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Jedi Master D Murda

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Everything posted by Jedi Master D Murda

  1. I've been wondering who were the members of the Council during this time as well. I do believe Zhar, Dorak, and Vandar were members of the Council as well. I wonder who the other four were as well. But it probably doesn't really matter seeing as there will probably be a new Council come K3.
  2. During the time of the layoffs from Lucasarts it's been said that some of those laidoff were working on K3, but the project has been DELAYED. There will be a K3 it's just we don't know when.
  3. Malak was harder than Kreia. It took me many hours to beat Malak, maybe because Kotor was a new genre of game for me, I usually play FPS's. But the battle against Malak was more epic, Revan vs. Malak. Fighting Kriea was fun but easy. I liked using that Force mind power to turn one of her sabers against the others. But it was less epic for me.
  4. I still don't understand why people think Kreia is "evil". And honestly, did anyone actually believe Kreia wanted to destroy the force?! She teaches you SOOO many things about the force only at the end so she can destroy it... come on! Kreia had to put up a fa
  5. Interesting topic. I have to say that even before the game came out most of knew that the Exile was not the "last of the Jedi", oh how I hate hearing that. I knew there had to be other Jedi out there and as you play the game you discover that there are. I expected to see Bastila in this game in some shape or form and when I did it did seem she was hiding from the Exile. Could be she didn't know of the Exile's intentions, since if you play DS the Exile wants to murder all the Jedi. But I suspect she was just following Revan's order of keeping the Republic strong until he came back. Regarding Nihilus detecting Jedi, isn't it weird that you have a ship full of Force Users: Exile, Kreia, Handmaiden or Disciple, Visas, Bao Dur, and Mira and yet he does not come after the Ebon Hawk. Whatever happened to "Where Jedi gather, Jedi die... guess they were too insignificant.
  6. Really? That would explain the only reason why he would join the war.
  7. Well, the padawan is always with the Master, so if the padawan survives, then instant Masterhood. The only issue would be if the padawan were not with their Master at the time of death (off on a side quest, say) -- then, that would be a good hook for the plot. Maybe have to prove yourself ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah I bet that why Obi-wan was so pissed because anakain joined the sith within months of the jedi knight trial. Offically Obi-wan is a jedi knight who had a padawan (like all Jedi knights at some point) but as Anakain never became a jedi knight, Obi-wan could never become an offical master <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually Anakin was made a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars. If you watched the cartoon you would know this, but if that doesn't please you, in Ep IV Obi-Wan tells Luke: "Yes, I was once a Jedi Knight same as your father." That is exactly what I was referring to. Killing Darth Maul, in effect, was Obi-Wan's trial. And the Council refused Obi-Wan permission to train Anakin. Then they promoted him to Jedi Knight, and he took "anyone" to be his padawan, which just happens to be Anakin. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Council did not refuse permission to train Anakin, they actually granted him permission. Yoda"...the level of Jedi Knight the Council does, but agree with your taking this boy as your padawan learner I do not! "Agree with you the Council does, your apprentice... Skywalker... will be. *sigh* "
  8. Good stuff except Bastila didn't go off to look for Revan, LS. She was with Carth on Telos.
  9. If a new Jedi Order is built in K3, its probably going to built by the Handmaiden, because you eventually find out her mother is Arren Kae, then you train her to be Jedi of course, and Kreia says at the end of K2 that Handmaiden teaches people of the Exile <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Handmaiden merely picks up role of historian like Kreia, Atris and Dorak. I don't think she will be head Jedi. That role is for Revan if and when he comes back. Revan =Yoda and Exile=Windu. There's a spoiler forum for this stuff. <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm pretty sure everyone talking here has played the game in some shape or form. I think those talking about Revan being a traitor when Revan was a LS'der are referring to pre-mindwipe Revan.
  10. Anakin also cried a lot when he turned. But yeah, I was always asking about the emotions of the characters face before K2 came out but the best thing I have seen is when Revan goes DS and smiles that evil smile he does with Bastila on the Ebon Hawk after speaking with Vandar and Dodonna. And I personally like the rotting of the skin when turning to the DS, looks really cool.
