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Jedi Master D Murda

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Everything posted by Jedi Master D Murda

  1. I've never played pazaak except once in K1, probably my first playthrough. That game is just dumb. I prefer swoop racing but it's pretty much useless in this game.
  2. The cutscenes in this game are horrible, except for Kreia's fall, compared to the cutscenes in K1. Like Revan and Malak finding the first Star Map or Revan getting ambushed by Bastila and her crew, now those were good.
  3. I think that sometimes this is true, mostly for stuff you pick up, like I always get a Jedi Knight or Dark Jedi Knight robe at lvl 21-24 and never before. However I think items sold my merchants are just completely random.
  4. Why did you post that here? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He's desperately looking for Jedi Robes
  5. First I have to agree with Muad'Dib that playing with a new character would be pretty lame but would help with the starting of a new character that gets to start out neutral. I would have to say that the Kotor story is Revan's story, especially after playing K2. I wanted to play as Revan in K2 but we had to play as one of his General's from the Mandalorian Wars and got to see Revan's story, as someone said, more fleshed out. Problem is I don't see K2 standing on it's own as a game like ESB could stand on it's own like a movie. I also see where you are coming from Saint with it not making any sense to play with the Exile or Revan but having a new PC being neutral waking up from somewhere who has to go looking for the Exile and Revan and sees the Mandalorian Wars, and the Jedi Civil War and the Shadow War in K2 from another point of view would be too much to take in.
  6. Sounds about right. Very nice
  7. I miss Vandar. Ever since Ep II I've been wanting to see a Yoda ling in action and TSL would have been Vandar's time to shine, but sadly he was killed on Katarr "looking" for what was striking at them from the shadows. <_<
  8. I have to agree that in K1 Revan was portrayed as an evil person who wanted to rule the galaxy. But was killed by Bastila and Malak. Turns out he wasn't killed but captured and had his memory wiped and redeemed himself. But in K2 Revan is like a hero though evil. He "sacrificed" himself to the darkside so that he could save the Republic. Question is why? Why not just join the "True Sith" or have them join you. Answer might be that these "true Sith" are worse than Freedon Nadd who was worse than Malak and Revan and so on and so on. We'll just have to wait and see.
  9. Don't know if this has been posted but if you persuade the guy, Tarin, on Dantooine to tell you his problem you gain influence with Kreia in your party.
  10. On topic here. I actually liked Malak. He was a force to be reckoned with. He took over Revan's fleet and none could have stopped him but Revan. I really like him and to be honest, I actually missed him after playing K2. To other post, I read that Darth Vader turn to the DS with the intent to become more powerful to stop those he loved from dying. Even though he turned DS it was sort of for the greater good, at least that's what I heard.
  11. The highest with no cheats is possibly 29, that's what I've reached. But anywhere from 27-29 is average.
  12. The more you play the game you will be asking even more questions of Bastila. But I sort of agree with Azure79. Bastila is needed for other things.
  13. Yeah, 15 yrs is too long. After the events of K2 I would so that the events of K3 would have to basically pick immediately after K2. Maybe 2-3 yrs later at the most.
  14. Inside the Korriban tomb where you find the dead Jedi's body. Continually press "a" on the body and a lot of Hssiss will appear. Keep doing so until you reach 50. I've never done it because it is an absolutely waste of time and I lose a lot of patience. I just hope there is another way to get the special robes.
  15. Did you find Jolee's Robe on the xbox version envida? that might mean that those other robes might exist. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> All the robes that are in the pc version exsist in the xbox version too but I have never found them in the game the "normal" way. Only through modding the game (xbox) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That sucks. Is there any truth in the rumor that if you reach Lv. 50 and complete the pylons quest on Nar Shadaa that you get some of these robes? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've heard a lot of people say that it is indeed true, especially on the gamefaqs message board.
  16. Infact, there is an ingame model without a helmet: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Dar...adal_nohelm.jpg <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Very cool.
  17. Does anybody know if Goto has a backstory and if so how do I unlock it? I've heard people say he talks about a lot of things including the Bith scientist that dies in the Nar Shaddaa docks. I've gained influence with him but the only question I can ask is "I wanted to talk about Vogga"
  18. Nice points made. The K2's story is wierd to get around. Basically I think did not care for anyone who followed Revan, maybe that is why Bastila, Juhani, and even Jolee are ignored. Plus the Masters only wanted to find out what happen to the Exile so that they could gain what they needed to fight Nihilus and Sion. And Kavar wasn't the Exile's master, he only wanted him to be his padawan but passed up on that. It is ofcourse odd, but predictable, that your trainees are not acknowledeged. The game was rushed, if it had not been rushed things might have been alot better.
  19. Ugh, how very disappointed I am with TSL now. Just great
  20. You can buy the processor from Kodin on Nar Shaddaa or 1B-8D on Onderon. As for the chassis you can receive it from one of the HK-50 droids that attacks T3 inside Vogga's droid warehouse OR you MIGHT be able to buy it from Kodin, like I did, if Nar Shadda is your last planet before Korriban.
  21. Basically the reason why Revan goes on alone to fight this unknown threat is because Malak already destroyed what "unifying empire" he was already trying to build. To start from scratch would take to long because my LS Revan destroyed the StarForge. I have to agree with Ty about Anakin not falling to the DS in EpII. I too have also watched the documentary and Lucas talks about Anakin dealing with the DS and his emotions and what not but does not fall. To disregard Lucas, the GOD of Star Wars is beyond redemption.
  22. Hey, hate him or love him, he deserved it.
  23. It is normal. I killed Kez Kai Ell by accident and had to fight Vrook and Kavar on Dantooine. But still ended with a LS ending, so don't worry about it.
  24. Sadly there isn't. If there is I must have missed it.
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