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Jedi Master D Murda

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Everything posted by Jedi Master D Murda

  1. HK-47 was my favorite charcter because of his story. It beats out anybody else's story, in my opinion, and it makes me love Revan even more.
  2. I like how Bao Dur seems to be important somehow. I think people have realized the fact that Kreia can't seem to read Bao Dur's mind but the Exile can. Also you basically learn everyone's fate but Kreia says that Bao Dur's path is unknown, hmmm.... :ph34r:
  3. Well I decided to do my own thead since I've been drawing a lot. I wanted to get some feed back on two previous pictures that I posted so... here is Brianna And my Revan And something new... Bastila! More pics are on the way!
  4. I doubt Jolee went back to the Order following K1. The teachers of his time passed on their ignorance to the Council of Revan and Exile's time. Jolee, like Juhani, Zaalbar, and Mission, could have been killed and that's probably why they chose to exclude them from the game entirely. I would assume the disappearance of the Jedi from the galaxy sent Jolee and Juhani into hiding if they weren't slain, Mission and Zaalbar probably had nothing to worry about. With the Jedi rebuilding by the time of K3 I'm sure he will come to help out like Kyle did.
  5. That Kreia pic is very nice!
  6. I have no choice when it comes to the notebook paper. I don't have any computer paper and I can't find my art book. Anyway, here is a pic of Brianna And a pic of my Revan. Don't know if any of you remember the black dude with the bald head but he is the guy I think of when Revan comes to mind, not to mention he was the first character I played with.
  7. I'm not a girl I'm a boy lol. Don't let the avatar fool you, I just love Joanna Dark. Thank you very much. :"> I have more on the way.
  8. I have some new drawings but they are works in progress I am having problems with Atton's head That's Malak.
  9. I would like to add some art as well... I haven't been here in a while
  10. That makes no sense to me. I mean, the people who exiled him say they want him back, and so he just comes running like a good little puppy dog? Seems to me that rejection and exile doesn't exactly make you feel very motivated toward pleasing the people who condemned you in the first place. The Exile may be a jedi and therefore not subject to such "negative" emotions, but he was still pretty defiant when he left the order. If he just comes running home when daddy calls, then he admits that the council was right all along and that he was wrong to defy them and choose exile rather than submit to them, let alone choose to fight the Mandalorians in the first place. That doesn't seem very likely to me, since the stand he took was scarcely a spontaneous one - it's the sort of choice you make and stand by, because the consequences are severely obvious, and yet the Exile chose as he did. He is far more likely to say, "Oh, they cast me out, but now that I've become 'useful' they think I'll come running at their whim - they're going to be pretty disappointed..." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Was it said that the Exile was supposed to meet with the Jedi when returrning to the Republic? I thought he was meeting with Carth or Cede when he was coming back which was Atris's plan. He is attacked by the Sith and accidently, if that's possible, bumps into Atris and then goes to gather the other Jedi to fight back.
  11. Welcome to the club. You will get over it however with time.
  12. He went to the Unknown Regions to take on the "True Sith".
  13. It's because the farther you go LS or DS Nihilus and Visas can sense you. Then Nihilus sends Visas for you. The Goto/Remote cutscene was weird. And the Kreia messing with Disciples head was weird... all of them.
  14. Yeah, Atris said that she leaked info about the Exile and arranged for him to come back to the Republic. Now, you are asking why did the Exile decide to come back, I believe it's simply because he was summoned. While in Exile no one was looking for him and as soon as somebody was he decided "What the heck, I'll go back". It might be that simple. As for HK, I thought it might have been the HK 50 who shot him up but it seems impossible for him to do this so...
  15. There are a lot of instances where you can attempt to convince someone to do something but no matter what you can never succeed. *cough*Handmaiden*cough*
  16. Before the game starts you are "in her service" since she is the one that sets everything into motion at the beginning of K2.
  17. There are also some interesting things you can learn before you make Disciple a Jedi but after you ask those questions they can never be asked again unless you reload. Plus the answers to those questions depend on whether Revan went LS or DS.
  18. I also like Dooku but my vote went for Sidious. Never really had to do his own dirty work because he had others doing it for him.
  19. I agree with you 100%. The Lady Luck is very nice, even though I only saw it Jedi Outcast.
  20. Huh?!? Where did that come from? Not saying you're wrong, but I have no recollection of anything to suggest that. Did or miss something or does anyone else remember this? Can anyone point where this was suggested in KotOR2? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When you talk to HK and and it gets to the part where you can say, "I can't allow you to stay on the ship" or something like that and you can continue from there and get HK story of Revan wanting the Exile to go back to face the Council. They'd've also had a hard time giving Revan any spoken dialogue. I'd say the Exile was certainly "close" enough to Revan to have seen him in person and spoken with him and whatnot, but I'm reluctant to say that they were close in the sense of any kind of friendship. Their relationship, in the sense of their outward interactions, seemed to have been described and hinted at as being more as that of simply commander and general, rather than of actual friends. From thoughts I've heard around forums on the 'net and from what I recall of the hints and clues given in the game itself, Revan had had his eye on the Exile for some time throughout the Mandalorian Wars (even so far as having actually wanted the Exile to return to Coruscant to confront the Jedi Council), even with the Exile entirely unaware of it at the time. For that revelation to have had the most impact, the Exile's relationship with Revan would have to have been relatively impartial from the Exile's end, I think: Builded more on respect, admiration, empathy with Revan's (apparent) cause, and "all business" loyalty at the time than on real personal fondness. Still, it seemed clear enough that it was Malak whom was personally responsible for recruiting the Exile in the first place, not Revan. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree. The Exile doesn't speak about Revan much and when he does he doesn't speak very highly of him. But I would assume that Revan and the Exile had to have known each other maybe as acquaintances, because for Revan to make the Exile a general means he has some faith in him before Malachor.
  21. Since everything in the cave was from the Exile's mind he could have thought that Revan used a Violet and Red saber. From what I understand, because of the Exile's ability Revan's plan for him was to either turn himself and everyone at Malachor V to the DS and if they did not turn they would perish. Also HK tells you that Revan actually wanted the Exile to go back to the Council even though it was the Exile's choice and Malak hated the Exile for not going to the Unknown Regions with them and wanted him dead but Revan did not allow it.
  22. Now that I look at closely the picture is faked. Mace only held his lightsaber like that when he put it to Jango's throat. Besides, Mace and crew confronted Palps and Anakin in the same room that was shown in the movie.
  23. LOL, I used to do that on purpose to see if they drop anything cool but now I take Kiph (sp?) shocks head on and the troops do well.
  24. Originally Mace and crew were supposed to go and arrest Palps and Anakin would be there but they cut it and rearranged it.
  25. Priceless Those are good names. Yeah, I did. Posted about it a while ago in one of the K3 threads saying I am getting sick of the "Republic verges on collapse" though Kreia said the Republic will have a fall that will last millenia.
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