  11. You're right. But Visas says that Nhilus travels on the edge of space away from those that can see him. I think the "Sith Vessel" was probably one of those ships that accompanied the Ravager to Telos or the ones Revan and Malak used.
  12. It is possible that K3 might be released on the Xbox rather than the 360. But either way it does not bother me.
  13. I saw that, but I don't think anything can surpass Revan's robes in terms of coolness except Palpatine's black robe. Ebert and Roeper gave it two thumbs up. Great movie!
  14. LOL. I thought the game would be more fun if it was challenging, guess that's just me. Plus I never found my self really stuck on a planet. I would do half of two planets go to Korriban at lvl 18 with Force Storm, lvl up to like 28 and go back and finish the planets with great items and finish up the other planets.
  15. Exactly. For some reason I believe Revan knew he was powerful and to cut himself off from the force would be ridiculous. He didn't form connections through the force like the Exile did. Plus I didn't, and still don't, like the ideas of "wounds in the force" I don't think it's impossible to have Revan start off at level 1, I do remember Carth saying where he once felt Revan is now empty. Just a thought.
  16. I don't remember the Ravager ever finding the Ebon Hawk. As far as I know it was only the Harbinger with Sion that found it and they were not interested with the ship but the ship's cargo, the Exile. That is why Sion attacked the Harbinger in the first place, and you hear it on the holorecord, and Sion says: "I have come for the Jedi" who is the Exile. That's what I keep saying. The "True Sith" have to be those raised from babies, like the Jedi, learning the ways of the ancient Sith. Exar Kun, Ulic Qel-Droma, Revan, Malak, even Dooku and Vader would not be "True Sith" in my opinion though Lucas would call them that.
  17. I think the game will be the overall rebuilding of the Jedi order, so says Kreia. Revan and the Exile will play big time roles in this game but probably won't be playable. As the new PC will probably be trained under the new Council: Brianna, Mical, Atton, Visas, Mira, Jolee, Bastila, Juhani and maybe some new people. But the story will come down to Blue "glowies" fighting Red, not black, "glowies".
  18. Well, they could give some lame excuse as to why Revan or the Exile's power decreased so that we could play them again. But I do see us playing as a "special" padawan sort of how Jaden Korr was.
  19. Yeah I knew that. Everytime I watch Ep II I always say: "Hey, I bet that is where they got the idea for Atris's tunic."
  20. If I would change some things it would: -Revan did not sacrifice himself to the DS he just truly fell. -That "True Sith" crap. I hate hearing about them.
  21. I chose green. But I still wait for the day to get a pink lightsaber.
  22. I enjoyed finding the Jedi Masters but when the game ended I felt it was all for nothing. I didn't really enjoy finding the Star Maps but at the end of the game it felt more fulfilling.
  23. Christ YES only 4 years older than me! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 4 years older than me as well LOL. Anyways, Princess Leia was hot back in the day. But the Hottest Star Wars actress would have to be Dorme. In every scene that she is in in Ep II I can't keep my eyes off her
  24. She didn't really kill them. She showed them the galaxy through eyes of the Exile and they couldn't handle it. Remember that they could not imagine a life without the force and when it was showed to them they basically freaked out.
  25. As I recall, I believe Revan knew about the "True Sith" before he was mindwiped. Remember that Revan did not wage war against the Republic simply out of conquest but he was trying to unify it and supposedly sacrificed himself to the DS to accomplish his task. In K1 Candy tells Revan that it was the Sith, highly possible the "True Sith", gave the "offer" to the Mandalorians to attack the Republic. At the end of K2, LS, Carth tells you that Revan believed that something more was happening and that it was not the choice of the Mandalorians to attack the Republic. Revan, post mindwipe, remembers why he waged war against the Republic and goes to try and stop the "True Sith", or at least delay them so that the Republic has time to heal. You have Mandalore gathering the clans for the army Revan needs, and Revan told him, LS, that he will return. Plus you have Goto doing what he can to help. And you have T3 and Kreia who find the Exile who ultimately destroys what he created, Sion and Nihilus. In conclusion, I believe Revan knew of "True Sith" during the Mandalorian war. Like HK said: the Mandalorian War was to stop the Mandalorian but also to build Revan's new army to unify the Republic against the "True Sith".
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