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Jedi Master D Murda

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Everything posted by Jedi Master D Murda

  1. I'm sure a Clone Trooper could easily shoot Revan in the back upon the words "Execute Order 66" Bye-bye Revan <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL!!!! Good one!. An embarrassing way for Jedi to die! But still planned to perfection. Then the great Revan should have sensed Malak's betrayal and never been caught off guard <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Too true. I always say that myself. Revan was so great and new of the Sith teachings but couldn't see his over agressive apprentice betraying him, whether it be sooner or later. Then the great Revan should have sensed Malak's betrayal and never been caught off guard <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Friendship creates flaws such as this. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're in denial.
  2. Well I think Canderous is great without being able to turn into a Jedi, that would just ruin him. And Hanharr was supposed to be able to turn into a Jedi but that was cut because word from the higher ups in Lucas's company, or Lucas himself, said that Wookiee's and Hutts can't be Jedi's. Lowbacca and that Hutt Jedi from Planet of Twilight seem to think differently.
  3. They listed a comic book store right near where I work so I guess I will go there to get.
  4. Despite the fact that I am pretty sure there will be a K3, because they said that the pre production of the game was post-poned during the layoffs at LA and not cancelled, the only thing that scares me is that they say it will be for the next gen and doesn't say anything about the current gen.
  5. Sure Revan was intelligent but to fall to the dark side to destroy the True Sith was pretty stupid just like Luke falling to the darkside in order to defeat Palpatine in those Dark Empire comics. Revan's whole plan, in my opinion, was pretty stupid... but that's just me.
  6. I never said the True Sith were weak. It's just that what kind of threat do they pose if Revan had to go to war against the Republic and the Jedi in order to prepare for the True Sith instead of trying to take them head on. At the end of K2 the Jedi are pretty much all dead as well as the Sith(Kreia, Sion, Nihilus) and yet Revan goes off alone to face them "in his own way" as Kreia put it. The way I look at it is that Revan probably had a better chance when he had a third of the Republic fleet and Star Forge. But maybe I am looking at this all wrong.
  7. Oh, he's no one important... just the main character of the comic series j/k And to Reajeasa. The reason I have the feeling that Zayne might be Nihilus is because a long while back someone posted a link to Dark Horse's website and it said they were gonna do a comic about what Nihilus was like before he became a Sith Lord. Whether that was real or not, I don't know. Whether this is that comic, I also don't know. But it might.
  8. I wouldn't say that the comic and games will be one in the same. It does take place a year before the Mandalorian Wars start and a whole 8 years before K1. A few characters might make an appearance here and there but I am pretty sure it will be Zayne Carrick's story. (Who I have a feeling might end up being Nihilus... but that's just me)
  9. I honestly don't know why Revan did not tell the Jedi Council and maybe even the Republic Senate of the True Sith threat instead of taking matters into his own hands like he God or something. I think it might have to be about the infamous quote from Canderous when he says that the Sith offered them the chance to attack the Republic, knowing the Mandalorians couldn't resist, but then says that they retreated back to their Empire. Why didn't Revan take his fleet and go attack the True Sith unless they are more of a threat than we can think of. And people always compare the OJO to the NJO and they feel the NJO would be stronger only because they were always brought up through war unlike the OJO which enjoyed 1000 years of peace and lost it in 3. But I don't think this was part of Revan's plan. Kreia said that Revan learned to despise weakness and probably would have preferred his Empire fightiing the True Sith rather than serving a weak and corrupt Republic and Jedi Council. But while there are all these things happening, Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil War, and the Shadow War against the Jedi led by Nihilus and Sion, the True Sith are just sitting back and enjoying this waiting for the time to strike.
  10. *cough* Visas *cough* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Visas, in my opinion ,was not a true Sith Lady. She seemed confused to me and plus you could turn her to the light side. When I think of a Sith Lady I think of someone like Ysanne Isard. Cold and calculating and even turned on her own father. I understand what you are saying. Before K2 came out they had this screen where it would change between Atris and Nihilus and Atris's face matched Nihilus's mask perfectly. I thought Atris would be Darth Nihilus. But I guess they are the what rolls the wheels of the game in the background ie. Atris putting the Exile in to play and Nihilus destroying Katarr.
  11. Even so, it's still fun to speculate. :D Anyways I really like the idea of a big space battle. I've seen the movies and read many of the books and there is almost always some kind of big space battle.
  12. Seeing as how Kreia was very knowledgable about the Jedi of her time and of the Sith, I'm pretty sure she knew who Nihilus was before he became Nihilus. Plus I never thought of Nihilus as a girl but I would love a young Sith Lady ... maybe for K3
  13. If they allowed us to pick what the Exile and Revan looked like before we started playing K3 that would be great if we had to start with a new character. Plus the comic is supposed to take place a year before the Mandalorian Wars start. But since the comic is an ongoing series I am sure they will get to it soon.
  14. Here is an interview I found while roaming around the Literature forum at theforce.net. http://www.newsarama.com/DarkHorsenew/Star...MillerKotOR.htm It shows some great picks of the comics and there is even a Miraluka. I did see another topic about this comic but it faded away pretty quickly on this forum. The author says there will be easter eggs which seems to imply characters from the games might make an appearance. (w00t) The release of this comic is supposed to be Jan. 25 and it's supposed to take place a year right before the Mandalorians attack the republic. I just want to know if anyone else is as hyped as I am.
  15. Not consciously.
  16. They do mention the Sith. Their refusal to fight the Sith is one of the reasons why Kreia despises them. ("Take me to Atris. She will have the strength to do what the Council cannot.") <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I never thought of that. You have just enlightened me. Anyways she still has Atris killed in the end. Or exiled.
  17. I thought it was Vogga.
  18. Sidious wasn't that great with a lightsaber. He got owned by Windu and Yoda and had to use the force(lightning and hurling pods) to beat them, but by far was the best Sith Lord of all time. Vader, IMHO, was probably the dumbest or least intelligent. Even in some of the books that take place after the OT was described as nothing more than a brute.
  19. Me being a Revan fanboy, I love the way he dresses. But I must confess that when I first played K1 and I didn't know I was Revan I wondered why Revan liked himself covered from head to toe other than the fact that it was to conceal Revan's true identity.
  20. I doubt Revan felt sorry for him. They were best friends after all.
  21. I'm sure Revan saw potential in Malak and that's why he chose him as his apprentice. Revan could have easily killed Malak and get a new apprentice like Sidious did Dooku but he didn't. The problem with turning Malak to the Darkside was leaving him oblivious of what was really going on and his apparent thirst for power.
  22. I obviously know that I am one of the few Malak fans out there but I am and proud of it. Everyone complains about Malak being a dumb brute and from what I've read in Star Wars books was that Vader was just like him. Choking and killing your crew, no subtlety in the things you do. They were so much a like, IMHO. But I voted that Malak was cool. I really liked him and he left his mark on the galaxy. Unfortunately for him he was living in a time where the galaxy belonged to Revan.
  23. Don't think that's possible. Doesn't the whole "force ghost" thing start with Qui Gon.
  24. that's true but why would it be a trick then? mmmm *thinking* - well, sure.. yeah <{POST_SNAPBACK}> To weaken the Republic and weaken the Mandalorians. Once that happens the door is open for the "True Sith" to walk in and take over.
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