hmm.
  7. Other than reading Batman as a kid I was never really into comic books much. But "mainstream normals" getting into Lord of the Rings doesn't bother me so much. They are entertaining movies, and have encouraged people to read the books, who otherwise might not have ever picked it up. Nothing wrong with that, as it's a great story. To use my niece as an example; she's 11 and has nearly finished reading The Hobbit, where normally it's tough to get her away from her video games.
  8. Thor Strikes Hollywood
  9. Playing both games now for the second time. my plan was to play as darkside this time, but it's not fun for me, so i guess i vote no.
  10. Finally managed to get my Kotor and Kotor II discs back from my neighbour, and have begun a new campaign. Although I've just escaped from Taris, I'm considering starting again because I'd forgotten exactly how whiny Carth is. I just can't pick the dialogues that would increase my influence with him.
  11. Like that pic on the left. Nice little hack.... errr, mod.
  12. I've never been one of those who thought BG1 was superior to any of its successors. Personally I think it's the weakest of them all, and the only way I can go back to playing it again is through Tutu. That's not to say I didn't like the game, because I did, it's just too old compared to the other IE games. But I agree about wanting to hear the developers thoughts on various decisions about making PS:T the way they did, if only to satisfy my own curiosity. Damn, phone call from work and I lost my train of thought. Oh well.
  13. IWD was far more similar to the BG games than was PS:T. Rushed development was possibly not as much of a factor, since less changes needed to be made to the engine. Perhaps it was just an excuse, but I recall developers saying that ranged combat didn't work as well in PS:T because of the "zoomed in" nature of the camera, compared to other IE games. However, they made it work for Nordom, so... :shrug: As for spells, well... PS:T was all about differences, in many aspects, compared to 'traditional' AD&D gaming. Lack of summoning spells were likely a conscious choice, in the same way there was no armour (but plenty of armour-like substitutes), and no swords, and no dwarves, elves, etc. EDIT: also, let's keep in mind that the IWD series and BG2 were released after Torment, so the developers can take everything they've learned from working with previous games to make the newer ones. I've rarely seen anyone compare BG to the later games, but the improvements made over it in later games were numerous.
  14. Ahh okay, well okay, as long as you can keep on playing, that's what counts. It'd be a shame to get that far into the game, and be unable to continue. Good luck the rest of the way.
  15. My understanding is that Carth has to be in your landing party on Korriban the first time you land there, in order to get Dustil to appear. If Carth was in your group and Dustil still didn't show up then I dunno.
  16. Brothel of Slating Intellectual Lusts Cellar I can't get into the second area in the (East) Civic Festhall, it keeps crashing. Anyone know if there is something important there? Have you done a full install of the game, or are you playing from the discs? Also have a look in the Torment/temp folder, if there are any files in it, delete them. Sometimes files may get left behind when the game crashes, where if you exit the game normally, those files are deleted by the game.
  17. I'm patiently waiting for Black Mesa: Source before I play through HalfLife again. Though I was kinda feeling like a blast on HalfLife 2. Thanks for that link Although Halflife has apparently decided to work properly, I find it looks awful now, after playing Halflife 2, and still feels kinda clunky. I'll wait for Black Mesa: Source as well.
  18. I agree, I thought the 3rd book was the weak link in the series as well. Finished Shogun; excellent book! As someone else in the thread mentioned, Clavell is a master of the subplot. The twists and turns were fun to read, and I actually read the last 250 or so pages in one night and was pretty much a zombie at work the next day. Now reading The Green Mile, by Stephen King.
  19. Deliver it. Delivery Boy seems to be my profession. Just got Annah into my party Schweet. Am really thinking it's time to play PS:T again.
  20. I vote "NO" on that.
  21. More important than staying healthy or having a productive season is whether his wife/girlfriend wants to live in Edmonton. Let's hope so, so the Oilers can get back in the playoff hunt. Their last run to the finals was fun to watch.
  22. Looks like I'll be able to play the game as well, I'm right around the recommended specs
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